2:40pm – 2:50pm Elissa heads into the rainbow room and tells Judd to wake up. She then leaves and heads into the kitchen. Elissa jokes that all the house guests were up partying all morning even McCrae which is why they’re all still sleeping. Amanda calls Elissa to come talk to her in the bathroom. Amanda says that she was basically campaigning to Judd to trying and get his vote making him think that I didn’t have the votes. He said that he tried to work with you but that you wouldn’t listen to anything he said. She says that Judd said he felt he could work better with Spencer. Amanda says that he thinks he know everything that is happening in this house when he doesn’t. Amanda laughs about how amazing and shocking it is going to be when she stays. Amanda says that Gina is going to be blindsided, she’s going to malfunction when I stay.
Tag: Amanda Zuckerman
Big Brother 15 house guest

Elissa says I would not be friends with Amanda after but as far as game wise.. Judd says I’m done with her both ways.
10:35am – 11am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Judd and Elissa are the only house guests awake and in the backyard talking. They discuss the possibility of a double eviction this Thursday. Elissa asks Judd who his target is this week if he won during the double eviction? Judd says I don’t know, who do you think? Elissa says I don’t know. Judd says I guess anyone we think we couldn’t beat. Elissa asks so like McCrae? Would you put up Andy? Judd says no, I don’t know I don’t think so. Elissa asks would you put up me? Judd says oh hell no. I wouldn’t put you up. You’re the one person I for sure wouldn’t put up. Elissa asks are you going to try and get it? Judd says yeah, I don’t want to go out on a double eviction again. Judd says if I get it, meet me in the cockpit immediately to figure out who he should put up. Elissa says oh my gosh, it’s so scary. Judd says one of us just has to get it. One of us has to win the veto too and not use it. It would be terrible to have to put up 3 people with this few amount of people left in the house. Elissa says oh my god I am freaking out.

Elissa says you think I came on Big Brother and you’re going to manipulate me, no frigging way!
12:20am Spencer, McCrae, Andy and Judd are sitting on the backyard couch talking about random things. Meanwhile in the bathroom – Amanda is showering while talking to Elissa. Amanda says you would think that they would make the shower so that you couldn’t see anyone’s private parts. Elissa says I just don’t want my boobs or anything like that being on the internet because I am a mom and haven’t done anything to deserve anything like that. Amanda whispers to Elissa has Ginamarie reiterated again like thank you or anything like that? Elissa says no, just earlier. Amanda says she is acting super weird. McCrae talks to Elissa in the bathroom. McCrae asks Elissa if they are both still good. Elissa says yeah of course. McCrae says if this happens.. Elissa says it is going to be crazy. McCrae says it will be awesome. He says that Amanda’s theory of Judd and Spencer working together to blame both sides was right. Elissa says he’s not playing me. McCrae says f**k no. McCrae says don’t be surprised when the vote comes out.

“I’m going to be so nasty to that b!tch she’s going to wish Amanda is back in the house” -Exterminators
8:49pm HOH Andy, Spencer, GM
They are have noticed how Amanda and Elissa are so close now.
They all agree ELissa looks nothing like her pictures. GM points out her cheeks, lips and eyes all look different.
Andy – ‘And she claims she’s never had any plastic surgery on her face’
Spencer – ‘when she gets exterminated I’m not going hug her’
GM – ‘how are they laying on the hammock being besties again’
GM tells them while she was sleeping Elissa went through her drawers.

“Don’t let this freak you out but my odds would be better if I flipped with all of them” -Andy
7:15pm Backyard Andy and Spencer
Spencer says if McCrae wins HOH they approach him with a boys alliance and tell him to put up GM and Elissa and we’ll vote ELissa out. If Elissa get it’s they approach ELissa tell her McCrae is trying to start a boys alliance. Andy that works, she’s going to be freaked out.
Spencer asks if it’s best they put both McCrae and Elissa up. Andy thinks it is, says that way they cannot save each other. Andy explains if they can get rid of Elissa the following HOH is it’s 4 against 1.
Spencer – ‘It’s about to play the F*** game now.. we’re f** hardcore.. We’re loyal. we’re going to kick a$$ raise hell.. exterminate’
Andy – ‘don’t let this freak you out.. this just shows how confident I am in what we have.. My odds would be better if I flipped with all of them”

“The people that think they have the power, Spencer, JUDD and GM are in for a rude awakening”
4:40pm Elissa and Amanda backyard
ELissa – ‘Everyone is acting weird.. even GM is acting weird.. you think Andy told them’
Amanda – ‘Nope.. she worried because the target is going to move from you to her.. Andy is 150% onboard.. this is HUGE’
Elissa – ‘I feel better.. I don’t like Spencer’
A – ‘He will lie right to your face.. he’s usually such an a$$hole but lately he’s been super nice’
A – ‘If this works it’s the four of us vs the three of them’
E – ‘Final 4.. I’m not a stupid person I don’t think with my emotion.. i’m not going to be dumb like Aaryn this is Big brother’
Elissa says she’s going to have to have surgery on her leg because it hurts so bad… “my hip bone is pressing against my nerve.. as a yoga instructor I cannot have pain on my body’
Amanda suspects that GM is starting to get the feeling that something is up.
Elissa – ‘Spencer is going home’

