12:40am Up in the HOH room – Andy, Aaryn, Gina, McCrae and Amanda are talking. Aaryn asks I wonder if the black fish is in heaven. McCrae heads downstairs. Amanda says she thinks McCrae is pissed. Andy asks about? Amanda says that this is even being considered. Aaryn says that she is too, because when you get nervous you suck. Andy says here is the thing Ginamarie, me, McCrae and Helen. Even if Judd and Elissa, and Jessie all flip (With Spencer) it’s a tie vote and Aaryn breaks it. Done right! Amanda says it shouldn’t even get to that point. Do you know how hard it was to get Howard up on the block? Aaryn says not hard. Amanda says hard. Gina asks so why didn’t someone get Judd to put Howard up on the block? Amanda says we tried to, he wouldn’t do it. Amanda says before that Elissa was supposed to and she wouldn’t do it. All I talk about is wanting Hoard on the block and it’s just ironic that I am up on the block with him and Candice. Andy says Ginamarie you hate Candice so much. Aaryn says Yup, there’s a Jew, and Candice and Howard on the block and I’m the racist. Amanda says oh get over it, no they do not! Everyone sees the truth. Aaryn says yeah but you see how it looks.
Tag: Amanda Zuckerman
Big Brother 15 house guest

Big Brother Spoilers “Ginamarie gotZ Balls she’s got more Balls than 1/2 the dudes in here”
10:19pm Howard and Candice Bedroom
Candice is pissed because Spencer is campaigning and she thinks he’s trying to get her voted out.
Howard swears Spencer is not campaigning against Candice he’s trying to get the numbers to keep both of them. Howard points out that next week if Spencer doesn’t win he’s going home. If they don’t have the votes to save them both Howard is the one leaving on Thursday. He’ll get up and tell everyone on Thursday to vote him out.
Howard says they’ve talked to GM and they can count on her vote.
H: “Gm gots balls she’s got more balls than 1/2 the dudes in here”
Candice doesn’t care for GM personally but she’s the woman she respects the most is GM.
Candice is worried about Spencer because he’s screwed her over so many times. She brings up last night after the girls were in the havenots talking to her.
Candice says she heard Spencer say to Amanda “you get attacked again in Candy land”.. and Amanda told Spencer “no he had a good conversations” Candice then saw him run upstairs to talk to Aaryn. Candice says Spencer has lied to her so much she’s done with him.

Spencer says McCrae better deliver a lot of F*****g pizzas “she’s the biggest wh**e in Florida”
8:21pm Hammock GM and Spencer
Gm: ‘Oh you know what I heard .. If you won HOH you would up Aryan and me up”
They both howl with laughter.
Spencer thinks that’s a great idea get out some of the major players the ones targeting him.
Spencer asks her what her dream for Thursday would be, “Who would you to go home the very most”.. Gm says she would want Amanda to go even though she can’t stand f*** Candice.
GM: “I don’t want to go to this f**** wedding I’m over it “ Spencer mentions how they give GM such a hard time with Nick and here they are getting engaged and having a wedding.
GM says Amanda and McCrae are trying to split up all the pairs she wants to split up their pair, “how do you like them apples”

Spencer “Aaryn vote this b!t*h out.. Push the reset button on your game.. Make a big move”
6:00pm Backyard JUDD and Spencer
Spencer campaigning to JUDD to help him flip the house. JUDD doesn’t commit to anything just asks the tough questions and says “Ya” a lot. While this conversation goes on Helen, Amanda and Aaryn are talking about how JUDD has to go sooner than later. Helen has really worked herself up into a frenzy over this.
Spencer says in three weeks him and Howard will be gone that is two total allies that will be lost to JUDD. Spencer says they are loyal people in the game. They are here to play and this is it the time to make a bold move.
JUDD is nervous about Candice he doesn’t trust her like Howard and Spencer do. Spencer: ‘You can trust me she’s going to be good once you save her and Howard.. she’ll be loyal”

The Superfriends start to turn on JUDD “We have to figure out a way to bring him down”
4:55pm Chessboard Helen, Aaryn and Elissa
Cahttign about the n*des on the intenret as well as the camera in the toilet. Aaryn is talking about the “rewind” feature that the feeds have. She mentions that is why there are so many n*des on the internets. Elissa leaves.
They head into the HOH to talk game. Aaryn talks about losing all trust with all the people close to her early in the game. Helen really felt for her after the first 2 evictions went down and saw hoe Aaryn got blindsided.
Helen: “all those people that lied to you can lie to me as well”
Aaryn doesn’t think anything is going to happen until Spencer and Candice are gone then the game is going to get a lot harder.

Elissa asks Aaryn “Is there anyway that Howard could have the Comb d’pa?”
12:45pm Out in the backyard – McCrae, Amanda and Judd are talking. Judd reassures Amanda that she is staying and has nothing to worry about. Amanda questions Judd if he said anything to Ginamarie. Judd says he talked to her and told her they might come to her with a deal but for her to just play along with it. Amanda questions if Judd and Jessie would be together after the show. Judd says he doesn’t know they live pretty far apart. Amanda says she think Jessie is at the point where she would move. Judd says I don’t know we haven’t even kissed. Judd says that Jessie is someone he would date but would wait till after the show. I am focusing on the game right now. Amanda says yeah that was my mistake. Amanda heads over to the pool to suntan.

