It’s going down tonight. Preasure COOKER BABY! After years of Fans begging we’re finally getting a return of the preasure cooker competition. How will this new crop of houseguests compare with Season 6? Let us know in the comments how many minutes/hours you expect this to last. I’m placing my chips on 34 minutes, it’ll be a insta-pot. This week of Big Brother 25 was kinda neat. Hisam got the blindside we all wanted, Felicia got a case of HOH-itis and Cirie/Izzy created another 13 paranoia alliances. Here’s some details. BIG MOMMA Felicia won the Head of Household and was set on backdooring Hisam. There was many reason I won’t get into but the one big one was him creating side alliances with the Blue/Jag and their Ilk. This is standard HOH practice early in the game. He also behaved like a HOH douche-canoe and told America that he was stuck with Leftover players that can’t win sh1t.
Tag: America Lopez

Felicia “If we bring you in and we get wind that you’re being flaky, you’ll be the first one to f**king go!”
10:22pm Comic Bedroom – America, Izzy, Cirie
Felicia – so you came and talked to me this morning. Tell me who else has talked to you today? America – Cory. Felicia – about? America – just sort of talking about solidifying something. Felicia – so that is what I wanted to talk to you about .. we want to bring you guys in… under 1 condition. Now America, I am just going to say this .. People think you’re flaky. Because you’ve been playing both sides. And you’ve been staying where its convenient. If we bring you in and we get wind that you’re being flaky… you’ll be the first one to f**king go! America – No, I know. I know. And he brought up the hesitation of me being closed to Jag.

Cory “EVERYONE has a crush on America. She is very flirtatious.” Izzy “Because boys & their d**ks, are you kidding!? Come on!”
7pm HOH room – Jared, Meme, Cirie and Felicia.
Felicia – I don’t know what to do. I got to sleep on this one. Jared – I agree. Felicia – I am waiting to see what my spirit tells me tomorrow. I work off that .. tell me what to do. Tell me what to do. Tell me what to do. Jared – I woke up today and the first thing I thought was it might be smart to keep Hisam because I truly want to separate this Cameron and Red situation as fast as possible. Cirie – and then all of a sudden everybody is willing to say who their targets are. Meme – ain’t nobody said that in 2 or 3 weeks. Now ya’ll in group six. Felicia – sitting down there talking to him, I think he realized the mistakes he’s made. Cirie – I know it would be a risk but which risk would be worse? Jared – that’s what I was saying earlier. Meme – that is one of my concerns, that he has made all of these promises to other people on the other side. Cirie – he told me that he told every person he talked today ..

Corey – “What the F**** .. why why … it doesn’t make sense man.”
4:20 pm Corey alone after talking to Izzy.
Corey – I’m actually trying to help her. I’m actually trying to help her she doesn’t see how f***ing stupid this Idea is.. Granted it’s very stupid for me too what am I supposed to do? I have to clue in America.. I’m not going to be a f***ing loser. Dude this final 6 now with MEME What the f*** that does that do for me. At least it would be a defined f**ing group. It’s a useless f***ing group at the same time.. I HATE THIS F****ing idea so much.

Cam “I think Blue & America are sitting ducks once Jag is gone. Jag is the fuel behind the fire.”
10pm HOH room – Cirie, Cameron, Red.
Cirie – I am excited about this Cam because I don’t ever want to feel like they aren’t a part of something. And that was the old, right.. that has dissolved. This is going to be the new that includes all of us. Red – equally. Cirie – equally, right. Each time everyone says they’re not going to be dictator but that’s what it felt like. Right? And we can’t have that. Cam – We’re not allowed to use Right. Right?! Right?! Right! Agh.. shut up! (LOL) Cirie – no, its not right! Cam – its awful! Right!? Red – but the Hisam era has passed and there is no need to dwell in that. Moving forward I am Jag’s target, next week. Cam – basically Cory told me that. Red – he told Matt the same thing. Cam – Jag told Cory that. And Cory goes, Jag knows that I am close to you.. so he said take this with a grain of salt but Jag is throwing out Red’s name. But seeing as the usual platform the last couple weeks .. I can only think of one person that would go up next to him (Himself – Cam).

