12:58 pm Matt, Bowie and America, Felicia, Cam.
Felicia is called to the diary room and leaves. Cam follows her out to the kitchen to make food.
America – what was the point of that other than making people feel uncomfortable?
Bowie – She (Felicia) said I have nothing to lose..
Bowie – She (Felicia) was coming in (HOH) fired up
Bowie – she’s assuming she’s going now. she feels like she has nothing to lose.
America – what is the point
Tag: America Lopez
“If I get rid of him now it will shake up the house so bad we might not be able to hold it together”
10:19 am Cam and Bowie
Talking about their final 2.
Cam warns her about Blue do not trust her.
Cam asks what they were talking in the scary room when he walked in.
Bowie says strategy for the slip n slide
Bowie asks if the noms are staying the same.
“I’m going to take out the biggest f**king player in this house!” **updated**
6:28pm HOH room – Cameron and Matt.
Matt – I think Jag is still worried about it. Cam – he is not worried about it, he has something going on. That’s how I feel. Matt – yeah.. he also did bring up a good point I would agree on is.. you take this shot.. Cameron – Cory was talking to the whole group about me last night. Matt – what group? Cameron – the whole group down there last night .. he had to have said something. What did he say? Matt – I am trying to remember. Cory is obviously worried about you. I haven’t been around Cory that much yesterday or today but I know he is f**king nervous. He is nervous that you, me and Jag are getting close and that me and Jag are getting close to you. I still need to talk to him. Cameron – he has got to go! Matt – yeah. Cameron – he has got to go at some point and we’ve got him in the crosshairs right now. Lets pull the trigger. The only thing holding us back right now is if Jag has some sort of a deal with him. Jag is working angles. He is a smart guy. That is why we want to play with him. I would do the same if I were Jag. Matt – he (Jag) was saying if you take that shot, that everyone in the house is going to be mad and they’re all going to gun for you next week.
Cam “Lets open the game up. Now lets take the shot. Its time to dance!”
12:05pm HOH room – Cameron and Matt.
Matt – honestly the more I sit on it, the more I am on your plan. Cam – I know that sounds good but Jag is the one. You’re closest with Jag. Matt – yeah I would have to convince him. Cam – its not that. If you feel in any way that he has some sort of real deal or connection of Cory to bust us up. That he is just not letting you in on, do you think there is anything like that? Because I am with the 3. Matt – Jag knows that he (Cory) needs to go. Cam – I am with the three of us. Matt – he (Cory) just had another 2 hour convo with Meme in the hammock. Like why would you need to have a 2 hour convo with you know you’re going to vote to keep her as the plan right now is Felicia is gone. So he is probably wording it like I’m going to keep you because bla bla bla. He is getting nervous and I am like why are you getting so nervous about things. Cam – remember what I told you about Izzy.. when you have the power and someone gets very nervous about you doing something to them… its because they’re thinking of doing it to you. Matt – yeah. Cam – period.
Jag – “This week all it takes is for us to say yes to Cam, Corey’s a$$ is home.” **updated**
10:11 am Matt and Jag
Jag – there’s so much for us to think about
MATT – I know DUDE. We’re in such a good position but we won’t be if we make a move
Jag – MOMMA FE has to go I think
Matt – she has to go she’s after us BRO..
Jag – is there a world where Corey leaves this week and it’s good for us?
MATT – it’s only good if Corey leaves this week and Cameron leaves next. Then we’re the last few guys then the girls will band.
Jag – We have Bowie
Matt – Blue wouldn’t
Jag – Blue would Bowie wouldn’t
Cameron – “I can do whatever the F*** I want”
1:32 am Cam, Matt and Jag
Cam is saying if Corey is in the house he’ will build an amary.
Cam – we have the ability to pull Bowie. that’s four. We can pull Blue or America. We can have a majority to move forward but with im in the house we don’t have America
Matt – Blue won’t leave Cirie’s side
Cam – Then we will take Cirie next I don’t care
Jag – there is a shot we need to take at him eventually. I still.. My gut is telling me it’s an early shot.
Cam – we’re going down to 9 people
Jag – we’re still good next week and the week after.
“The four of you guys need to work together to f**k him up! I don’t want him to win this! NOT AT ALL!”
8:24pm Comic Bedroom – Meme and Felicia.
