6:24pm HOH Everyone but Aaryn and Jessie
Amanda tells them about Jessie flirting with McCrae. Amanda called her out on it and ever since that Jessie has been gunning after her. Amanda brings up Jessie asking MC to hold her hair. She gives MC a hard time for saying yes. Gm says she did the same thing to Nick and she gave him a look and he put his head down and walked away from Jessie, “Ya he knows the snap and the look” (LOL)
Elissa: ‘Nick was whipped from Ginamarie” (HAHAHA the look on Elissa’s face)
Helen says she was so abused by JEremy during the first couple weeks she never noticed the showmances.
Ginamarie says Jessie would stretch and flare her a$$ out in front of Spencer and howard all the time.