4:25pm Backyard Howard and Candice
Candice tells him that Amanda has been talking to her like she’s on the block. She told Candice she won’t campaign against her, “B!tch i’m not even on the block yet” Candice thinks thy’re plan was to backd**r her all along. Howard says he’s being optimistic says a lot of things can happen between now and Thursday. Spencer adds that Kaitlin was going to stay up until the day before so they never know.
Candice: ‘Kaitlin was never staying.. they got to Aaryn immediately.. they talked about the secret alliance to make her look bad.. I don’t even care anymore honestly.. I’m just not talking to anybody”
Tag: Amanda Zuckerman
Big Brother 15 house guest
Helen says we need to make McCrae think we’re close to him, it’s going to take all of us to go against them.
12:50pm Aaryn joins Elissa and Judd on the backyard couch. Judd tells her that she smells like HOH shower. Judd says he is going to get HOH so he doesn’t have to worry about being on the block or being a havenot. Elissa heads inside to read. Judd asks if Aaryn is putting up Candice. Aaryn says yes. Judd tells Aaryn about how Howard came up to them last night talking about how he has to do damage control for all the things Candice has done with threatening people and stuff. Aaryn says that she would be happy with either Howard or Candice leaving, so you guys decide. Judd says that Howard has a better chance at winning HOH so I would rather he leaves. They start talking about whether or not there will be a double eviction.
12:55pm Andy and Helen are talking in the lounge. Helen explains that they need to get out Aaryn because she is a vote for Amanda and McCrae. Andy agrees. Andy says we need to get out Elissa too because of how she is acting.
Judd & Helen don’t believe Aaryn is a racist. She either didn’t mean what she said or it came out wrong.
9:40am – 10:30am Helen wakes up, gets ready and then heads outside to the backyard to run. At 10:15am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen to wake up the other house guests. When the feeds come back, Judd is in the backyard talking to Helen. He comments that Amanda got called to the diary room. Helen says maybe her and McCrae were doing something funny. Judd says man this trash smell is bad. Judd says I think Spencer would be a good one to bring to jury. Helen agrees I think we need to get rid of Ginamarie or Aaryn before. Helen thinks Aaryn will be with Amanda/McCrae. I will be really tough to get Amanda and McCrae out of this game. Helen says we need to work together to get Amanda and McCrae out of this game. We have to get one of them out before jury. If Amanda makes it to jury she will vote for McCrae to win. Aaryn will vote for them too. Judd says yeah Aayrn needs to go. McCrae will win this game if he makes it to the final two. Judd says he thinks Amanda would to because she’s made moves that are out in the open. I’ve made moves too but they are behind the scenes.
Amanda says Ah yes Candice go crazy! She isn’t even on the block and she’s going bat sh*t crazy.
1am McCrae and Amanda are in the bedroom talking. Amanda says that Candice is in the lounge room threatening Elissa right now and she threatened Jessie as well. Amanda says that whole spiel that Howard just said to us was bullsh*t because he’s just getting her to do it for him. McCrae says that’s exactly what Judd said. Amanda says she can campaign against me if she wants to, I don’t really understand why because she is going up on the block, but I think what she is trying to do is spread the votes around so that she gets some votes on her but we all need to be on the same page and vote the same person out. And we all know it’s Howard. Amanda says they’re all just talking sh*t against her upstairs but I was saying stuff like they’re all good people and stuff. Amanda says you would be so proud of me. Amanda says ah yes Candice go crazy! She isn’t even on the block and she’s going bat sh*t crazy. McCrae asks what do you think our best plan of attack is, sit back? Amanda says yeah. Amanda says hopefully if she got into power she would put me up against Elissa or Helen. McCrae says that he talked to Judd and he said he doesn’t respect Candice campaigning for Howard.
“There’s a dark side to Spencer he hasn’t told us yet.. he’s the biggest vag!na in the world”
11:03pm Aaryn and JUDD havenots
Aaryn says Howard told her if he stays he’s not going to to put her up, “He’s after Amanda and McCrae”
JUDD: ‘He’ll tell you anything”
Aaryn believes that Howard will not put her up
Aaryn: “Spencer is the biggest vag!na in the world.. he’s probably going to do the most b!tch move in the world about put up Me and Ginamarie” (the image above show you her face after she makes that statement)
A: “Like what a loser”
Aaryn mentions how Elissa has promised her safety for next week so she’s kinda hoping ELissa wins it so she can put up Spencer and Candice.
JUDD: ‘The thing with her is she doesn’t appreciate anything people have done for her in the game”
Aaryn says her and Elissa have been friendly to each other for these past couple days then earlier today “They” were making fun of Aaryn’s who voted out David speech.
A: “That speech was fully warranted.. what the hell would you expect..” Aaryn explains that Elissa was saying ‘I would have done that if I Was 16 and Big Brother was the only cool thing I have ever done.”
Spoilers – Helen says People will do what they ask them to do.. they only need 5 votes to keep Howie
9:33pm Helen and Elissa storage room
Here is my thought the better move is to take out Amanda next week and Howard this week. Helen warns them that Amanda is getting really close to Aaryn. Helen mentions how Amanda now wants Aaryn to stay another week.
Helen says if they keep Howard for Candice she will be loyal to them to the end.
Elissa: “Nobody is going to vote Amanda out”
Helen: “People will do what we ask them to do.. we only need 5 votes”
Helen counts the votes Candice, Spencer, Elissa and Helen, “We will only need Andy, Jessie or JUDD. (She forgets that the Veto is going to be used)
Helen: “I just want to talk about all the options”
Big Brother Power of Veto Results “We got to make it Happen”
7:29pm HOH Amanda, McCrae and Aaryn
McCrea: “This couldn’t have gone better.. Ohh unless you had won (Hugs Amanda)
MC says that spencer is pissed at him right now because McCrae told him he better win POV.
