5pm Out in the backyard Elissa is doing her yoga and stretching. Helen and McCrae are tossing the “bandanna ball” across the yard trying to get it in the trash can. McCrae yells “BANDANNA BALL 2013!!” Amanda is sitting on the backyard couch watching. Andy joins in and tries out the game. Elissa then starts doing flips in the backyard. Over by the pool – Andy and Helen are talking. Andy tells her to come inside to talk in the cockpit. Andy heads inside first. Helen starts to head inside and then Spencer asks her to join him on the hammock. Helen says then says she has to go pee. She heads inside to the lounge room to talk to Andy. In the lounge room – Andy says if we play our cards and keep Elissa here, they are all going to know and their red flag will go up on all of us. Helen says that it doesn’t matter we still have the numbers. Helen says if we get out Kaitlin out this week, we could get Aaryn out next week. Andy says if we could keep this thing on wraps for right now it would benefit us. Helen says I am on the block this isn’t benefiting us.
Tag: Amanda Zuckerman
Big Brother 15 house guest
Spoilers Amanda and McCrae “The entire game is in our hands.. We need to cut the dead weight”
3:50pm Amanda and McCrae
MC telling her to get closer to Nick in case he wins the HOH or MVP. He tells her that getting rid of Elissa is the best thing for their game.
Amanda questions why
McCrea: “I don’t trust our team.. weird sh!t going on”
Amanda: ‘Yeah and it’s too big”
McCrae: “way too big”
Amanda: “So lets get rid of Elissa.. this is crazy this is the game.. the entire game is in our hands”
MC: “We are both good at this game”
Amanda: “Can you truly 100% trust Jeremy”
MC: “For next week ya”
McCrae says he thinks that Elissa doesn’t want to be in the game he feels she was thrown into the game. It sucks because he likes her but they need to cut the dead weight
The Moving Companies Next play “That C****’s gotta go this week, We need to get MVP to break up the 7″
1:50pm Lounge Spencer, Jer, Howard and Aaryn
Spencer mentions how horrible Elissa did in the POV competition.
Jeremy says that Helen had a really good strategy about knotting up the rope, “I was like shit that’s smart.. But I didn’t noticed until I was finished..” Jeremy thinks that Helen knotting the rope must have took too much time but it was still a good idea.
Spencer: “That C****’s gotta go this week”
J: “Yes she does and if she doesn’t I’m coming after them like a vendetta”
Spencer tells them the next HOH will probably be A or B or Majority.
Big Brother POV Results “You’re a Fu*** Animal”
POV Holder: Jeremy Next POV July 6th POV Used ? POV Ceremony ? HOH Winner: Aaryn Next HOH: MVP: Elissa Original Nominations: Elissa, Helen and Jeremy (MVP) Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest David Have Nots Helen, Elissa, Candice, and Andy 1:10pm HOH Jeremy wins the Veto Kaitlin: “You’re a Fu*** Animal” Jeremy says he […]
MVP Nom and Veto Players “You’re screwed either way make a deal with me”
10:22pm CAm 3-4 Elissa and NIck
Elissa wants Nick to just be a nice guy and do the right thing which is join up with her. She says Nick has lied to her twice and she is taking the risk trusting him again. Elissa offering Nick a deal to work with her if he keeps her in the house. “OUt of good faith you should make a deal with me”
Elissa explains that she has the votes to stay and nothing is going to change that. Elissa: ‘You are screwed either way so you should just make a deal with me” (LOL priceless)
Nick: “If I’m screwed either way I should just keep the course than.. right”
Elissa: “No you need to build trust with me.. then you are not screwed.. you are not going up”
Elissa tells him to throw the Veto comp, “Why don’t you make a two week deal” .
Elissa: “Do you condone men bullying woman”
Nick: “No”
The HOH crew watch Spencer whispering to Elissa – Aaryn “This is sketch as fu*k!”
7:15am – 8am Big Brother switches the live feeds the the We’ll be right back screen. When the feeds come back Aaryn is awake in the HOH bedroom. Spencer is in the kitchen. He heads back to the bedroom and gets back into bed. In the kitchen Nick and Judd wonder why they woke them up so early. Judd says they called Aaryn to the diary room already. I wonder if we are doing something. Helen brushes her teeth and then goes back to bed in the havenot room. Howard heads into the photo booth to pray. Aaryn comes back from the diary room and goes back to bed in the HOH bed. Jeremy asks her if she has enough room. She says yeah. He says don’t be scared I don’t bite. Jeremy says this girl is out for the count. Big Brother cuts the feeds. When the feeds come back Jeremy, Kaitlin and Aaryn are getting back out of bed. (Big Brother told them to get up.) Jessie comes up to the HOH room to do her makeup. She says she dreamed that Brendon came into the BB house. Aaryn says if he comes back, I am self-evicting! Kaitlin joins them. Aaryn asks her if she needs to have a shower too? Kaitlin says yes. Aaryn says well we need to hurry then because they said we only have an hour. Aaryn says we can only relax when the nominations are final. I want to win the veto.
