Big Brother 18 is almost here and like every year twitter accounts emerge claiming twists and casting rumors galore. This year the main ones seem to be focused on returning house guests and coaches. There’s also a healthy dose of villains and heroes type rumors, but this is usually the most common one. The returning houseguests one is being repeated by many sources. However I suspect it’s people just having fun. As for scheduling we find out tomorrow about the cast and probably withing the next couple days Julie Chen will go on a tour with ET showing us the house. At which point buckle up, I hope you are ready. Here’s how the start will go down.
Tag: Amanda Zuckerman
Big Brother 15 house guest

Big Brother 16 Spoilers: New Commercials “WE’VE GOT YOUR SUMMER FIX!”
The Canadian television network Global has released a few new Big Brother 16 commercials to promote the new season of big brother that premieres on June 25th, 2014. The première will be a TWO-NIGHT PREMIÈRE event with the first on Wednesday, June 25th and the second on Thursday, June 26th. In the new commercials there isn’t any new information released about the season, however, we expect the photos/video of the newly re-designed Big Brother house to be released around Monday, June 16th. In addition, we expect that the new cast of big brother 16 will be released around Wednesday, June 18th.

Big Brother 16 Spoilers: The CLUES Leaning Towards the Second ALL-STARS Season!
With so many rumors and speculation circulating the internet through different forms of social media its hard not to see the clues leaning towards this the 16th season of Big Brother being an All-Star season. This would be the second All-Stars season since Big Brother began back in 2000. The first Big Brother All-Stars was back in 2006 with Big Brother 7 where we truly had an all-star line-up of the best big brother alumni. The speculation about the 16th season being an all-stars season started a couple years ago but nothing has yet been publicly released or confirmed.

Big Brother 16 Commercial – “This Summer there will be Twist after Twisted Twist!”
The season première of big brother 16 is scheduled to air in just over 3 weeks and a new CBS Big Brother 16 promotional commercial has just been released. They state that this season will be filled with twist after twisted twisted which means this season is sure to be filled with all the crazy unexpected drama we crave!

Big Brother 15 Interviews, News, Scandals and MORE.. PART 2!
After just over a week since the finale the cast of Big Brother 15 have just begun to digest how the fans viewed their experience inside the BB house over the last 3 months. While some are in denial about their words and actions others have taken ownership of their mistakes and are trying to grow from the experience. Below are a number of new interviews and articles about the cast since they’ve left the Big Brother world.
During the BB15 wrap party a number of the Big Brother Canada season 1 cast joined the party and got mixed up in some of the drama.

Big Brother 15 – After the FINALE Interviews and MORE.. “I love my job so much and $500,000”
The finale episode of Big Brother 15 concluded last night but the reality of real life outside the house is just now hitting the cast of the most controversial season of Big Brother. After being locked away from the outside world for 3 months the final 3 and jury members are now trying to make sense of how the viewing public perceived their comments and actions inside the house. It is likely going to take time for the cast to grasp the full extent of their action and comments from this social experiment. It is hard to imagine being locked in a house with extreme personalities all competing, lying and backstabbing for the chance to win a half million dollars. With time to reflect and finally see with their own eyes what transpired throughout the season, it will be interesting to see how the cast reacts and which of the house guests own up to their actions. Below is a collection of interviews of the cast that will be added to as more are released.

Tonight will be the second Double Eviction of Big Brother 15 which will bring the number of house guests down from 7 to 5. Double eviction episodes are always a huge surprise as everything happens so fast and there next to no time to campaign or conspire.
2AM Alliance + Elissa formerly known as 3AM – Amanda, McCrae, Elissa and Andy (Who is faking being with them) all believe they are going to blindside Spencer, Ginamarie and Judd by evicting Spencer.
The Exterminators Alliance – Andy, Ginamarie, Judd and Spencer all believe they are going to blindside Amanda, McCrae and Elissa by evicting Amanda.
The Exterminators Plan for Tonight – Andy has been lying to Elissa, Amanda & McCrae all week telling them he is voting with them to vote out Spencer, when he will actually vote out Amanda. McCrae and Elissa will be voting to evict Spencer.

