9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Arlie says good morning Alli, I need you baby! They both head to the bathroom. Jon and Neda head into the bedroom and Jon says one more day! Neda agrees. All the house guests are really tired. Allison is in the kitchen getting a glass of water. She looks in the mirror and laughs. She then heads to the living room couch and Arlie says good morning. Allsion says its not a good morning. JOn joins them. Allison says I feel like I’m dying. Jon asks Allison if she does a lot of day sleeping for her work. She says she works nights. She says they’re going to hate me. Jon says or love you. Allison says with all the crying. Jon says you cried once or twice. Allison says both times I was drunk and puking. Jon says everybody does it, I’ve seen doctors get wasted.
Tag: Arlie Shaban
Big Brother Canada 2 House Guest Arlie Shaban

Sabrina tells Allison “You never go against crazy you join crazy otherwise crazy will kill you”
12:20AM Allison Sabrina and Rachelle
Sabrina asks them if the final 5 they made with Jon/Neda was real.
Allison – ”I think so”
Sabrina – “you want to keep arlie”
Allison says she doesn’t know.
Sabrina and Allion let out a Huge SIGH
Rachelle tells them Heather and Adel are going after them.
Allison asks them if they want to keep Arlie.
Sabrina – “oh my god yes.. “

Arlie – “I would be scared if I was them.. Taking a swing and missing is devastating for the three of them”
11:08pm Bathroom Arlie, Sabrina and Rachelle
Arlie swearing up and down he’s loyal to the gremlins he’s going after Jon, Neda and Heather. He’s going to raw dog them.
Arlie – I will crush every one of them and send them home.
Arlie says he never will turn on Allison and the Gremlins until final 4 “NEver never never.. I’m telling you the truth I’m being real”
Arlie – Jon is F***d taking a swing at me and miss”
Arlie says Jon gets drunk and makes stupid moves in the game.

Neda – “Oh My God.. This is going to go down as the stupidest move.. F** this veto”
6:22pm Neda, Adel and Jon
Neda – “I’m so over this twist business”
Neda – “That f***g veto.. what was your reaction.. rho was like you can read lips”
Jon asks if Allison really wants to work with Arlie.
Neda – “the whole thing in this game was she’s had zero power..”
Neda explains how Allison teaming up with the Gremlins and Arlie she has power, She planned this all.
Jon – We’re so F*** “
Neda “F** this veto”
Neda – “Oh My God.. This is going to go down as the stupidest move”

BBCAN2 TOP CHEF Challenge – The winning team was the one that could successfully disguise SLOP!
TOP CHEF Canada / Big Brother Canada Reality Challenge.
The House Guests had two teams the Haves & the Havenots where they had a Top Chef Canada challenge. The haves were the judges for the cooking challenge and havenots were split up into two teams – Heather & Neda Versus Arlie & Rachelle. Their mission was to disguise slop using the ingredients they were given. The Haves then judged the two dishes prepared by the two havenot teams and determined which team better disguised the slop. The winners of the challenge get a dinner cooked by two of the current Top Chef Canada contestants Terry Salmond & Vittorio Colacitti. The HaveNots that won the challenge were: Neda and Heather!

Sabrina says if you flip back on Thursday I will drowned you with my own two hands.
1:10pm – 1:40pm In the bathroom – Allison, Sabrina and Rachelle talk about how Neda just revealed to them that she was the one that dumped out the condiments. Rachelle says she told us because she thinks we will trust her more. Sabrina says it doesn’t it makes us hate her. Big Brother puts them on another backyard lock down. Rachelle, Allison, Sabrina and Adel head to the hot tub. They talk about how Jon said Arlie thought Rachelle was Jon’s girlfriend. Rachelle says that is not true ..you can come to my house and egg me if its true. I swear its not true. I have a real boyfriend outside the house. Adel heads inside. Allison, Rachelle and Sabrina talk about being called Arlie’s Angels. Sabrina says we need to do it just for the name. Sabrina says all I know is if you flip back on Thursday I will drowned you with my own two hands. Allison says stop saying that! If you keep saying that I will. Sabrina asks you are for sure voting out Adel?! Allison says YES!

