POV Holder: Donny Next POV July 4th POV Used ? POV Ceremony ? HOH Winner Team 1: Frankie HOH Winner Team 2: Caleb (current HOH) Battle of the Block Winner Brittany, Victoria Next HOH/ Next BOB ? Original Nominations: Caleb noms (Donny, Paola) Frankie noms (Brittany, Victoria) Current Nominations: ? Have Nots Cody, Hayden, Joey, […]
Tag: Amber Borzotra
Big Brother 16 House guest

Joey Pukes, an A$$tronaunt and Devin’s delusions “I’ve done so much dirty work. I’m tired of it””
9:30 POW POW and Amber Fire Room
POW POW – “This game is crazy.. it’s just crazy.. we don’t know what is next”
POW POW is worried about what Caleb is going to do “Do you think everyone likes me in the house”
Amber – ‘everyone likes each other that’s the problem”
They have a laugh about POW POW’s attempt during the POV to spell “Calculator” they keep saying “Calturou” which what she tried to spell.
POW POW – “I tried”

Final 4 Dreams Zach And Frankie “We’re like Memphis and Dan I have complete trust in you”
6:00pm HOH Zach and Frankie
Zach says POW POW isn’t very smart he’s certain she will implode. Frankie is shocked she hasn’t imploded already.
Frankie says Donny is a real threat right now but he won the POV. They agree POW POW is not a Threat. They joke about her struggling to spell “Calculator”.
Zach – “I think Donny will put up Caleb if he wins HOH” Zach mentions his secret fake alliance with Cody and Derrick and how Cody does not like Devin.
Zach goes over their divide and conquer plan. They each have a side alliance with two people they ride the 8 person alliance until the other side is gone. After that they use

Caleb wants it to be a House Decision tells Joey “Just prepare yourself that is all I have to say””
4:42pm Lounge Amber and Caleb
Caleb ask her if Donny had not won what would she have done.
Amber knows the guys wanted to send Donny home. Caleb thinks getting rid of Donny was the best decision. Amber – “You all think it’s the best decision because you think he’s someone different than what he appears”. They point out Donny won the POV and it was a spelling one, Caleb thinks he’s smarter and is hiding it. Amber wants to know what he’s going to do now that Donny has the POV.

Big Brother 16 Week 1 Power Of Veto Results “We put someone up.. Joey Simple”
Big Brother 16 POV Results
4:26pm Lounge Caleb and Brittany
Calbe say he wants the person going up to be a house decision. Brittany says she wants DEvin to go up and she will vote him out. She thinks he’s stirring a lot of things up and he’s making a lot of people nervous. “I couldn’t sleep last night.. I can see him later on making a lot of people’s lives hell.. he’s insanely strong”
Caleb asks if she had to put up a girl who? Joey walks in. (LOL) Brittany says the girl would be Victoria or POW POW, “Victoria is safe for a week”
They both agree they like everyone in the house. Caleb says many people in the house have given him reasons. He wants to go to each person and make the decision that

Frankie tells Victoria to stay on top of the wave and let everyone else fall a part.
12pm In the kitchen – Donny, Devin, Zach, Hayden, Caleb and Nicole are gathered around the kitchen bar. Devin comments about how he got a DUI when he was 22 years old and can’t drive with alcohol in the car or even have a drop on it. He says I’ve got that restriction for 10 years till I’m 32 years old. Hayden starts talking about his pedicab job and how he only gets paid in tips. Devin asks him if he claims it. Hayden says we’re supposed to but… Donny tells him to shhhh!! They laugh. Paola comes in and starts saying POW POW POWER OF VETO!!

Joey eating slop says I’m in the Hunger Games right now.. I’m Katniss God D@mmit!
9:45am Big Brother wakes up the house guests – Jocasta and Donny are in the fire room talking. Donny comments on how he is on the block and has to fight for his life. The feeds switch to the bathroom where Victoria, Amber, Christine and Nicole are getting ready. Victoria mentions that they have to get ready for interviews (Diary room sessions). Meanwhile in the kitchen – Zach gives a shout out to his family. Derrick tells the other how clean Amber got the kitchen.

Big Brother 16 – Devin says “I know in my heart what I need to do, I want to send Donny home”
4am Camera 3 & 4 In the hive room – Devin is talking to Amber about how bad he feels about how Donny will likely be the one going home. Devin says it hit him hard when Donny said that he fell in love with the love he’s gotten in the house because he doesn’t get that at home. Devin says that really got to me. Devin says part of me hopes Donny wins the veto tomorrow. Devin says that he doesn’t want to send Paola home because she’s a weak player. Did you see how fast she gave up. I want to back door Joey.

Battle Of the Block Results “you have to be POW POW even if you don’t want to be POW POW.
Battle Of the Block Results
Frankie nominated Brittany and Victoria, Caleb nominated Paola and Donny. Brittany and Victoria won the Battle of the Block and Frankie lost his HOH position.
12:10am POW POW and Brittany Fire room
POW POW (Paola) is worried people do not like her. Brittany is telling her not to be miserable and sad because she might win POV tomorrow they have no idea what is happening. Brittany advises her against shutting people out. The more Paola acts down and anti-socially she help Donny because he’s building friendships.

BB16 Spoilers – Frankie: “I think we should stick with the plan” Zach: “Backdr Joey”
11:03pm HOH Zach and Frankie
Frankie says he would rather Cody or Zach to win he’s worried Devin will win POV and go crazy again. Zach and Frankie are talking about final 2 and making up side alliance. It’s the standard divide and conquer. Frankie says he approached Christine already for a side alliance. Zach says he’s approached Derrick already “Me Cody, Derrick there will be the final 3 we’ll figure out a name that is my alliance.” Frankie is going to do the same thing with Christine and one other houseguest.

Big Brother 16 Spoilers Live Feeds are ON! Pants are OFF!
Big Brother 16 Live Feeds are officially on and it’s crazy 16 houseguests running around.
10:20pm Memory walls shows Paola and Donny missing a key in their Memory wall picture. Therefore those are two of the four nominees.
Joey in the kitchen eating slopballs.. (She was naked for a good couple minutes racing around the house flashback time Cam 3 6/26/2014 10:04pm )

Big Brother 16 Premiere Part 2 Spoilers Second HOH winner results
Tonight the remaining 8 Big Brother 16 cast members are shown entering the house. Like the 8 before them they will be competing in a Head of Household competition. Some of the seasons twists will be revealed to them and they will have the opportunity to meet each other over a couple bottles of Champagne. After Episode 2 the Live feeds will start and the spoilers will begin.