Amanda tells Elissa “McCrae wants to take you further. He doesn’t think anyone can win over Andy.”
12:35pm When the live feeds come back – Elissa and Amanda are in the bathroom talking. Elissa says that she is so excited but I am so nervous for tonight. Elissa says she wants to win the first HOH of the double eviction. Amanda says it doesn’t matter as long as it is one of us. Elissa asks would you want to win the second one? Amanda no because then you can’t play in the next one but I am still going to try. Amanda says that she wants Ginamarie out but that he and Judd are equal to her on who to get out, whatever everyone else wants to do. Amanda says I look so .. I need to do something with my life. Elissa leaves the bathroom for the kitchen and Amanda heads to the bedroom.

Last Night in the House “it’s going to be a blindside no matter what happens”
1:30pm HOH Amanda and McCrae
McCrae is worried that ELissa and Andy could use their plan to vote out spencer against them. McCrae is worried is not going to work out for them on eviction night.
Amanda – ‘WHen has andy betrayed you ever.. when has he betrayed me.. he’s not going and I have Elissa’s diamond ring’
MC – ‘I have to be pliable and malleable.. regardless of what happens’
Amanda – “GM getting me out of this house.. what a travesty’
McCrae asks her what she is doing tomorrow, is she going to meet up with Elissa. AManda will reconfirm with Elissa. AManda wonders what JUDD will do if Amanda stays. McCrae thinks JUDD will still think McCrae has his back, ‘GM is a better competitor and she is coming after you’

“Psycho psycho psychopath psychopath” .. “Drop it like you drop your pants Amanda’
9:30pm kitchen everyone but Elissa
Amanda asks GM what is going on with the bed and Ellissa. GM asks her why she is smirking, “What’s so f*** funny.. I talked to Elissa’
A – you’ve had a freaking attitude today’
GM – I already spoke to her
A – Why are you telling me this
GM explains to her what Elissa and her talked about when it comes to the Nick bed.
Amanda – ‘I don’t care GM it’s not all about you’
GM says she was smirking so GM is going to explain, “I was nice enough to give you and McCrae my F*** room tonight”
A- ‘I don’t care don’t… what are you talking about’
GM accuses Amanda of making her look stupid.
Amanda denies.
GM confronts her about telling everyone she makes herself throw up.
A – Aaryn was the one telling people that’

The Exterminators ‘She’s a robot whose circuits are programmed for lunacy’
6:13pm HOH GM and Spencer
Spencer says he’s so ready for tomorrow. GM can’t f*** wait.
(Feeds cutting in and out they are talking about Amanda)
GM – ‘that is dirt nasty.. she f**** a million different guys how does that feel’
GM mentions that Amanda said she told people she had a boyfriend because she didn’t want the girls to be intimidated by her
GM – ‘I’m so intimidated by your big F*** jewish nose and your flat a$$.. “
JUDD rolls in says McCrae, Amanda and Elissa are getting on his nerves.
JUDD – ‘I said get the f*** away from me Elissa.. I can’t stand her’
Andy comes in “JUDD You gotta keep your cool.. you just told Elissa to shut the f** up”
Andy says he noticed that Amanda was being a f*** b!tch to GM when she was up in the HOH. GM says Amanda thinks she runs the entire f** house.
JUDD – ‘it’s so obvious they are together’ (Elissa/Amanda)
Andy says on eviction night he’s going to say “I vote to exterminate.. oops I mean evict Amanda”
JUDD tells GM they (Elissa/Amanda) are talking about her being a b!tch. GM doesn’t care she knows Amanda is going home.

Big Brother 15 The Wednesday before eviction day is the biggest drag of a day
5:11pm Studying Big Brother dates
JUDD joins them they ask him what is going on in the HOH. JUDD – ‘Talking.. random talk’ Amanda says his feet stink. McCrae confirms they do stink. He says these are his dirty socks he does’t want to “Waste” his clean socks.
5:27pm Andy, McCrae and Amanda bedroom
McCrae tells him how big of a move they are making. four of them going into the double they will be unstoppable.
Amanda mentions that Elissa is talking about the collateral they gave each other. Elissa wants to hold on to Amanda’s earrings and Amanda will hold onto her ring until final 4.
Amanda – ‘She seems excited.. she seems genuine’