Heather says I told Sabrina I was sorry for the things I said but it was a lie, I am not sorry!
11:25am In the HOH room – Heather tells Jon about her conversation with Sabrina. She says that Sabrina basically told me she didn’t believe me and that she has been a nice person and has never been mean to anyone. Heather says it was a lie I am not sorry for anything I’ve said to her! Jon says she is a master manipulator. Heather says half way through I was pissed off at her and then I was just like whatever. Heather tells Jon she also had a talk with Allison. I lied and told her I would take her to the final 3. I am starting to think that she is more on our side than on the other side because she is a numbers person. If Arlie stayed they would have the numbers but.. Jon says I don’t know any reason why someone would want to keep Arlie in here. Jon asks would you guys even make a final 3 with her.

Adel says Neda thinks you had no reason to use the secret veto, she thinks you’re playing both sides.
9:15am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Adel comments how it’s weird how there’s more people in the slums than in the bedroom. Adel says you’re not going to believe how much snow is outside. In the kitchen – Sabrina says the logic is there to keep him because you, Heather, Neda and Adel are a final 4. Jon tells her that the fact of the matter is that you Rachelle, Neda and I are the true final four. Sabrina says he said you swore on your family and your dog that you wouldn’t put you up. You also had the chance to take him off and you didn’t. Sabrina says I really want to sit down and discuss it with you and Neda. Jon says me and Ned’s talked for the first time since it all went down and we definitely want to talk to you. Sabrina says the four of us should sit down.

Neda – “I don’t get what Allison is doing.. she’s sitting there on that bed with a smirk on her face”
12:25AM HOH Neda, Heather and Jon
Heather says he talked to Allison in the bathroom, she doesn’t trust her says she speaks a lot of bullsh1t.
Jon isn’t worried about Allison keeping Arlie this week. Heather agrees.
Heather tells them they need to get rid of Allison right after Arlie and after that worry about the gremlins.
Neda says put a gremlin up against Allison to make sure we have the votes to get her out.
Neda points out once Allison is gone the game is theirs.
Heather says Jon taking out Arlie will be the biggest move of the season.
Heather – “This is the best thing that could happen for our game.”
Jon – “100 percent”

Sabrina – “We’re going to blindside the f** outta them.. we have the brains we have the muscle”
10:25pm Allison and Rachelle
Rachelle I think we have to keep Arlie.
Allison laughs..
Rachelle – “it makes so much sense”
Allison – “what did he say to you”
Rachelle – “It keeps us in the game longer if we get rid of Adel it’s only Heather and Neda in the HOH and if they do win the are getting out Arlie not us”
Rachelle – “We will probably win HOH and take out Jon”
Rachelle explains Jon, Heather, Neda and Adel are very tight group.

The Gremlins plan to save Arlie, “Crazy how sh!t changes so fast”
8:31pm Hot tub Arlie and Sabrina
(Sabrina is sounding convinced keeping Arlie is what’s best for their game.)
Arlie – “I’m telling you girls we would crush them.. “
Sabrina – “It makes so much sense
Rachelle – “Our crew would be stronger Allison is strong too”
Arle – “If you can tell Allison we’re real.. “
Sabrina tells her it will be easy for them to convince Allison to vote him to stay.

Sabrina “Awesome day for the Gremlins, We have the Numbers if Arlie stays”
6:44pm Hot tub Sabrina and Rachelle
Sabrina says it is a good idea to keep Arlie and get rid of Adel, If they keep Arlie he will go after Jon and Neda 1000 percent. Sabrina says the Neda Jon duo is the strongest thing in the game. Rachelle disagrees, says if she wins HOH she’s putting Jon. She mentions how they both swore to Jon they wouldn’t put him she feels bad about it a bit. Sabrina tells her with Arlie on their side they now have the numbers.
Rachelle says the only competition they have is Arlie and Jon. This week they take Arlie out next week they take Jon out and it’s smooth sailing to final 2.
Rachelle thinks Arlie will screw them, Sabrina “He’s not going back to work with Jon”
Rachelle – “He’s working with himself”