Bedroom – Blue and Jared.
Blue – Bowie told me that I am good. I told her that I am going to throw the comp tomorrow. I said that I am going to throw the comp if I stay because I don’t want a bigger target on my back. Jared – Red is under the impression that you’re going to come after him. Blue – I am sure he is. And then when Cameron pressed Cirie about it she told him that I am throw the comp. And then Bowie was like oh like I don’t think has mentioned you and Jared. I think you guys are good. Jared – things change hourly, damn near daily. I want to talk to Cameron. I don’t even know if I should bother talking to Red. I might as well. I don’t know. Jared – Cameron is one thing, but I would be more focused on Red because you’ve already covered with Cam. But if you talk to one you should talk to the other. I would definitely talk to Red because he can play next week and could win. He (Cam) can’t vote this week and Red can. Jared – Now I’ve got to see you pack.