Elissa asks so we’re voting out Spencer? Andy says yeah! Elissa says OMG! Andy says I’ll do it!
1:45pm In the kitchen – Elissa talks to Andy about keeping Amanda in the house. Elissa tells Andy that she thinks that Judd is definitely working with Spencer. She says they are going to try and get rid of us. He (Judd) has already said that everyone likes you in Jury so he wouldn’t want to take you. Elissa says with Amanda and McCrae here it keeps their loyalty intact with you. Andy says yeah, yeah. Elissa says I just trust them way more. Elissa asks so we are voting out Spencer. Andy says yeah. Elissa says oh my god!! Andy says I’ll do it. Elissa says okay. Andy leaves to go to the washroom.

ELISSA tells Amanda I want to vote for you to stay. I’m not lying! I SWEAR TO GOD!
12:15am Amanda and Spencer are talking in the bedroom about McCrae and her outside the house. Amanda says that she is worried about what McCrae with think after because I am pretty successful in my work and he delivers pizza and he is 24 years old. But we love each other and if we want to make each other happy, figure it out! Spencer says it takes more than love though. Amanda says I know. I was dating a very, very rich, wealthy guy before I came into the house and never in a million years did I say I would date a 24 year old pizza boy but there is something to say about growing together. I am the type of girl that expects a guy to pay for everything but I feel like that isn’t going to happen and I am going to get frustrated. Spencer says yeah you need to learn to fix that, you are both entering into a lifestyle that neither of you are used to, you just have to be okay with it. Amanda yells for McCrae to ask him.

“The little people got together and fought against the Beast the Beast gets Destroyed’ GM
9:00pm Backyard
Elissa – ‘Oh my gosh why did you guys have to go mess stuff up McCrae.. oh my gosh’
MC – ‘I dunno … yupp..’
Elissa – ‘Do you think it’s double this week’
MC – ‘Ya.. it makes sense’
MC questions if JUDD is really at competitions or is just throwing them as part of game.
MC says he has no idea where GM head is at. MC says being so close to Amanda he’s kinda isolated himself he doesn’t know where everyone’s head is at.
Elissa says at this point it really depends on Competition wins. Elissa adds that there are some people in their house she would rather see in the game because they want it so bad.
ELissa doesn’t think she will get any votes other than Helen if she is up against Spencer. MC thinks Elissa has a chance to win against Spencer but not Andy.
Elissa says his best bet is for him to take her to the finals. Elissa- “i wouldn’t mind getting second.. I wouldn’t mind getting third.. there is no way in god green creation that I would win’
MC says Elissa has a good case to win the money. He thinks everyone left has a good case for the money.

Amanda says I should wash the sheets because lord knows you won’t wash them when I am gone.
5:40pm Out in the backyard – The Exterminators – Gina, Andy, Judd and Spencer talk about hoping the next POV competition will be a celebrity or returning house guest hosted comp. They all hope it’s a returning house guest more than a celebrity. Ginamarie says she would go crazy if it was Nick and Jeremy that came back.
Up in the HOH room – Judd jokes and tells Andy that Amanda might slap him. Andy asks why? Judd says because I am telling her that you are telling me to vote her out. Andy says oh my god. Judd heads downstairs. Andy listens to Ginamarie’s CD.

2:30pm – 3:25pm Elissa is the only house guest awake and laying out in the backyard hammock. All the other house guests are napping. Big Brother wakes up Judd to call him to the diary room. Andy also gets up from his nap and makes a snack. Judd joins him to make a hot dog. Andy asks Judd if he should yell out to Elissa in the hammock and tell her that Ginamarie got Pandora’s Box. Judd tells him to. Andy does it and immediately shuts the door. Andy tells Judd that Elissa 90% doesn’t believe him but 10% does and will come in to check. Elissa lays there in the hammock and then starts to get up. Andy tells Judd to go hide. Andy hides in the photo booth and Judd hides behind the lounge room door. Elissa comes in and looks around the house for them. She looks in the back and then up in the HOH room. She then finds them in the lounge and they laugh about hiding. They talk about how they don’t think Pandora’s Box will happen this season.

Power of Veto Ceremony Results ‘The pu$$y is powerful it makes you do some crazy sh!t”
11:02am MAking sandwiches
Elissa points out that all the dirty dishes over “Here” are from Amanda.
11:04am Bedroom Amanada and McCrae
Amanda says she never asked him once to use the veto on her. She is her boyfriend and he won the Veto fair and square. Amanda jokes that she used the veto on McCrae last week.
11:06pm backyard Andy and Spencer
Spencer – ‘The pu$$y is powerful it makes you do some crazy sh!t’
Andy – ‘We’re in for some fire works this week.’ Andy adds that Amanda will go from highs to lows this week.
Spencer was a bit worried that McCrae would use the veto on himself.
JUDD comes in says “Should we tie the vote’ Laughs tells Specner he’s just joking.