Last night on the finale of Big Brother Canada 2 the winner Jon Pardy was crowned by a vote of 6-1 and took home the grand prize of $100,000, $25,000 gift certificate to the brick and a $10,000 vacation sponsored by Twistos. Sabrina Abbate took second place and left with the second place prize of $20,000. The visually bitter Neda Kalantar walked away with only regrets and disappointment in not being the one to have been able to cut Jon had she beat him in the final part of the 3 part HOH competition.
Tag: Andrew Gordon
Big Brother Canada 2 House Guest

late night Condom Pranks “What is Big Brother Pumping In the air we can’t sleep”
12:35AM Bedroom Jon and Adel are blowing up condoms Arlie jumps in for some fun. Sounds like theyu stuff the condoms in Kenny’s bag.
Jon say his hands reek of condoms and he can taste it in his mouth. They decide to move the condoms and just put them in the hallways. Adel “F** Hurry up before the gremlins come” (LOL)
They laugh at Adel’s condom being so small, Adel – “It’s a little chub”
(Check out the picture below at one point Adel and Neda pretend to be gremlins coming into the bedroom)

Heather tells them who her nominees are “Worst case scenario is Allison goes home “
10:33pm HOH Heather and Allison
heather says Rachelle’s punishment is that she will spend tonight thinking she is going up tomorrow. Heather says Allison is her friend and she really genuinely likes her..
Heather says Rachelle and Heather are not very nice friends. They were “Friends” with her earlier in the game and they turned on her.
Allison – “I’m telling you right now Kenny will stay”
Heather says if she wins POV she i’ll take Allison off the block. Heather – “Kenny is my target not you”

Rachelle eats a fuzzy peach House goes on slop, Heather “I want my root beer vodka”
8:25pm Hammock Kenny, Momzi and Arlie
Sarah thinks “Its” going to be the next “prize thing” and it’s going to be big. Sarah is depressed says she’s an decision for not using her slop pass. Arlie says it’s a good idea it’ll pay of in the long run. Sarah just really needs a letter from home.
Kenny leaves to go eat slop.
Sarah says she “Loves’ Arlie.
Arlie says he ”Loves” her.
Arlie says he may have been able to talk the other side into not backdooring Kenny.
Arlie says there’s a chance Kenny will stay. Sarah knows but isn’t getting her hopes up. She says Kenny has told her he will hold nothing against her in this game so is emotionally clear.

Sab’s reasons to vote against Rachelle “All of Canada isn’t going to like me going against my Alliance”
5:53pm Have nots Rachelle and Sabrina
Sabrina has told Rachelle if her and Kenny go up it’s putting Sabrian in a very tough position. Sabrina ould have to vote out Rachelle because she has trust and loyalty with a group of people from the beginning.
Sabrina – “I trust you more than anybody that is not the problem it’s a horrible position I’m in”
Sabrina – My biggest fear is you will never talk to me again”
Rachelle tells her she’s not going to hate Sabrina if she votes her out she just would never do it, Thats why she doesn’t get what Sabrina is doing

The House Guests are given a TASK to make SOCK PUPPETS of each other!
3:30pm The live feeds return after being blocked when the house guests were told by big brother that they had 15 minutes to pack all of their things in a bag. When the live feeds come back on all of the house guests are sitting around the kitchen table making sock puppets of each other as a house guest task. Big Brother blocks the feeds again and then when the feeds come back they house guest are trying to finish the puppets as soon as they can as they were told they only have 5 more minutes to complete the task.

Sarah says to save Kenny I could go on a rampage to get voted out. I could self-sabotage!
1:15pm – 1:50pm Sarah tells Allison, Rachelle and Sabrina – I don’t want Heather to put up Rachelle with Kenny. I want her to put up me with Kenny. If something gets f**ked up at least I can go home to my kids. If you guys wanted to keep the strong Kenny then I would be okay because I would be with my kids. I just feel like a strong one is coming up and I think Kenny is going to win it. Sabrina says I am not going to vote you out. Sarah says I could go on a rampage and then everyone would vote me out. I could self-sabotage. If we could convince them to put me up then you guys could still stay strong. Sabrina says I am not going to vote you out. Sarah says you don’t know the sh*t I am going to say about you to get you to vote me out. Sabrina says what, what would you say? Sarah says I would get you to vote me out. Sabrina asks what is wrong with your head! Sarah says my kids mean more to me than this.