Amanda: ‘He was our main target this couldn’t have been better” (Howard)
Aaryn says that Candice is going to go off on her once she goes up and say that Aaryn put up the two black players she’s going to say she’s racists.
Helen joins them
MC: “what do you think “
Helen: “Candice is going up”
Aaryn says that Candice has said she was racist many times and has created an unsafe environment for her. “I didn’t say one racist thing and if they think that way then whatever”
MC: “I have never heard you say anything and even if I did would say you never said that”
Aaryn says that Candice is ruining her reputation she’s never said anything racist. She adds that Candice has been the start of all the bullsh!t in this house she has no problems putting her up. Andy mentions how Aaryn needs to really sugar coat the reason she’s nominating Candice.
Big Brother Spoilers McCrae suspects JUDD told Jessie to throw the POV “he’s such a puss bag”
3:14pm McCrae and Andy Storage room
MC saying this is Howard last chance to stay by putting up a bigger target than he is. “But she’s not.. they are all freaking out about Coup d’etat”
Andy says that Amanda is threatening Jessie to use the veto Jessie is good with everyone on and off the block so it’s tough for her. Andy thinks this approach is not good for Amanda McCrea needs to tell her to dial it back.
MC: ‘Ya ya of course of course”
Andy: “Amanda was like if you don’t use it you’ll have a lot of people coming after you”
MC: “Just win it.. all we need is for her to win it”
MC: “i know JUDD is like.. throw it just throw the competition”
A: “To Jessie”
MC: “Of course he’s such a pu$$bag to.. all they have to do is win it they don’t have to use it just win it”
BIG BROTHER 15 Spoilers – MVP Nomination & VETO Player RESULTS!
11:55am – 12pm The Big Brother 15 live feeds switch to TRIVIA for Big Brother to reveal who America chose as the 3rd NOMINEE and for the house guests to pick VETO PLAYERS! When the live feeds return, we learn that America chose AMANDA as the 3rd MVP Nomination.
THE POWER OF VETO PLAYERS ARE: Candice, Spencer, Howard, Aaryn, Jessie and Amanda!
In the storage room – Andy and McCrae are talking about how they don’t understand how Amanda was chosen. McCrae tells her that she needs to win this. They discuss how Candice being chosen was the worst possible pick but that she won’t win anything any ways. McCrae says it doesn’t really matter we have the numbers. Judd comes in and says that he is so pissed off at Helen right now. Helen comes in right after and asks if Judd is mad at her. He says no I just have to go to the bathroom. Helen, Andy and McCrae are pumping Amanda up to win the veto. Amanda is worried about if Howard has the Coup d’etat. McCrae says that doesn’t matter just worry about winning this.
Judd says behind Helen’s back – Stupid Bit*h! I wouldn’t have gotten rid of @JeremyDMcG1
9:20am – 9:45am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the feeds return – Judd and Helen are in the kitchen talking. Judd is annoyed that Spencer is copying everything that Howard does like using religion and playing on peoples heart strings because he sees that it works. Judd says it sucks. Helen says I know I feel bad, but it’s just a game. Helen says he is going to play hard for it. Judd says its weird Spencer copies him because he sees that it works. Helen says one of them is going home. She says I wouldn’t worry about it, he hasn’t won a competition yet. It will probably be a numbers one, Spencer will probably be good at it. Judd says he told her she could be house guest choice if I get it, to fight for it. Helen walks away. Judd says stupid bit*h, I wouldn’t have gotten rid of Jeremy.
Judd says Spencer is full of sh*t but at least we know he is, but Howard is sneaky as f**k!
1am Judd and Elissa are talking. Elissa is worried they are going to put me up again. Judd says he asked Aaryn to pick him as house guest choice so even if you do go up I will try and take you off. Judd brings up the possibility of Howard having the Coup d’etat. Elissa asks what that is. Judd tells her that the person who gets it can use it to take two people off the block and nominate two more people. Elissa asks what?! Really? Judd says it’s not fair, but I thought Howard had it but not anymore he is acting really nervous and after he cried after the nominations. Judd says I don’t cry. Judd looks up at the cameras and asks what’s up Rachel & Brendon did you go on vacation or something??! (Because Elissa didn’t get MVP last week and this week.) Elissa says they don’t love me anymore! Elissa says she thinks they would give the Coup d’etat to a guy. Judd says and you have two weeks to use it. He didn’t use it last week and since he cried I doubt he has it. Judd comments that maybe BB will tempt them to drop out of the veto, $15! Elissa laughs.
Spoilers “I’m talking about Social Social game.. nobody in here is going to hold my d!** in their hands”
11:28pm Kitchen Spencer calls the house delivers a speech
H: “He guys guys guys may I have your attention”
H: “Irregardless of what happens .. I know it’s a game”
H: “A lot of it man is hard to muster.. When the game interferes with who you are personally”.
H: “I haven’t said one disparaging remark to any of you on a personal level”
H: ‘I respect everybody to the full.. But what’s worth more than winning this game to me is my witness”
He explains that people are saying he’s done or said things that are not true. He blames the people doing this for taking it too personally.
H: “I respect the decisions me and Aaryn talked.. that’s what people do” He tells them he won’t “Politic” against Spencer or the third nominee.
He know Aaryn gave him a chance to play for POV and that is what he’s going to do .
H: “I just ask two things”