12:50pm Big Brother switched the live feeds to the TRIVIA screen for the HOH lock down. When the feeds return, the girls are in the bathroom getting ready. Jessie is mad and complaining about how someone took her hairspray and she can’t find it. She says she doesn’t care, just ask! Candice tells her to look behind the baskets. Jessie finds it. Candice says are my cigarettes back there? Andy comes out of the lounge and says I heard you found it? Jessie says yes. Andy says so mystery solved, you were playing the blame game. Jessie says well someone definitely used it because it is half empty. McCrae comes in and says he is wearing the bear shirt tonight. Candice says that shirt gets around, its a wh*re! Amanda says like me! They talk about being havenots. Amanda thinks because they didn’t end havenots last night they will have a have/havenot competition tomorrow. Andy says he hopes it’s a fun competition.
Tag: Amanda Zuckerman
Big Brother 15 house guest

Spencer asks how many times do you think Gina will say “THIS IS FOR YOU NICK!”
9:30am – 10am All of the house guests are still sleeping except for Helen. She gets up and gets dressed to do her morning run. She then heads downstairs and sits in the lounge room looking sad. She then starts her morning run from the bathroom to the living room as they are on an indoor lock down for tonight’s live eviction episode. At 10am Big Brother switches the live fees to the we’ll be right back screen to wake up the house guests.
10:15am When the feeds return – Andy, Judd and Spencer are in the bathroom waking up. Andy says that it chills my spin walking in the bathroom with no shoes on. Spencer asks if he would do the 5 second rule if he dropped some food on it. Andy says oh hell no! Andy says that he is going to send Gina into a tail spin tonight and write “I love Nick Uhas!” Andy says everyone’s being lazy today. It’s 10am, GET THE HELL UP! Andy goes to see if he can hear Big Brother working in the backyard on their competition set up.

Amanda says GinaMarie has a serious mental disorder, there is something wrong with her!
12:30pm Out in the backyard – Andy, Candice, Aaryn, Judd, Howard and Gina are talking and joking around on the couch. Spencer says he has a speech that will knock your socks off. Judd says his speech should be “To whom it may concern, fu*k all of ya’ll” Aaryn says that she doesn’t know what she is going to say. Candice asks did anyone else hear Andy’s would you rather? She says would you rather, either when you are nominated all you can say is “I am addicted to internet p*rn” or everytime you compete in the HOH competition your pants fall down and you have no underwear on. Judd quickly says internet porn. Aaryn says pants fall down. Howard says pants fall down. Aaryn says I am not ashamed of what I am working with. Gina says I actually am addicted to internet p*rn so I would go with that. Andy says yeah me too. Aaryn says how much time do you look at internet p*rn? Andy says sometime it takes a few minutes, sometimes it take longer. Howard says yeah sometimes it takes a few minutes, sometimes it takes hours. Candice asks HOURS? Howard says yeah.

JUDD about the talk show “it’s a little dangerous.. I don’t think I’ll be attending again”
10:41pm backyard couch Spencer, JUDD and Andy
Talking about the HOH competition tomorrow. Spencer thinks it’s going to be a quiz. They start talking about double evictions. Spencer’s theory is the first 2 jury members will go home back to back, :Which will obviously be Amanda and McCrea”
Andy: ”YA”
JUDD: “I’m confused are they together together”
ANdy: ‘I don’t know”
Spencer: “I don’t know either.. they seem like an odd couple”
JUDD thinks they are together. Andy says double eviction he will put both Amanda and McCrea, “Now that I know Jessie and JUDD are in a showmance maybe I should put them up”
JUDD is pissed that people said he was in a showmance he doesn’t think he is.

Big Brother 15 Spoilers Helen tells Aaryn if she wins HOH it’s not Aaryn’s HOH it’s the houses
8:15pm Helen and Aaryn
Aaryn swears that she’s never said anything about putting Helen and Elissa up.
Helen: “OK thats all I want to hear from you OK.. I think you’re strong and can win HOH OK.. I don’t obviously want to make a mistake this week…. but if you win it I want to be happy that you won because I’m not going up and neither is Elissa.. you know what I mean”
Aaryn says why would she do that she doesn’t have any numbers to get them out. Aaryn starts to whimper says that the two people she thought were her friends are telling lies about her.

Big Brother Spoilers Candice loves Penguins “They mate for life Howie.. Go get me a pebble”
6:33pm Bedroom Candace and Howard
Candice tells him not to tell Spencer everything she tells him, “I don’t trust Spencer like you do”
Howard: “OK”
She brings up that Jeremy met with her and apologized.
Howard for you
Candace: “Being a douche bag”
Candace: “The carpet matches the drapes.. umm I don’t really have carpet”
Howard: “What you talking about?” they giggle
Candace: “I love penguins.. they mate for life.. the male brings the women a Pebble”
Howard: “You talking about happy feet”
Candace: “Go get me a pebble”

Helen tells Gina her ticket back in the game is to win HOH and nominate Aaryn
5:13 HOH Gina and Helen
Helen tells her that the best play is for her to take out Aaryn next week so that she can join the superfriends. Helen points out that unless she does that Gina runs a big risk being sent home the following week.
Helen starts explaining to Gina that with Jeremy going it’s going to help her game because it will give everyone a chance to win HOH. Helen says it’s such a wonderful feeling to win HOH she wants everyone in the house that isn’t targeting her to experience it.
Helen says that the other girls Gina’s been hanging out with are no good for her they bring out the bad in Gina. Helen thinks that once