Amanda says they asked me if Aaryn was being racist. McCrae says she is, she’s a bigot.
1am Jeremy and Kaitlin sneak into the lounge and start kissing. Jeremy tells her she tastes like m&m’s. Kaitlin says sorry. Jeremy says no it tastes good. Jeremy tells her that she is definitely buzzing. I can tell. They leave the room. Jeremy says I am totally asking the diary room for another wine bottle.
Amanda and McCrae are in the bedroom talking. McCrae tells Amanda that they are asking for music, these people are dumb. There is no way we are getting music, they have to shut off the feeds to get music. Amanda agrees. Amanda says they asked me if Aaryn was being racist. That’s bad! McCrae asks what? Amanda asks did you hear what I said? McCrae says her being racist. McCrae says she is, she is a bigot. I honestly believe that.
Amanda gives Jessie some Pointers “If it feels flirtatious DON’T do it..”
POV Holder: ? Next POV July 6th POV Used ? POV Ceremony ? HOH Winner: Aaryn Next HOH: MVP: Elissa Original Nominations: Elissa and Helen Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest David Have Nots Helen, Elissa, Candice, and Andy Spencer, McCrae and Andy go to the exact spot where Willie fought crazy powerhouse Joe 11:20pm […]
Big Brother Spoilers Elissa “Lets put up Nick.. This way we win Regardless”
10:20pm Cam 1-2 Elissa and Helen
Elissa wants to put Nick up, “This way we win either way”
Helen: “NO just put Jeremy up it’s too risky..”
Helen mention if they put Jeremy up the worst that could happen is he wins POV takes himself off the block and Kaitlin goes up and home.
Helen: “taking Kaitlin out of the game is better because it weakens Jeremy” Helen doesn’t want Nick to go.
Elissa says that Kaitlin is nice and really doesn’t cause problems she would rather Kaitlin in the house than Nick.
Helen says they already know they have the votes as longs as he doesn’t win POV he’s going home .. (This is going to be the MC’s first test)
Big Brother 15 Feed Leak the MVP is….
9:04pm Cam 1-2 Lounge
Amanda: “What’s our alliance called”
McCrae: “The babymakers”
Andy joins them closes the door to the lounge. Amanda says he should have left the lounge door open. She makes him get up and open it. Andy says he accidentally damaged it. (The image the face he made when he told them he broke the microphone)
Amanda starts singing little tunes.. “Shady as F**** .. shady as F***.. stereotypes.. stereotypes
Amanda: “Hey HElen bet you can’t drive.. stereotypes stereotypes”
Amanda: “Hey HElen you must be good at math.. stereotypes stereotypes”
Andy starts bringing up some examples of stereotypes. His first one is when he lived by a bar that had a hip hop night and every weekend there was a stabbing.
Big Brother Spoilers Nominations “I’m kinda excited about being on the block”
7:41pm Cam 3-4 Have Nots Helen and Elissa
Andy comes in “Both of you stay strong” he leaves..
Elissa apologizing to Helen because she thinks Helen is up because of her.
H: “Hopefully we get MVP if not I have a couple tricks up my sleeve’
They agree they save themselves if they get the veto. Helen is hoping on them getting the MVP but even if they don’t she has a “Couple THoughts”
Helen says theres a play out there for them they still have a lot of time. . Right now they have to wait it out and be cool because if Elissa causing drama it’s not good. Helen wants them to wait it out until the POV and MVP is known.
Helen: ‘You can’t win this game without going on the block,.. I wanted David out we got david out.. it’s worth it.. we got a big strong player out and that is why we’re on the block we need to win POV and MVP and change it all”
E: “She wants this to be a frat house..”
H: “No jabbing at her”
Amanda “A woman is not made of mans rib.. I’m not going to do whatever you tell me ”
POV Holder: ? Next POV ? POV Used ? POV Ceremony ? HOH Winner: Aaryn Next HOH: MVP: ? Original Nominations: ? Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest David Have Nots Helen, Elissa, Candice, and Andy 4:26pm Cam 3-4 Jeremy, Kaitlin and Aaryn Jeremy and Kaitlin cuddling on the bed and Aaryn is doing some […]