6:07pm Elissa and Amanda
Elissa: “Amanda who is the target”
Amanda: “I dunno Specner .. I don’t even know who is going up”
Elissa: “ ok..”
Amanda: “did you talk to Aaryn”
Elissa: “ya she just said I wasn’t the target. “
Amanda: “EWwwww I can smell the head cheese shit from here”
Elissa: “i know it’s disgusting”
Tag: Amanda Zuckerman
Big Brother 15 house guest
Helen asks if Elissa and I are on the block would you use the Veto to save me? Aaryn says No!
1:20pm In the HOH room – Helen asks Andy if she can talk to Aaryn quickly alone. Andy says sure and leaves. Helen tells Aaryn that she realizes that Elissa is going on the block and that you are worried that I would use the veto to save Elissa. I will not use the veto save Elissa if you as HOH do not want me to. Helen asks so if Elissa and Spencer were up on the block and Elissa won the veto and came off, if I went up – who would go home? Aaryn says Spencer would, I do not want him here. Helen says as much as she likes Spencer I need to lobby for my own votes. Helen says if I go up on the block I would not want to go home over Elissa or Spencer. If Spencer stayed here longer than I did I would be devastated. If Spencer is you target and everyone knows that I would be okay with that. Helen says that she worries about Amanda on her game. If you stay true to me I will stay true to you going forward. Aaryn says yeah. Aaryn says that just because of the Elissa past I would be fine with either Spencer or Elissa going home.
Aaryn’s Nom Speech for Elissa – You act entitled, bite the hand that feeds and you don’t appreciate this opportunity!
11:20am Amanda heads up to the HOH room to talk to Aaryn. Amanda says that she has trusted Andy and McCrae since the beginning. She says she doesn’t trust Ginamarie but she trusts you so you have have influence over her. Amanda says that Spencer would put up Ginamarie and Elissa not you. He thinks that he is aligned with McCrae. Amanda says my fear is that Ginamarie would tell Spencer about our final 5. Would she? Is she stoked about it? Aaryn says Ginamarie wouldn’t say anything. Aaryn is super worried about Spencer staying and winning HOH next week because she fears he will win HOH and put her up. Amanda says that her biggest fear this week was telling Andy about getting Helen out this week, but he was totally down with it when I asked him. Aaryn wonders about asking the diary room about what kind of information the evicted people hear and see in the goodbye messages. Aaryn is worried an evicted house guest is coming back. Amanda says that she doesn’t think that will happen. Aaryn says that Helen wanted to set an example for her little boy and she is not doing it.
Amanda says everything that comes out of my mouth is b*llsy, look B*LLS! Aaryn says because you suck on McCrae’s!
1:30am Up in the HOH room. Amanda comments that Andy likes being back doored. Aaryn says yeah lets back door Andy. They talk about Helen is getting upset and crying that Elissa is going up on the block. Ginamarie says its the same thing when Howard went up on the block she started crying. Aaryn says well don’t worry Aaryn Queen of Balls is here! Amanda says okay queen of balls. Aaryn says really, who here has done a ballsy thing? Amanda raises her hand. Aaryn asks what? Amanda says everything! Amanda says every single thing that comes out of my mouth is ballsy, look BALLS! Aaryn says that’s because you suck on McCrae’s! Amanda says well it works. Aaryn says and that’s a different type, ball mouth. Amanda says that the only person she (Helen) said she did not want up at any time was Andy and McCrae. Aaryn says you know I need to put you (Andy) and McCrae up because you need to understand how it feels. Amanda says yeah lets do that. Aaryn says Andy would run away crying and McCrae would be like what the f**k.
“I’m on the down low because Jessie killed me with Aaryn.. Jessie doesn’t understand this game” -Helen
11:24pm Storage Helen and Elissa
Helen: “I have the feeling you are going up .. not sure about the second person it could be me it might be me.”
H: “I know you don’t like her I know you don’t.. it just sucks you got in a argument before a competition”
Elissa says she never said that straight to GM and Aaryn she only told Amanda, Helen and McCrae.
Elissa says she was having a bad day.. Helen mentions how she was trying in the HOH to explain to them you were just having a bad day.
Helen: “If she puts us both upo one of us will go home”
Elissa: “Not if one of us wins the veto”
helen:’ No she’ll put up Spencer and one of us will go home probably”
Elissa: ‘you think they will vote us out”
“I hate all that PC sh!t.. it muzzles real conversation” -Spencer
9:05pm Living room Andy, McCrae and Spencer
They are talking about the Tweet question from “Xerses” Julie gave Helen during the live show. Julie said she then corrected herself and said He or She.
MC: “She was playing it safe PC style”
Spencer: “I hate all that PC sh!t.. it muzzles real conversation.. you can’t talk about real stuff because of the fear of offending somebody.”
Andy: “People who get offended can go f*** themselves.. life is too short to always be offended by everything”
Spencer and MC agree.
