10:10am – 10:36am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Andy, Helen, Aaryn and Jessie are awake and moving around the house. Aaryn, Andy and Helen talk about how they were told not to sneak in any candy from the competition but that some of the house guests did anyways. In the kitchen Aaryn talks about how she had a dream where her friend Jessie gave her a huge black dildo that had Velcro on it. She has no idea why she dreams about stuff like that and what do you do with the Velcro. Aaryn says that she also has dreams about being on camera and thinking she is sleeping naked where its then all over the internet. Elissa agrees Helen joins them and talks about how at midnight tonight it is the half way point. Aaryn says that before she came into the house she did a lot of research to see what would happen if she did certain things. And found if you do anything it is on the internet forever! Jessie asks did they ever catch Britney Haynes?
Tag: Amanda Zuckerman
Big Brother 15 house guest
Elissa says I hate to get rid of the girls but Jessie is such a flight risk. She is just the most inconsistent person.
1:25am Out in the backyard – Amanda, Jessie, McCrae, Elissa and Gina are talking about random things. Amanda says I legitimately have no idea how I am being portrayed. Gina says I am being portrayed as the funny dumb one. Amanda says they get me to talk in a bit*hy way but I say it in a funny way. Big Brother cuts the feeds and when they come back the house guests are talking about how they all thought Howard had the f**king Coup d’etat. Amanda says she stressed herself out for a week about and when she asked her “friend” (someone in production) he did have any idea what it was. As soon as my friend was like “what’s a Coup d’etat?” I was like ah good! Andy says Howard’s master plan was, I am going to form a bunch of weird alliances and try and flip the house last minute. Amanda says I would be a real bit*h when I would talk to Howard.
Andy says he’s teetering between who to vote out his gut is telling him Spencer
9:12pm Andy and Aaryn
Andy: “right now i’m leaning towards Jessie” Andy isn’t certain though and wants to go over all the options. He wonders if maybe they kept Jessie and used her to take out GM and Elissa.
Aaryn is worried Jessie will put up GM and Amanda, Aaryn thinks Jessie is close to Elissa.
Andy points out if they save Jessie she will be forever loyal to them
Aaryn: ‘Spencer is more likely to go after Helen and Elissa than Amanda and McCrae.. the more I think about it the more I think Spencer staying will benefit us”
Andy: ‘we just need to met every day and compare the reason to keep and evict them”
Andy says his Gut is telling him if he doesn’t get Spencer out of here he will be the reason they are evicted.
Aaryn: “I get that feeling to”
Aaryn says she never really trusts Spencer because he’s lied so much to her in the beginning of the game but with Jessie she tells it like it is.
Andy doesn’t feel good about Spencer even though he’s closer to them than Jessie. He still wants Jessie out he’s just playing devils advocate.
Big Brother Spoilers POV results “Dude I F***** up”
POV Holder: Andy Next POV Aug 17th POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 12th HOH Winner: ANDY Next HOH: Aug 15th Original Nominations: Jessie and Spencer Current Nominations: Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard, Candice, JUDD Have Nots Aaryn, Helen , GM, Elissa Andy Wins the POV 8:27pm Helen, Spencer, McCrae and Helen […]
Waiting for POV “Girl named candy had a big a$$ wanted to go out with a bang but left with no class”
4:22pm Living Room GM and Aaryn rapping Amanda joins them from the kitchen.
GM: “Yo i’m G-unit in the house i’m going to knit you a blanket.. to stick you 6 feet under.. I got the hunger fore some slop balls just chilling with my UGGS on”
GM: “We got the braids tied tight with my cl!t ring hanging ohh so right ”
Aaryn: “we got the BB bunnies in the house you better keep our names outta your mouth”
Aaryn: “they call me skipper or poopey ..”
Amanda: “My boy Spencer with his beard so red he comes from Arkansas where they’re all inbred”
Amanda: “Andy he’s so cute he loves the mother f**** boys that like fruit.. UGH he may be gay but guess what he’s still here OK”
Big Brother 15 Spoilers – POV Players Picked! Elissa is BORED and wants to SHAKE THINGS UP!
12:45pm In the storage room – Amanda, McCrae and Spencer are talking. Amanda says that she and Helen are going to try and knock out Jessie if its the knock out competition. The discuss different strategies to beat Jessie. In the lounge room – Helen, Elissa and Andy are talking. They talk about how next week they will make a big move. Andy says that he likes Jessie but that she needs to go this week. Helen says that she and Amanda will work to get to knock Jessie out if its a knock out competition. Elissa talks about how she really thinks they need to get Amanda out. If she is in the end she will win. Andy and Helen tell Elissa that this isn’t the time we need to make sure we don’t give her any indication that we are coming after her. Helen tells Elissa that they can make a big move next week or after that. Elissa tells them that she just gets bored and wants to shake the house up. Amanda joins them and tells them the strategy of folding for every round until they knock Jessie out. Andy says that he really doesn’t want Spencer to win the veto either because I really really don’t want to put up Ginamarie.