Big Brother 15 SPOILERS – Power Of Veto Ceremony RESULTS!
10:08am – 10:52am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the TRIVIA screen for the Power Of Veto Ceremy. When the feeds return, we learn that obviously Spencer used the VETO to take himself off the block and Aaryn did exactly what she said she would do. She nominated Candice as the replacement nominee.
10:52am Amanda, Elissa and Jessie are out on the backyard couch. Amanda comments that Candice has to go after Howard. Jessie says that it just makes Howard look like a huge douche bag that he would treat Candice like this the last few days. Amanda asks Jessie just promise me you wont flip. Jessie promises. Amanda says I promise you I will protect you. Jessie says she won’t flip. Amanda says even if Judd asks you to don’t flip. Jessie says she won’t you’re like my big sister.

Judd lies to Spencer and tells him that he is down with voting out Amanda.
8:15am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – in the back bedroom Howard is talking to Andy. Howard says that best alliance would be with the house. Andy tells Howard we will just see what happens during nominations to day and see. Stop looking at trying to be safe with $13,000 and start looking at the $500,000. Howard says there is still opportunity either in Candice. Howard leave the room.
In the storage room – Howard is talking to Candice. Howard reiterates his conversation that he has last night Helen. Howard tells Candice that he has her back and she is staying and he is going home if they won’t put someone else up on the block. Howard says this is the same thing that I just told Andy. I also told Judd and Spencer the same thing. Howard explains that we only need 4 votes. Candice says we need 5 votes.

Aaryn says “I f**king hate her! When I put her up I am going to look like the biggest bit*h but I don’t care!”
12:50am Up in the HOH room – Jessie and Aaryn are taking a bath together with the baby ducks. They notice that one of the black fish is dying on the bottom of the tank. Jessie notices that the other fish are eating the fish that is dying. Jessie freaks out when she sees the other fish eating him and says oh my god! They ate at him! They’re eating at him!
12:55am In the storage room – Elissa and Helen are talking. Helen is coming up with their plan to make it look like they are getting really close to Aaryn so that Jessie will want to evict Aaryn. Helen tells Elissa to say Oh my god, I love Aaryn when Jessie is around in the next few days. Helen and Elissa head into the bedroom. Helen tells Elissa that she really is starting to like Aaryn but the point is to get Jessie to want to evict Aaryn instead of Jessie getting too tight with Aaryn. Helen says that she sees what Jessie is doing.

Season of No Floaters “In retrospect with this cast it becomes advantageous to be a floater”
10:12pm Amanda and Candice Have nots
Amanda says she knows what Candice is going through because she has someone she cares about in the house to.
Amanda tells her to not sacrifice herself, “Fight to be here for yourself”
Candice says Amanda would feel the same way as her if there was another jewish person in the house and they came to her to support her when people were saying racial things about them. Candice says she had friends and allies in this house and they are supporting the person that said racial, hurtful and nasty things against her. She’s all alone and now she has to fight against the one person that was on her side the on person she cares about.

Andy says if 3 of the Goof Troop go up he’ll vote out JUDD “He’s playing the most selfish game”
7:16pm Andy and Amanda bedroom
Andy fills her in on his conversation with Spencer. Spencer knows he’s a target but when he gets put up depends on who wins HOH. Andy: “he said if he won HOH he would put up Aaryn and Gm to appease everyone”
Andy brings up that Spencer is upset because he can’t wash the stink of the moving company off of him and he just wants to stick around until he can be part of something again.
Andy says he just sat there and lied to Spencer “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you.. etc etc”
Amanda tells him something he cannot tell anybody even inside the goof troop. Last night JUDD admitted to making up the entire Kaitlin thing. He made up hearing Kaitlin say she was going after Helen when he was in solitary confinement.
JUDD: “I knew it”

JUDD has secret blood on his hands if he screws Goof Troop all that blood will come to light
5:25pm Cockpit Andy, JUDD and McCrae
JUDD tells them they have to not get too cocky and be too complacent.
JUDD leaves.
MC: “He thinks way long term”
Andy thinks that JUDD wanted Kaitlin gone because he know she wouldn’t vote for him in Jury. Andy is 99% sure that JUDD made everything up about Kaitlin targeting helen to get Kaitlin out.
MC says that right now JUDD is trying to do whatever it takes to get Helen out because he know she won’t vote for him in the end.
Andy says JUDD is closer to Aryn than they all think that is why he wants her in JURY so bad. MC agrees adds that JUDD is trying to stack the Jury to help him.
Andy brings up how Jessie is saying Big Brother will try to f*** things up because they have it all figured out and the game seems it could get boring. MC agrees but he also thinks once they get to Jury it will get pretty exciting as they will have to start taking each other out. MCcrea explains they will have to put JUDD up with Jessie to get Jessie out and Andy up with Helen to get Helen out.