12:24pm HOH Spencer and Andy
Andy: “I have your back and I don’t want you going anywhere.. I just want you to know if you go up there is no chance in hell you are going home”
Spencer doesn’t like the idea of going up but he trusts Andy
Andy explains he’s trying to go into next week with nobody mad at him he has solidified with everyone that Jessie is the target and is set to go home. If Jessie wins POV then GM goes up and GM goes home
Andy: ‘I have been loyal and if any one f*** me I can turn so many people against them”
Spencer: “OK I trust you”
Andy says there are 3 pairs in the house if he puts up anyone of those 3 pairs the other one will be gunning for him. The only option he has is to put up Spence. If he puts up GM Aaryn will come after him.
Andy: ‘I want to tell you don’t pack your bags… plus this downplays how much I care about you”