7:50pm Games room – Jared and Cory
Jared – the good thing about right now.. nobody is thinking about us right now and the next four nominees. I mean obviously if they don’t win. The next four.. Cam, Red, Blue and Jag I mean not in any specific order. Depending on who it is. Cory – like if you win are you going with Cam or Red? Jared – Cam & Jag. No no no you said am I going Cam and Jag? Cory – because I don’t think you would go Cam and Blue. Jared – no no no, I would go Red and.. Cory – isn’t he in the group of 8 now? Jared – he is at the bottom of that.. and remember that is why I was telling you .. the reason why people are scared to nominate Red is because people think he is connected to Bowie. Cory – why the f**k are people scared of Bowie? Jared – we don’t but she’s in it.. you know what I mean. Cory – that whole thing is f**king bullsh*t. Its good for Felicia I think. Jared – I think it is Felicia clinging onto life. I just like to hear more than anything that my 3 is included. So once that happened I didn’t care who else was in it. The only thing that worries me about Cameron is him attacking our side. Cory – I think he is pretty f**king open with me.. and when I say that I think it is Red and then it is f**king me.