8:12pm Comic Bedroom – Cirie, Felicia.
Felicia – maybe if we say listen I know you don’t want to hear this. They’re not going to take any deals. Jag is their target and you should probably just shut up. Cirie – I will tell Jared to tell her. Felicia – because if you do anything, they will flip that script on you. Cirie goes to get Jared. Cirie comes back and tells Felicia – I am going to vote her a$$ out.. I am going to tell him straight up. I am telling him to tell her. Felicia – tell him to tell her if she says anything and we get wind of it.. we will flip that scrip on her a$$ and she will be the one going. Jared joins them. Cirie tells Jared – Jag is the target, they just told us to vote out Jag. But Blue is telling Jag that she wants to talk to Red to see if he will possibly use the veto and possibly put someone else up. I’ve already talked about the 7 deadly sins… if Blue tells them everything, we going to vote Blue out. Jared – I’m with you. Felicia – you better tell Blue to shut up! She ain’t got to tell Jag..