Meme – are you okay? Felicia – Mmmmhmmmmm.. Meme – Mess that’s my theory and I’m sticking to it. Felicia – that’s my theory and I’m sticking to it. I wanted to say that to Jag and Matt just like you guys be a fool if you want to if you guys don’t take his (Cameron) a$$ out next week… he is going all the way to then end. You have to recognize that. GET HIM GONE! The four of you guys need to work together to f**k him up! Meme – Huh. Well we’ll see what they say. Felicia – RIGHT! And they might go right upstairs and tell him and if they do shame on them. SHAME ON THEM! They really crazy if they go do that! I mean I don’t care because I will stand and say that sh*t in front of him. I don’t want him to win this! NOT AT ALL! I don’t care what he has done in competitions .. he has no people skills what so ever. He thinks he does but he doesn’t. He got his a$$ up and came in because he was afraid of what I might say in the house.
CAMERON WON The VETO!! ” I had a feeling that Cameron was going to do well.. some kind of military training.”
Bathroom – Meme and Blue.
Blue – You’re good! You’re good. The verdict is you’re safe. Meme – I know. I am so mad that I couldn’t win that. I wanted us to have a f**king movie night! Blue – I know. Meme – I didn’t waste one second. Blue – the moment I walked out of there I was like Meme got me beat! I know America and Matt did not do well! I had a feeling that Cameron was going to do well in this one. Some kind of military training. Meme – its crazy! Blue – you’re good, you’re good. I will tell you if I hear anything. Meme – I just really wish I could have taken myself down! Blue – but you did well!
“I’m glad to sit this one out .. a nice good old classic Cameron win”
8:57 am Feeds return after Veto players were picked. Felicia picked Blue. MEME picked America, Jag is hosting.
Jag – Blue gets houseguest choice..
Corey – I don’t think it’s that surprising They spend a lot of time in the comic room. Cirie and Blue.
Corey – I don’t think Blue will use it.
Coey – I’m glad to sit this one out
Jag – same
Corey – a nice good old classic Cameron win.. Maybe Matt.. Actually I want America to win
Jag – A new person winning would be cool
Cam “In no way shape or form is anyone in this room going to be put on the block as a pawn. Not f**king happening.”
5:48pm – 6pm HOH room – Felicia, Bowie, Matt and Jag.
Bowie – She (Felicia) is paranoid! We were sitting outside in silence and she was like well I’ll sit over here so you can talk. We were like you can sit here. And then he (Cam) was like I’ve got a room if we need to talk. Its like Izzy, the way they go about getting votes is bizarre. Cam – no she is not trying to get votes. She is sulking. Bowie – but that is not how you get votes. Cam – I could tell you what she pitched to me but it was f**king bizarre.. BB blocks the feeds. Cam – I definitely know who I want to leave this week and we all agree who we want to leave this week. And in no way shape or form is anyone in this room going to be put on the block as a pawn. Not happening. Not f**king happening. Which leaves us the choice of about three people. Jag – Cory, America, Blue, Cirie. Cam – in that scenario the only person I see surviving and Felicia definitely going home because of us is Blue.
Bowie – “It’s so much more pleasant in here now” **updated**
11:00 am Bowie and Cam
Cam says this past month all the sh1t they’ve been through he’s always thought “Man Bowie’s always there dude”
Bowie I was looking at the wall I”m always mad looking at that wall seeing REDs face. I’m like F*** that sh1t
Cameron – that pisses me off
Bowie – I’m still mad about it.
Cam – when you look back at this that HOH I won the live one when I walked back in with the key I was LIVID LIVID
Bowie – I was LIVID
Cam – so pissed
Felicia – I got to figure out how to get 4 votes.. It depends who he sits my a$$ next to. **updated**
Felicia – those same conversations you have at 3 in the morning you can have at 3 on the afternoon.
They laugh
Felicia – I said tomorrow when they wake them all up at 7:30 for the veto they’ll all be mad.
Felicia – I got to figure out how to get 4 votes.. It depends who he sits my a$$ next to. I’ll know if he wants me gone based on who I sit next to.
Felicia says if they get the backyard today they know veto is in the basement. If it’s closed they know it’ll be in the backyard.
Felicia – they don’t have time to build OTEV
Cirie – what is OTEV again?
Felicia explains “You find the face.. Climb up the rope and get to the top.. each time they get rid of the rope”