5:50pm Comic Bedroom – Cirie and Izzy.
Izzy – my biggest concern is that I don’t necessarily think our paranoia about the backdoor is wrong. Cirie – why?! Izzy – because it would have been brilliant! Cirie – I know but I need more than that. Yes it would have. I need that one plus one equals two .. or at least get close to it. It can’t just be because it would have been brilliant. Izzy – I know. I am still confused why she picked you to be host. I am confused about why she was all hugging and bestie-ing. Red .. it seems like buttering up. Cirie – are we paranoid?! I am not paranoid.. I know what I saw when I walked in. The shuffle and Red started doing this. I am going to ask her what was the conversation in the kitchen when we walked in… its time to sh*t or get off the pot!!