Live Eviction Episode: March 14th, 2013 @ 10pm ET/PT
As a special twist Big Brother Canada offered the viewing public an opportunity to potentially alter the game. The twist was called the “Chevrolet PowerShift” where viewers were able to vote online to veto one of the nominations. This is an interesting twist that could that is loved by fans who like influencing decision that impact the game but hated by fans that want a purely uninfluenced game. As it stands within the house it should be a fairly clean sweep to evict Suzette, however it is likely that Canada has voted to use the veto on Suzette in an attempt to stir up additional drama in the house. As a result Tom will have to immediately nominate another house guest. I predict Tom will nominate Aneal as the replacement nominee. (Tom CANNOT nominate Gary as he current has a power of veto.)