Kaitlin says if there is one way to keep Jeremy here it is if you and I vote out Aaryn.
3:10pm In the bathroom – Aaryn tells Judd – These bathing suit bottoms are completely see through, you can see the outline of my vag!n@ and my butt is completely out in these as well.
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Meanwhile in the bedroom – Kaitlin is telling Gina about how Aaryn is acting super sketchy. Kaitlin says if there is one way to keep Jeremy here it is if you and I vote out Aaryn. Gina says I was going to vote out Spencer. Kaitlin says we need to go up to Helen in the HOH and make a deal with her to keep Jeremy. I am going to tell Helen that I want her to keep Jeremy here and I want to know if you will vote Aaryn out. Kaitlin says that Aaryn made that wine situation out of nothing and Jeremy is going home because of it. She is a huge enemy in the house and she is bringing down all of our games. Gina says that Aaryn keeps telling me Nick didn’t like me and that he was gay. Kaitlin says I have already been talking to Helen about how I don’t want to be associated with Aaryn. Gina asks won’t Helen question why I am throwing Aaryn who’s my friend under the bus. Kaitlin says she is a target, if you want to stay in the game you need to figure this out.

Spencer says I wouldn’t have $ex with Gina, all the farting and burping isn’t attractive.
11:55am – 12:15pm In the kitchen – Candice, Helen, Howard, Jeremy, Elissa and Judd are talking and eating. Helen talks about a talk show segment called the “Veto Show” – she says she wants to do it with Judd tonight and other house guests. Helen says maybe we can have a special segment with “Judd the Stud” on how to stay up late at night. Judd says and get up early. Candice will also do a segment called “Keeping it Real with Candi” and Howard will do a sports segment. The conversation turns to talking about “crazy girls”. Elissa says that she thought guys liked girls to be crazy. Helen says that she husband says the hotter a girl is the more crazy a guy will let her get away with and if you’re not hot – you have no room for crazy. Elissa jokes with Judd might get a penalty nomination if he doesn’t agree to do the talk show segment. They jokingly think that Nick was an undercover cop. Helen says that they will also interview the moving company members. Helen says that she thinks the reason she got a rash on her neck was because of the HOH sheets because it happened right after she got HOH.

Judd says its scary if Gina won HOH, she would randomly pick whoever pissed her off that day.
9:20am All of the house guests are still sleeping except for Jessie. Jessie heads into the storage room to change her batteries. She then heads out to the backyard and sits with her feet in the hot tub as she smokes. At 9:40am Judd wakes up changes his batteries and heads out to the backyard to lay with Jessie on the lounge chair. Judd says what’s up? Jessie says morning. Judd asks her if her back is better? Jessie says yeah. Judd says he hopes Ginamarie and Elissa havenots this week. Judd asks Jessie if he can stay with her in her bed. Jessie says yeah. Judd talks about how he hung out with Gina last night and says that it seemed longer that it was because everything they talked about got turned back to talking about Nick. It kills me. Judd says its day 27! Jessie says wow, almost 30 days! Judd says that last night he was talking to Gina just to try and cover bases and stuff. I asked her what she would do if she won HOH .. She still blames me for Nick going home even though there were 7 votes.

Aaryn says that Judd gets into bed with her at night and uses his albino anaconda.
12:30am On the backyard hammock – Helen, Jeremy and Elissa are talking. Elissa talks to Jeremy about him needing to go seek therapy to heal his relationship with his father. Jeremy agrees and says being in the house has opened his eyes. He says he doesn’t want to go through life with a broken heart. Elissa says you can’t be the person that you’re supposed to be with broken heart. Jeremy says that the last time he saw his father 10 years ago they were fighting and it wasn’t word fighting. He says this probably won’t be good for tv but the last time I saw him I got punched in the face. Big Brother cuts the feeds. When the feeds come back – Elissa continues to talk to Jeremy about how to repair his relationship with his father.
12:40pm Candice, Howard, Spencer, McCrae, Andy, Helen, Gina and Judd are in the lounge room talking about random things and joking around. Meanwhile out on the backyard couch – Jeremy talks to Kaitlin.

Big Brother 15 Spoilers “Is Helen f****ing retarded… I can’t wait to boot her out of the door”
10:15pm have nots McCrae , Jeremy and Amanda
Jeremy says he talked to Helen he’s not sure if she’s going to go for it or not..
Jeremy says Helen and Elissa are considering his offer. They told him if Jeremy doesn’t go home Aaryn will.
Amanda asks him to list five of his targets. Jeremy: ‘I don’t have 5 targets.. I want Spencer and Howard out”
Jeremy says if he has to pick Howard, Spencer, Aaryn, Candace and Jessie.
Jeremy gives them the skinny on his conversation says he doesn’t want to be fishy.
Jeremy adds that Helen told him that her main people are Elissa, Andy, Amanda, McCrae and Judd. Jeremy was surprised by this he didn’t even know McCrae, Judd and Amanda were that close to them all.
Amanda: ‘Who told you that”
Jeremy: ‘helen”