Spencer says people that are easily offended are pu$$ies”
McCrae says he wishes he could remember that Ricky Gervais qoute about offending people. Spencer: ‘What tehy can go f*** themselves” MC: “Ya pretty much “
(“Just because you’re offended, doesn’t mean you’re right.” ? Ricky Gervais, Heres one)
Aaryn’s nomination plan is Helen and Elissa “You are Janelle OK.. You are better than Janelle OK”
7:31pm Cockpit Aaryn and McCrae
Aaryn says she was planning on putting up Spencer and Elissa. but wanted to talk to them all first.
McCrae explains that it is better to put up Helen and Elissa in case Helen wins the POV and takes Elissa down.
Aaryn agrees says putting them both up together is the better plan. Aaryn will tell Helen that her target is Elissa even though the real target is Helen. She’ll explain to Helen the reason she is putting her up is she doesn’t want Helen to have to vote against Elissa or get any blood on her hands.
Aaryn: “I’ll tell her Elissa needs to go home because she treats me like garbage if one of them come down then spencer will go up.
Amanda joins them they confirm the plan is to put up Helen and Elissa. next week they will use Specner to take out Elissa. Amanda warns her that Helen and Elissa are going to come to her tonight and tell her Amanda and McCrae were saying to back door Aaryn.
Big Brother 15 Eviction and HOH Results Butterscotch Vs. Jigsaw
Alliance break down
3AM alliance ([Andy,Aaryn] and [McCrae/Amanda])
Mom Squad (Elissa and Helen)
3 person (McCrae, Helen, Andy)
Boys (Andy, Spencer, McCrae)
Bunnies (GM/Aaryn)
Essentially it’s the 3am alliance running the game, they have established side alliances with everyone in the house and have set themselves up nicely going into this new week. They have the numbers, the comp wins and strategy all that stands in their way is Helen and possibly some Pandora’s boxes. It’ll be interesting to see if Helen and Elissa figure out the 3am alliance before it’s too late. One thing holding this back is Andy. Helen trusts him too much and it could be the game for her.
Helen says Jessie is helping me get to the end because people will want to take me knowing she won’t vote for me.
1:10pm The Live Feeds return – Helen is in the kitchen telling Amanda that Jessie is going around telling Aaryn she has to get me out. Amanda says what?! Helen says I am done with her, I can’t believe I actually felt bad for her yesterday when she was crying.
Up in the HOH – McCrae is talking to Andy about how they need to get Elissa out of the house. He says that she has never hasn’t won a competition (she won the POV). He says that she had a big target on her in the beginning and now she doesn’t so much. McCrae is worried about Amanda wanting to take Elissa to the finals because she could win over her. Andy agrees that she has to go but that they need to get past this week. McCrae heads downstairs and Helen takes him into the lounge room to tell him that Jessie is going around tell Aaryn trying to get her (Helen) out. McCrae says that Jessie said that she will never vote for you in the end. Helen can’t believe she is doing this after I accepted her apology.
Jessie tells Aaryn you have my vote. Aaryn says they won’t take me, I would tear their a$$es up in the end.
9:55am Jessie is awake and in the kitchen making coffee. Andy is listing to his cd in the HOH room. All the other house guests are sleeping..
10am In the bedroom – Aaryn, Gina and Elissa are in the rainbow room talking. Elissa con’t find her black dress. Aaryn says that it’s probably in Candice’s bag because she takes things without asking all the time. Ginamarie and Aaryn talk about all the things Candice would take without asking like their shoes and hair bands. Aaryn says that she is OCD about her things and know where everything is and knoew when something is missing. Ginamarie says that is so disrespectful to take someones things without asking, I don’t get that woman. If it’s missing we’re sure Candice knows where it is because she probably took it. Elissa says that production already took two of her dresses.
Andy says he knows Jessie is mad at him she said goodnight to me and it was kind of c**ty.
12:50am In the kitchen – Ginamarie tells Spencer to come into the bathroom, I want to show you something. She takes him to the bathroom stall and says look at this. She reads aloud “Jessie K loves Dan was here” Spencer laughs that’s kind of funny did she write that? Gina says yeah. Elissa asks if that’s a camera or a mic. Spencer says a mic. Aaryn joins them and comments that there are camera’s in the bathroom stalls and showers – It was in the packet, it’s for safety so that we don’t go in there and hurt ourselves.
1am Up in the HOH room – Helen, Gina, McCrae, Aaryn and Andy are hanging out talking. Everyone talks about how Jessie ruined the havenot happy hour. They talk about how Jessie asked Ginamarie if she was going to miss her when she was gone. Aaryn tells them that Amanda is done in the havenot room telling Jessie everything starting with the veto competition.
“Are you mad because I was talking about how you never shower” who?
9:05pm Bathroom Amanda and McCrae
Amanda says she likes the nicknames Aaryn cam up with. MC says that sometimes he thinks people that make up names are faking the alliance. Amanda tells him Aaryn is loyal as sh!t it’s not a fake alliance.
McCrae knows she’s loyal he’s just telling her that if he wanted to try and convince people that something was real when it wasn’t he would make up fake names.
A: “It’s not fake”
MC: ‘I know it’s not I still think about it”
Amanda: “You have to believe in something sometime.. you have to have faith in something”
MC: “Ya”
Amanda: ‘Your mood has completely changed.. what just happened in the past 20 minutes are you mad because I was talking about how you never shower”