8:30am Big Brother wakes up the House Guests. When the live feeds return, Helen and Andy are talking about who the MVP might be this week. Helen says that if Spencer goes up it would be Ginamarie. They continue speculating on who it could be depending on who goes up. Andy asks who do you think we need to take long term. Helen says that she thinks taking Spencer to the final 3 would be the best option. Helen says I think we need to take out McCrae soon, if we take Amanda to the end no one will vote for her. Helen says McCrae needs to go before Amanda as she is easier to beat. Helen says that McCrae will always been seen as less of a threat than Amanda. They think if they keep Jessie and Aaryn in the game they we go after Amanda. Helen says that others will take Amanda and McCrae out for us. Andy thinks we have a good solid few weeks of being safe. Andy and Helen leave the storage room.
Tag: Amanda Zuckerman
Big Brother 15 house guest

Aaryn asks if H & C go home because of us, do you realize how that looks? Gina says what like black on black crime?
1:05am Ginamarie talks to Aaryn about how she hasn’t been a havenot and people want her to throw it. Ginamarie says I am here to compete, this is a competition, get off you’re fat a$$es and do something about it. Can you play like everyone else, I don’t understand it. Aaryn says MVP was already passed out. Gina asks how do you know that? Aaryn says because it’s the night before. When Elissa got it it was the night before. Gina asks how do you know that did she tell you? Aaryn says Helen told me. Gina says don’t believe everything you hear. You can listen but don’t believe it. Gina says it could be tomorrow morning. Gina comments that I haven’t heard anyone called into the diary except for me because I am HOH. Aaryn says because you know how he came over the speaker and called me? Gina says yeah. Aaryn says he did that to Amanda too in the cockpit. Gina asks he did what to Amanda? Aaryn says called.. Big Brother cuts the feeds. When they come back, Gina says that sucks, whatever!?

Big Brother Spoilers Ginamarie impersonations “It’s a hot girl thing”
9:40pm Living room
The competition begins where the players have to impersonate Ginamarie. The best impersonation gets to have a BBQ with Helen, Aaryn and Elissa.
In the centre of the living there is a collection of GM’s stuff, the meow meow hat, hair extensions etc etc.
Participants are Amanda, McCrae, Jessie, and Spencer. Helen and Elissa are also in the contest but just for fun. On the count of three they have to race to the centre and grab a prop to prepare.
Each contestant stand in front of the group and does their impersonation. (In my opinion McCrae and Jessie and Amanda are the best flashback to see it all)
Everyone has a great time after they are done with the impersonations the judges head to the have nots to decide the winner

Whatever happened to Superfriends “At some point I’ll have to betray Helen and Elissa”
8:34pm HOH Aaryn and Andy
Aaryn telling him that during the mattress flipping event Amanda convinced 6 people in the rainbow room she was responsible for David and Nick’s eviction, “She convinced everyone in the room it was my fault.. “
Aaryn adds that after Amanda told her in private that Aaryn was not responsible for those two evictions.
Aaryn says you can manipulated David’s mind so easily she’s worried that David’s at home right now thinking she is why he went home.
Andy: “If i Know two things about Amanda is she likes to be in the centre of trouble and two she is very loyal and I want her on my side and not against me”
Aaryn Hopes that they are loyal to her. Andy says he’s trusting his gut on this one and he feels they can trust Amand and McCrae.
Aaryn says they all have bonds with people in this house and if they want to win this game they have to have loyalty. Andy thinks the first couple weeks of this game is all about making those

Big Brother Nomination Results Andy: “We need to Honour Ginamarie and Aaryn this week”
6:04pm HOH GM and Candice
Gm : “Hi sweetheart”
C: “That was pretty harsh GM”
GM: “I’m sorry I think you are a cool person.. I hear things.. err.. don’t believe rumors but you told Elissa about what we said in the bathroom” GM explains that when her Kaitlin, Amanda and Aaryn were in the bathroom talking about Elissa Candice ran up to the HOH and told Elissa that they were talking bad about her and GM wasn’t. Gm doesn’t like people that spread rumours around. The truth of it was GM never said a bad thing about Elissa during that conversation.
GM: ‘People have their own personalities and their own game play I don’t like rats not saying you are .. you are beautiful and a good person”
GM points out that candice has big fights with people then the next minute she is buddy buddy with them again that makes it hard for GM to trust her.
Gm: “no hard feelings.. JUDD and McCrae.. I promised them I wouldn’t put them up. cause they never put me up.. . Andy is cool with me and I promise McCrae I wouldn’t put Amanda up when we’re in the HOH competition… the only last resorts were you and Jessie”

Amanda tells Jessie that she is sorry about the derogatory comments she made about her.
12:10pm In the bathroom – Jessie tells Gina that she doesn’t think she has given her any reason not to trust her. Gina says oh yeah we’re good. She tells her that we will definitely get a chance to talk later before nominations. Gina says the way I see it, it won’t happen until I get a chance to talk to everyone or at least that’s how I see it. I can even tell everyone that you asked to talk to me first. Jessie says thanks. Gina winks at her and says no problem. Jessie leaves the room.
In the storage room – Aaryn tells Andy that yes she has a bond with Judd but that if it came down to it she would vote him out or put him up if she had to. She says that her loyalty is to Andy, Amanda & McCrae. Andy says that he feels the same way about her that he trusts her. Andy tells Aaryn that he would vote to keep her if it was between Aaryn and Helen.

