2:40am Outside on the backyard couches – Derrick, Zach, Brittany, Frankie, and Nicole are talking. Derrick says as far as I’m concerned Devin is going home but if Donny decides to do something else then it is what it is. Brittany says he already pretty much gave it to her. Derrick agrees and Donny already put the veto around Jocasta’s neck after the competition. Derrick heads over to the pool table where Hayden and Cody are playing a game of pool.
Tag: Amber Borzotra
Big Brother 16 House guest

Devin “I’m at peace bro.. I gave it everything I had in the tanks.. I miss my daughter”
11:45pm Devin and Frankie
Frankie thinking Donny is going to take Jocasta off. Devin brings up this weird idea in his head that Donny was going to leave the nominations the same. Devin doesn’t think he’ll do it though because the whole house will come after him. Devin – “I’m not going to begg.. I’m so at peace bro”
Frankie doesn’t know for sure but he’s thinking the POV will be used he mentions Donny coming into the Fireroom and handing the POV necklace to Jocasta. “If it changes that’s crazy and awesome but I don’t know it will”
Devin – I gave it everything I had today I went as hard as possible
Frankie – “You were amazing”
Devin – I miss my daughter dude..

Zach is Amanda’s Cousin “She was at Auditions.. loud girl.. Her b**bs out screaming AHhhh”
8:07pm Victoria and Derrick HOH
Derrick says he needs her help to get to the truth of something. He was talking to Donny, You know how Donny and powpow were super close. a couple days before the Eviction POWPOW and Zach got really close and before powpow got evicted Zach told her a secret. Zach told POWPOW that he’s AManda zuckerman’s cousin. POWPOW told Donny that on his way out the door.
Derrick – ‘He’s the same type of player he’s really aggressive’
Vic “What’s his last name;
Derrick – “Rance.. you are pretty close to Brittany and I know brittany was close to POWPOW
Vic – Brittany and POWPOW weren’t that close
Derrick wants her to find out from Brittany if she’s heard that rumour don’t tell her who you heard it from.

Derick “watch.. his (Caleb) demise in this game is going to be her. she’s playing him”
6:13pm HOH Frog and Derrick
Derrick tells her she’s not going up on the block he just wants her to know that.
She thanks him for not putting her on Slop because she’s not sure her body can handle it.
Derrick – “You are in a frog costume for a week it’s not bad but it’s not fun either”
Derick is confident they have the votes to get Deevin out. Derrick thinks Devin is a stronger competitor than Caleb he’s more mental and physical. .

Big Brother Spoilers Have Nots OFFAL Burritos “I’m going to stick with Slop dude”
5:58pm Kitchen Have Nots
Caleb, Amber, Devin, Hayden (Hayden volunteers so Christine doesn’t have to be a have not)
They have “OFFAL Burritos” to eat a combinations of tripe, tortilla and Tomatillos
Brittany keeps saying how they can make so many different things with the ingredients, except for the tripe. When they find out it’s cow stomach everyone groans.
Devin – “I’m going to stick with Slop dude”
Derrick says Hayden can sleep in the HOH room every night and to be fair the night of the HOH comp all have nots are invited to sleep there

Big Brother Spoilers Week 3 POV Results
4:22pm Donny and Derrick
Donny won the POV. Sounds like it was very close. Donny says he’s going to use it to take Jocasta off the block.
Derrick – ‘He already knows it.. he’s going to have a good week this week”

Big Brother Spoilers – Power Of Veto Players PICKED! DEVIN has a 1 in 5 Chance Of Winning!
11:47am When the live feeds return – Caleb and Amber are in the earth room. Cody says you’re winning it so I’m not Caleb says now he (Devin) has a 1 in 5 chance at winning. (Apparently Caleb picked Devins name out of the bag lol) Caleb says but the thing is he is just too big, these comps aren’t made for him Caleb says he told me good luck and I said good luck to you too. The cameras switch to the HOH room where Amber, Brittany, Nicole and Frankie are talking. Nicole says I can’t believe that just happened. Amber says I’m glad Christine gets to play because she’s wanted to play in one.

Hayden jokes with Jocasta – You slept for 33 hours! It’s actually day 36 right now!
8:40am – 9:45am In the bathroom – Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Christine, Nicole, Hayden and Jocasta are getting ready for the day. Nicole asks If Hayden heard the first song this morning? She says that’s her favorite song. And did you hear to the other one “It ain easy being green”. (Because she has to wear the frog suit.) Christine asks Jocasta if she feels better? Jocasta says better than yesterday. Hayden says what’s up Jocasta! How you feeling? Jocasta says okay. Hayden says you slept for 33 hours! It’s actually day 36 right now.

Hayden says If I win the VETO I might not use it, to get Caleb out! Maybe I’ll flirt with Amber too..
12:50am Nicole and Victoria are laying out in the hammock. I am so glad I didn’t put you up because we’re going to need each other. Nicole says maybe Donny was right about the 8? I am trying to stay out of it, I feel like that’s bad but they’re going to say what they’re going to say. Hayden comes out and Nicole says he needs to go spy. Nicole asks him what that was about then calling each other. Hayden doesn’t know what shes talking about. Devin comes out and Nicole says nevermind. Nicole asks I don’t know why Hayden but I am so attracted to you. Hayden says that’s the best thing I’ve heard in here! Nicole says the frog suit comes off Thursday I’ll start then. Nicole tells Victoria I don’t know who to trust …

Big Brother Spoilers – Hayden – “How am I Supposed to hit on a frog”
11:02pm Bathroom Devin Hayden nicole and Christine
Devin talking about “Freeing it” because he doesn’t have any clean underwear. Nicole loving life.
Devin and Christine leave .
Hayden – “How am I Supposed to hit on a frog”
Nicole – “You can’t there snow way you’ll have to ignore me for a week”
Hayden – “Girl are you a frog because you make be ribbit”

Big Brother Spoilers “Devin has a 3 in 78 chance of pulling it off “
8:27pm HOH Derrick, Zach, Caleb and Frankie
They are saying Devin has a “3 in 13 chance” of getting picked and a “1 in 6” chance of winning
Zach “3 in 78 chance of pulling it off “
Derrick – “I’ll take those odds”
They’re plan is if Devin wins the POV they will put Brittnay up

Big Brother Spoilers Battle on the Block “She literally lost the competition for herself”
5:54pm HOH Derrick, Caleb and Cody
Derrick tells Caleb to not tell anyone he threw the competition for you it makes him look like he’s looking for sympathy. Plus people will say he cannot be trusted if he’s throwing competitions. Derrick telling Cody he’ll pick him if he gets houseguest choice
Derrick “Christine is going to take us far in this game plus she’s a peach”
Derrick hopes one of them “Beasts” wins the HOH next week he will be “Tickled pink”
Derrick says he questions Brittany.