9:50pm HOH JUDD, Aaryn and Andy
Aaryn tells them that Howard got teary eyed and it cause Jessie to cry.
JUDD: ‘Why he cry”
Aaryn: ‘Umm because he was sad”
JUDD: “you are just a dream crusher ain’t you”
Aaryn: “I really am”
She jokes that JUDD key was last because she wanted him to know how it feels to not have your key pulled until the very end. JUDD syas that is the second time his key was pulled last the first tiem was when McCrae was HOH.
Andy says Elissa thinks he’s the MVP this week. He’s going to joke around with her and pretend like he’s safe. He’ll tell her he’s not nervous about MVP at all tomorrow.. he’s feeling safe this week
Tag: Amanda Zuckerman
Big Brother 15 house guest
Big Brother Spoilers Candice tells Howard “This is why I hate this season.. nobody stands up”
7:17pm Have nots Howard and Candice
Candice: “Amanda is smiling from ear to ear.. I know they are all praying my name doesn’t get pulled” (Pulled in the veto)
Candice knows Amanda orchestrating this she wants Howard out.
Candice mentions how GM totally f***ed Aaryn over last week and now that Aaryn is in power she’s ki$$ing her a$$. Howard doesn’t seem phased says it’s a game and this is what it is like.
Howard says he nervous for Candice.. “I’m worried.. good will overcome evil”
Candice: “I hate scary fake people.. “
Howard: “Don’t say hate”
Candice: “I disdain scary fake people “
Candice: “I don’t understand she’s not too scared to flip my mattress and make black and white comments.. but she’s scared to put up the person she wants to”
Candice tells him how bad she wants to win HOH. “I would put Amanda and Helen and Backdoor McCrae… and Amanda and McCrae would be sitting their a$$es up there”
Big Brother Spoilers Nomination Results “America is biting their lip right now”
POV Holder: ? Next POV July 27th POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 29 HOH Winner: Aaryn Next HOH: Aug 1 MVP: ? Original Nominations: Spencer and Howard Current Nominations: Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin Have Nots Judd, Amanda, Candice, GinaMarie 4:34pm HOH Aaryn, Amanda and McCrae Aaryn is saying that Howard isn’t […]
Big Brother 15 SPOILERS – HAVE / HAVENOT Competition RESULTS!
RESULTS of the HaveNoT Competition: Judd, Amanda, Candice, GinaMarie.
HaveNot FOOD: Ramen and Raisins
3:55pm In the living room – Helen, Candice, Andy, Judd and Spencer are talking about how bad it is being a havenot and how they never heard about how difficult it was to be a havenot week after week.
Up in the HOH room – Aaryn is talking to Howard about how she was shocked when she heard she was being called a racist. I was crying so hard I could not breathe. I know I should be more PC (politically correct) but that is not me. It destroyed my reputation is some ways and it is still talked about. Howard says that he never labelled her that. Aaryn says well they are saying that you did say that. Howard says I won’t go personal, that’s not me because I know we have lives outside of here, not even in the diary room did I say that. I know that it a lie when it comes back to me because I have never said anything like that about you. Aaryn says that she heard that Howard, Spencer, Elissa and Kaitlin tried to flip the house last minute instead of Kaitlin going home. Howard says I never messed with Elissa.
Candice says Howie and I have decided to play separate games we can’t advocate for each other any more, it’s too hard.
12:20pm In the lounge – Helen asks Candice and Elissa if we can all work together to stay in the house. Helen says I would shoot myself in the head if you guys left. I really love you guys. Candice says that me and Howie have decided to play separate games. He doesn’t want to protect me and I can’t protect him. So we are just going to play separate games. We will still hang out with with each other but we aren’t together in the game. Candice brings her conversation with Aaryn this morning. Elissa asks if Aaryn mentioned me? Candice says no. Helen says we just need to make sure Spencer goes home. Candice says Howie and I just cant advocate for each other any more it’s too hard. Helen says that she is so glad she said that and knows how hard that must be to do. Candice says that it is just too hard, it stresses me out and puts a target on my back. I know the people who stick together don’t make it to the end. I know that he is a good guy and that he wouldn’t play me. Elissa says I just think that I want to work with the girls, we need to stick together. Helen says Candice you need to win HOH and back door Amanda.
Candice says Aaryn doesn’t see the big picture that Amanda/McCrae are the power couple. They did a great job at mind f**king her!
9:50am UP in the HOH bathroom – Candice is talking to Aaryn. She tells Aaryn that both she and Howard will back her if she doesn’t put up Howard and puts up Elissa instead. Candice says she lied to me and told me she wasn’t the MVP when she was. The whole house has been back and forth from side to side with the power because they are afraid of it. Candice says that I know Gina and maybe Jessie would also back you and maybe Helen. Aaryn says that she hasn’t made her decision yet. I am not going to back door anyone. I have to be honest people want Howard out. If I did end up putting her up then I would fully understand if you were mad at me. I know he could very well win the veto and take himself off. Candice says that she won’t be mad at her if she does put up Howard. Aaryn says she isn’t sure yet and wants to talk with everyone. Candice says maybe the people that are working with are also trying to get you out. Aaryn says she knows full well that if I didn’t win I would be going this week. Candice says I don’t want this to leave the room but Amanda is the one spear heading trying to get you out. Aayrn says that she can’t bite the hand that feeds her, they were the ones that kept me here. Aaryn says the best thing you can do is get to Helen and Elissa to change their mind.