Helen says Jessie is a little Devil, the way she talked to Amanda was so mean! Gina says Jessie is a womanizer!
9:35am – 9:55am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Judd is brushing his teeth in the bathroom. Gina walks through with him back to the bedroom. Gina then jumps on Andy and pretends to fart on him. They go back to sleep. Candice heads into the bathroom to get ready for the day. She then walks to the kitchen and notices the backyard is open and screams THE BACKYARD IS OPEN! Helen gets up and starts getting ready for her run. Helen apologizes for Howard being gone. Candice talks about how this was out of Howard’s comfort zone. Helen says I know that the money doesn’t replace anything but maybe you winning that money ($5,000) is like telling you to remember why you are here and to get your head back in the game. Helen comments that Jessie tried to talk to her last night after the fight but I told her I needed to sleep first. Helen explains that there is a time to go for all of us. Helen talks about how Jessie was stirring things up. She says that Jessie was going around dragging my name through the mud. Helen says that Jessie is a little devil.

Amanda & Jessie FIGHT! Amanda says you go after every guy, CLOSE YOUR F**KING LEGS YOU SL*T!
1am Up in the HOH room – Aaryn, Helen, Elissa, Amanda and McCrae are talking. Amanda says that is was Jessie who went to Candice with latest plan, it wasn’t Candice approaching Jessie. Judd brings up how last week Jessie came up to him and told him things she had told people. Judd says that he was surprised. He says that Jessie suddenly thought she was a mastermind. Aaryn tells Judd that Jessie had said Judd should sleeping in the bed with Aaryn tonight, and that Jessie was in the bed with Spencer under the covers. Helen says don’t worry, we will get her out. Judd leaves the HOH room and says that Jessie should go this week. Judd asks Ginamarie if she would consider putting up Jessie. Gina says that’s an option. Judd says that if Jessie doesn’t want to be here. He says that Candice and Spencer do. Amanda tells Gina that she wouldn’t even put Spencer up, if he isn’t coming after you. Judd says would or wouldn’t? Amanda said would not. Judd tells Gina that he would support whatever she did 100%. Judd tells Gina that if she put Jessie up, he would appreciate it and owe her.

Another cliff hanger week? “Bye Bye good parting gift the 5 grand go to candy land b!tch”
9:02pm Cockpit Aaryn and GM
Aaryn starts off by recommending Candice and Spencer be nominated. Aaryn says she wants Candice gone but is really threatened by Spencer.
GM: ‘He voted F**** nick out he can kiss my a$$”
Aaryn: “We were going extinct .. I thought I lost you when Kaitlin and I were on the block”
They start going through scenarios. GM says if Spencer wins POV she could put Jessie up as the replacement. GM says if Spencer says anything about going up she going to call him out for lying to her face about Nick, “I don’t like lies and I don’t like rats.. same thing for Candice.. I don’t like fricken rats”.

Big Brother Spoilers Guess who’s sleeping in the HOH tonight.. Clue it’s not the HOH
8:33pm Bedroom Helen, MC, Aaryn and GM
Helen : “Thank You for your vote.. I love you I love your loyalty.. Look at how hard it was to get howard out.. I love him as a person..”
Helen says she can pick three people to have the BBQ with. She wants GM to join them. GM says she declines because she never really eats and doesn’t want to take that away from someone. GM suggests they have a contest.
Helen give one spot to Elissa and Aaryn and the 3rd spot will be up for grabs.
Helen says Jessie had asked her for the spot but she’s not giving it to her, “There’s people I need to repay”

Big Brother 15 HOH and Eviction results Candice Vs Howard Vs Amanda
Helmanda show with special guests the superfriends
It’s not all roses with the superfriends Helen has told many people in the house that she’s going to go against McCrae and Amanda. McCrae and Amanda have done the same.. It would be very exciting to see these two groups go to BB war this week instead of waiting until final 6. Lets hope CBS has something planned to stir it up or we can just call Big Brother 15 The Helmanda show with special guests the superfriends.
The feeds have been on trivia since before noon this is unusual something is going happen tonight.
My Predictions
Howard goes home with 8 votes against
HOH win goes to Helen because this is how this season is going

Andy tells Aaryn how Jessie was trying to get him to flip last night. Aaryn says I would never vote out Amanda!
9:40am – 11am Helen wakes up and starts her morning run through the house from the bathroom to the living room. At 10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return, Judd is in the kitchen making Ramen noodles for breakfast. Judd takes his noodles into the lounge room to eat. Howard comes in to the lounge after he wakes up to pray in the photo booth. Judd leaves. Howard prays to god that he and Candice will remain in the house. Meanwhile in the bathroom – Judd and Helen talk about how you can’t tell someone they are going home. Helen says that she really likes Aaryn. I didn’t hear first hand the things she said. I will need to go home and watch it for myself. Judd says that the whole mattress thing was blown out of proportion. Judd says that Howard cornered him in the storage room and told him he doesn’t not have to talk to him. Judd says I was just trying to stay out of his way. Helen says Howard doesn’t talk to me at all any more. Helen says that she likes Spencer and thinks he’s gotten a bad rep. Judd agrees.