Andy does Helen’s facial expression when she impersonated Jigsaw from the movie Saw.
9:30am – 10:10am Spencer is waiting outside the diary room to go in after Aaryn. Aamanda and McCrae are in the bathroom. Amanda comments that it will take forever to get into the diary room with Aaryn in there and Spencer next. In the kitchen – Amanda starts making breakfast for her and McCrae. McCrae wonders if Andy is up? Amanda says no, probably not. Why am I boring you? McCrae says no, I just want to get this stupid conversation over with.
10:15am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Elissa, Helen and Andy are in the kitchen talking about the wakeup music. Andy keeps talking about wanting to hear the “Christmas Shoes” song. Andy complains about being woken up to go to the diary room. He says that she was so b*tchy to them asking why?! Jessie joins them. While Amanda is in the dairy room, McCrae is concerned about the bacon and whether its done. Helen tells him 4 more minutes.
After $*X and a B**w J*b – Amanda drinks from McCrae’s water bottle. He says Oh GROSS!
1:30am In the bathroom – Amanda, McCrae and Spencer continue to talk. Spencer asks Amanda so if I get House Guest Choice during the veto players pick, who should I pick? Amanda says everyone is keeping it the same, so it really doesn’t matter. You would just pick someone that would win it. Aaryn is a good competitor. Spencer says well I thought about Helen because I know she won’t change it and it would be interesting to see what she would say to me to not use it. Amanda says that’s too risky. McCrae says I worry about Helen. Amanda says that’s too risky. Spencer says okay, okay, fair enough. Amanda says give it to McCrae, he is not going to use it. Spencer says yeah I know. Amanda says he is not going to use it and you’re not going home. Spencer says I hate to say I don’t care about winning it but when she (Jessie) is out my care of winning it drops. Amanda says the entire house is with it, I am telling you there is no f**king way you are going home. NO WAY! If either one of us wins it we cannot use it but I am telling you, you will not go home. Spencer says yeah I know you can’t use it. Amanda says Don’t ever throw it. If Andy has to get a little dirty.. Spencer says yeah I know I am more worried about my safety than his hands.
Saw Stories “Spencer I want to play a game, you spent your whole life eating butterscotch… ”
9:35pm Bedroom chit chat They are playing “Saw stories” Where they pretend to be the guy on Saw Helen goes first with her “Saw story” (See above)
Helen: “ANDY you think you are so cool cause you are HOH but in reality I am cooler”
Everyone laughing.. Andy :”That is the lamest saw story”
Helen gives is a second shot “Andy I want to play a game with you I want you to pull out all your teeth and bake them in Spencer’s blood and feed them to the house guests.,
Helen: “That was better”
Spencer: ‘At least blood was involved”
Helen: ‘Elissa, you do one”
Spencer says I told you Andy was going to do whatever the masses of a$$es wanted him to do.
7:50pm Out in the backyard – Spencer is grilling the steaks and the mackerel fish fillets on the BBQ. They comment on how the fish is super fishy tasting. Aaryn is in the kitchen making some sloppy balls.
McCrae and Jessie sit on the backyard couch and smoke with talking about different foods. Spencer and Jessie are in the backyard alone. Spencer says well we are in the same place aren’t we? Jessie says we will have to fight for the POV. Spencer says I am going to fight like hell for the VETO. Jessie comments that he is handling it pretty well. Spencer says that he is just used to being on the block now. Jessie asks what did Andy tell him up in the HOH room. (Big Brother then switches cams so we don’t hear his answer. They then flip the cameras back.) Spencer says I told you that Andy was going to do whatever the masses of a$$es would want him to do. Jessie talks about how everyone is sitting pretty right now.
Big Brother 15 SPOILERS – Nomination Ceremony RESULTS!
5:20pm – 6:24pm The Live Feeds switch to TRIVIA for the NOMINATION Ceremony. When the feeds return we learn that Andy did exactly as he had been talking about all day and nominated JESSIE and SPENCER for Eviction.
6:24pm In the kitchen all the house guests are hugging and talking. Helen and Amanda compliment Andy about his Nomination speech. Helen says you should be good though being a public speaking teacher. Andy says yeah I didn’t want to mess that up. Jessie heads into the back bedroom and says well what do you know BB.. 4th time on the block! They must really hate me.. I’m doing something right! Jessie gets into bed and stares off at the wall. Meanwhile in the other bedroom. McCrae and Amanda are talking in bed. Amanda says we have to get rid of Helen NEXT week! She has to be back doored, it’s the only way to get her out.
“I would never go against you I love you and want a life with you after this” -Amanda to McCrae
3:49pm Amanda and McCrae Bedroom
Amanda is a bit worried about McCrae now that JUDD is gone. McCrae tells her not to worry his problem is he’s feeling like his position in the game is worse now that JUDD is gone.
Amanda says McCrae deserve to win over her because Big Brother is his dream.
Amanda says aaryn told Andy she would rather GM go over Jessie.
McCrae: “No way”
Amanda says their eviction list is Jessie, GM and Spencer. “Eventually Elissa has to go up as the pawn”