Arlie says imagine if they paid Janelle 10G’s to kiss Kenny. Arlie says I would kiss Kenny for no money!
11:40am Kenny, Sabrina, Arlie, Rachelle, Neda, Adel, Allison and Sarah are all in the hot tub talking about random things. Jon and Heather come out and they all start dancing in the rain. Adel says Allison & Kenny you probably know Andrew best, what do you think he’s doing right now. The others say he’s crushing darts and beers. Kenny says in 24 hours he is going to be absolutely obliterated. Big Brother blocks the feeds. When the feeds come back, Big Brother has told them that they need to go to the backyard for a lock down. In the bedroom – Sabrina asks if Neda knows any new news? Neda says no. Sabrina says I am not voting out Rachelle. Neda says yeah I won’t either. Sabrina says even though I will be going home next week. Neda says its not okay that they’re threatening you. Sabrina says well they’re not directly, I just know what’s going on. Meanwhile in the bedroom – Adel and Arlie are getting ready to be locked outside.

Kenny says the slop is f**king terrible!! Sarah says that way is literally like eating vomit!
9:15am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Kenny says that the slop is f**king terrible. I can’t get over the texture of it. Sarah complains of her headache still being really bad. Jon asks her if she is going to use her slop pass this week? Sarah says she doesn’t know. Sarah ask Kenny if he wants her to make the slop the other way ..because that way is literally like eating vomit! Kenny weighs himself and says he is 173 on the dot. Rachelle asks him if that’s what he normally is? Kenny says yeah 173 – 175 usually. Kenny heads back to the kitchen. Sarah tells Kenny that bowl of slop you poured was ambitious. Sarah made him the other slop with sugar and syrup. She asks him if that’s better. Kenny says yeah its better. Sarah says its not so much better, its just edible.

Big Brother Canada HOH/Eviction Farewell to the Boogermance
So Canada did you enjoy your HOH? We nominated Sabrina and Andrew AKA the boogermance. Jon won the Power of Veto and chose not to use it on either of the nominees. His excuse was that he felt if he used the veto he ran the risk of someone close to him going up, someone like Neda. This is because the assumption in the house is that Neda hasn’t been involved in much “Game Play” she will not be liked by Canada and would therefore have a lot of votes to be nominated. Andrew didn’t do much campaigning to stay, he stated that he loved Sabrina too much to do that.. groan. Kenny did more campaigning for Andrew than he did for himself. Sabrina did a bit of campaigning but again she said she loved Andrew too much to go against him and break their boogermance.

Big Brother Canada 2 – Neda & Sarah tell Sabrina to not even pack her bags.
12:10pm By the front door – Neda is ironing her shirts for the house guests to wear. Neda says I am like regreting the decision of wanting to work with him. Jon says HUNDO! Neda says what the f**K! Neda says I already said he has a curse on his head and whoever works with him goes home. JOn says as soon as we get power.. Neda says yeah I am over it, don’t need it any more. Jon heads to the main bedroom to lay down. He tells Rachelle that if he wins HOH she is safe. Racehelle says he is too if she wins. They discuss whether or not it will be a double eviction. Jon says after Andrew leaves we can send Heather or Adel home.. He says so much sh*t. I don’t even believe his power. He showed me the back but it was ripped off. It could have been just for one week for all we know. I guess we’ll find out tonight. Rachelle says she’s worried about going. Jon says even if you went up you would have the votes to stay. They talk about how the next people to go should be Heather, Adel and Allison.

Jon tells Kenny: Me, You, Sarah & Neda could be a powerful force.. Kenny says you’re f**king going home!
9:20am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. In the storage room – Jon and Kenny have a quick conversation. Jon tells Kenny that once Andrew is gone he wants them to get back to the way things were back on day 1. Jon says he knows we’re not at the point we were at and I want to get back to that. Kenny says that since yesterday he’s been hearing things. Jon says no since a week and a half ago. Jon tells Kenny that if he, Kenny, Sarah and Neda teamed up we could be a powerful force. Jon tells Kenny that he isn’t coming after him and won’t put him up if he wins HOH. After they finish their conversation Jon leaves the storage room and Kenny says you’re f**king going home.
Jon races up to the main bedroom. He lays on the bed and starts being really loud. Neda tells him to shut up and puts her hand over his mouth. She tells him its too early for that.