Aaryn says to the camera @KaraMonaco I want to be in Playboy with you! We can scissor!
12:40am In the lounge – Howard and Candice are talking. Candice asks if we go up on the block do we have the numbers? Howard says we have 4 votes. Candice says we need 5 votes or Aayn decides. Candice says you have me, Spencer, Andy, Gina and maybe Jessie. The option is to talk to her or to not talk to her. Candice says will probably put up you, Spencer and Me. Which is probably what they will do so if I win the veto I can’t take you off. Candice says I want to tell her my thoughts but if she rats me out if will fu*k up things with Helen, Elissa, Amanda and McCrae. If she rats me out I might as well go. Helen, Amanda plotted to use Elissa, just like they have used Aaryn. Candice says we would be the least likely for people to think we would be working together. She could take Elissa also who can’t play for MVP. Howard tells Candice to go get her bed. Candice ask what do you mean? I have my bed. Howard says last time I told you to forget your bed, now I am telling you to go get your bed. Candice is worried that Howard and Spencer are both bigger targets than she is, so they would go home over her. I want to protect my people just like they protect their people. Candice says either we go talk to her to try and make a deal or we throw Spencer under the bus. Candice says I am going to throw your homie under the bus to protect you. She says no one likes him any ways.
McCrae Tells Amanda even if Howard has Coup D’etat they’re safe this week
9:55pm McCrea and Amanda
Talking about they are in the strongest position in the house. Amanda: “we are going to get Helen or Spencer out” She says when everyone turned their backs on Aaryn she got close to her and now it’s paying off.
S: “This feels better then when JUDD got HOH”
Amanda says next week they’ll put up Spencer and Candice and if POV is played Aaryn can go. Amanda adds that next week there is only “2 of them” against the entire house. Andy joins them. Amanda: “This is the best thing ever for all of us” McCrea says even if Howard has the Coup D’etat and puts McCrea and Amanda up they have four votes which make it a tie breaker. McCrea says Aaryn will have to take out the MVP so him and Amanda are safe. Andy: ‘Oh my god ha”
McCrea: ‘no matter what”
Elissa joins them
‘Spoilers’ Amanda tells Aaryn who the nominees will be “Spencer and Howard”
7:41pm chessboard Amanda and Aaryn
Amanda going off about having to put Howard and Spencer on the block. Aaryn says then after they go it’s her they will all be targeting Amanda says NO “you me and McCrae trump everyone else in the house”
Aaryn: “you don’t Elissa to go home”
A,amdan: ‘Ya 100% she tried to flip the whole house on us.. if it wasn’t for the strength of Howard and Spencer she would go home”
Amanda goes on and on about the power of howard and Spencer. She says if Howard or Spencer win POV then she can put Elissa up. Amanda: “The majority of the house wants Howard to go home.. they are liars”
Amanda says that Howard and Candice were the ones bringing up the racism sh!t and Spencer will lie right to your face.
Big Brother 15 Spoilers Aaryn to Helen “You know we have enough votes to send her home”
7:00pm Feeds Back Andy, JUDD, GM Amanda
JUDD telling her that Spencer was trying to evict Aaryn up until the end. Andy adds that they kept Spencer out of the loop and he was fighting for Kaitlin the entire time.
7:04pm Helen and Aaryn Storage room
Helen says that Candice has found out about Aaryn’s deal to let Helen decide her nominations.
Helen: ‘We need to get all of us into a room and figure this out.. She is going to flip when Howard goes up”
Helen: ‘Elissa maybe leaked the deal i’m so pissed..”
Aaryn: “She leaks everything”
Big Brother 15 HOH and Eviction results Kaitlin Vs Aaryn Vs Ginamarie
State of the house
Last week my gripe was the MVP twist going to Elissa every week. This Thursday my gripe is the superfriends running the house. The house is horribly stacked against anybody but the superfriends. Most of the strongest players in the game are in that alliance, they have the majority of numbers and the twist has gone their way 3 out of 4 times. Make sense they are running the show. Still it’s becoming boring as f*** for a fickle fan like myself. What I want to see is some of the superfriends in the hot seat and after almost a month of domination it’s about time. All we need is Howard/Candice/Spencer to win HOH and the house will explode into a weekend of 24/7 madness. CBS wants this, I want this, do you?
Spencer says I will submissive to them for now but if I get HOH I am going to DROP A BOMB!
11:38am The live feeds switch to TRIVIA while the House Guests are on an HOH lock down. When the feeds return, Judd, Helen and Elissa are in the kitchen. Judd and Elissa talk about it being a no floater season. Elissa brings up how Porsche Briggs got in trouble for putting ex-lax in the slop. Elissa thought it was to help her go to the bathroom but Judd thought it was to mess with people. Judd heads to the havenot room and dumps his dirty laundry in the corner of the room. Andy jokes that Judd when from the HOH to the havenot room. He says that it is so nice of him to give up a bed tonight to sleep in the havenot room. Judd laughs and leaves. Andy and Spencer talk. Spencer tells Andy that he really hopes he wins HOH tonight. Andy agrees and says he really wants a letter from his family.