“So like how do I feel? I feel like I am going home! Right?! That is how I feel, right!? Right!?”
7pm Kitchen – Meme & Hisam
Meme – If I can be honest with you for a moment, I would say that where I think things started to take a shift was following the.. Hisam – veto meeting. Meme – yes, with the speech that was given to Reilly. I think that it was not for 1 singular person. I think maybe everyone felt uneasy. Hisam – everyone did. I did. Meme – or the way that it was delivered. So I think that is where a little of this started to transpire from my observation. Hisam – true. Meme – and this is just speaking for myself. Other people might have a different viewpoint. And from there .. you know there is maybe a certain set of feelings or emotions or understanding that you kind of come to about that may have been perceived to be. And you maybe feeling like there was a level of protection that you wanted to ensure for yourself based on how people my have felt from that and as a result of that there were actions and steps taking by people. Hisam – where it came from was.. America said I didn’t know who the target was ..and so the speech comes from a place of trying to be very clear. Right?!

America – “I’m not telling Blue sh!t anymore” **updated**
4:05 pm America and Corey
Corey – did you talk to Izzy?
America – I did.. I told her what he told me. He didn’t mention her name once to me.
Corey – did you tell her about the 8 person
America – Yup
Corey – then we should be good then. How do you feel?
America – I feel fine. I know yesterday she was doubting I was being honest.

Izzy “I worry that you’re not happy in here. It always seemed like if you were touched, you would pop! I was scared!”
11:23pm Backyard Upper level – Hisam and Izzy.
Hisam – I was thinking about this moment and about our conversation in the HOH room .. and I owe you a huge apology. Izzy – I appreciate that. Hisam – and I apologize. Izzy – I accept it. I accept it. Hisam – I didn’t realize what I was doing to us and how my actions. I was not trying to manipulate you and I am really sorry that it came off that way and I am sorry that I hurt you that way. Izzy – thank you. Hisam – which is why I think you said, you don’t know anything about me. Other than I’m married to Paige and she works in a theatre. And I think like I assumed inappropriately… so I can see how now I felt like I had reduced you to just that.. as I had also reduced myself to just that. Izzy – yeah. Hisam – thinking that might connect us. So I am sorry. Izzy – I accept it. Thank you. I think you have so much to offer. I think your heart is in the right place. I think none of us could prepare for what it would feel like in here.. and I worry that you’re not happy in here.

“I will promise you I will do everything in my power to keep you all safe. I will go after them that have done this to me.. that is a fact!”
7:34pm Bedroom – Hisam and Jag.
Hisam – right now my alliance has voted me out and there is still a lot of game players left. I am a strong competitor. I can win things. I would be a good alliance member. I have been loyal to my group .. till the end. I have been trying to protect them to the end. I have been winning to keep them all safe. Right!? That was not my plan when I came here. My plan and my game was to stay under the radar because there is already.. I already look like I workout. And I was already concerned that people would see me as a threat. So my gameplay was to actually be quite but then I got aligned with a bunch of people .. right!? That happened that way.. Right?! Nice people, likable people.. we aligned. Right!? And then I find out that if I don’t win.. that we are not going to be safe. And everything inside of me… everything about me is to protect the people that I am with. Its what my name means! AND I literally think about using the veto on Felicia because I don’t want the oldest person to be out of the game because I am aligned with her ..

Hasmin -“You will see… right.. I’ve been honest and open with you and you will see.. you will see. right” **UPDATED**
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Felicia Nominees: Cameron and Jag Hisam POV Players: Cameron, Jag, Felicia, Izzy, Red, Corey – Host is Bowie POV Winner: Jag Veto Ceremony: Jag used the veto on himself. Felicia nominates Hisam in his place. Havenots: America, Matt, Red Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results […]

Jag – “Red staying is BAD” ** updated **
10:13 am Jag, Jared and Matt
(They are discussing keeping Hisam)
Jag – there’s a middle group that will be Red, Cameron
Jared – Bowie, America
Jag – and the only reason we say that is because if Red wins
Matt – we’ll put up and Blue up
Jag – yes

Hisam – “I talked to Matt.. Clueless.. Doesn’t have a clue..”
12:42 am Hisam and The comic room girls (Cerie, MEME, Bowie, Izzy)
They’re joking around about “Choking the chicken” a phrase Bowie introduced them to. Hisam joins them.
Hisam – I talked to Matt.. Clueless.. Doesn’t have a clue..
They start talking about getting sunburns..