8:01pm The feed return to all the house guests in the kitchen talking about the comp. Everyone is freezing. Michael – are you going to get the new Beyonce?? Taylor – I don’t know or something I know and love …I think I’ll go for Janet Jackson. Michael – congratulations! Taylor – I thought I was out the door! Michael – Boring season my a$$! Oh he (Daniel) is going to be pissed! And I don’t feel bad at all about my goodbye message. Taylor – did you do the sandwich? Michael – you’ll have to watch. I talked to him before he left. He was like I am not going to go out with an F U type speech .. I am going to keep it classy. I wanted to say something real bad. Taylor – he only hugged one person and walked out the door.
Tag: Alyssa Snider

Head of Household Endurance “Conspiracy Fest” Live on the Feeds
Daniel was evicted and the festie Bestie twist is over. Catch the Head of Household Competition on the live feeds Stream the Big Brother Live Feeds now on Paramount+. Try it FREE! The Head of household is classic Wall endurance. called “Conspiracy Fest” 7:00 pm After seconds on the wall Jasmine collapses They get slime […]

Big Brother 24 WEEK 5 Live Eviction and THE WALL HOH
Week five wasn’t the most exciting but it did offer us some interesting tidbits. The leftovers can crack at any minute. All we need is the right mix of Head of Household and Veto wins. We now have one full-blown showmance and one fauxmance. Finally, we need a shake-up to avoid boredom.
Michael won the Head of Household and nominated Terrance, Monte, and Joe. The plan with the leftovers was to get the veto played and to evict Daniel. However, if Daniel won the veto Monte would have been in serious danger. As luck would have it Daniel and Kyle were not selected to play in the veto. Michael and Brittany go on to win the Power of Veto. Micheal now has won 5 competitions. The entire non-leftovers side of the house pressured Michael to not use the veto saying this is a perfect time to get out a very strong player in the game

Alyssa “We’re not going to f*** unless we have the HOH room.”
Jasmine joins them. Indy – do you think tomorrow he (Daniel) is going to say stuff? Taylor – yeah! That boy wants to go out guns blazing! Jasmine – he said when he goes out he is throwing everyone’s game under the bus. He told me specifically he would not talk about you (Taylor). Because he still feels really bad and you guys made amends and that he respects you as a woman and I was like GOOD! That’s what I was about to tell you… DON’T do it! He did say a few people and Monte is one of them. Taylor – is he going to blow up at veto king? Jasmine – he didn’t say his name. He told me 3 people.. Monte and one more person but he didn’t tell me the last person because he wants it to be a surprise. I’m like f**K! Alyssa – who is the other person? Jasmine – Brittany. And so I think that it is going to be Michael (the third person).

“Just be aware he’s [Kyle] with them and if you are not in then they are after you” **updated**
1:00 pm Alyssa and Daniel
Daniel – I’m coming to you as a friend to give you the information you should know. I am going home tomorrow so this is my being honest. I love you, Jasmine and Terrance. I love indy but you three are who I am rooting for. If I can give anything that helps hopefully it does.
Daniel – There is a BIG alliance. Monte, Joe, Kyle, Taylor, Turner, Brittnay, and Michael. 7 Total
Daniel – last week they were all up there when Kyle was down there.
Daniel says Kyle likes her that’s real but he’s also a player in the game. “Showmance rarely gets far if at all ever”
Daniel – they would send him down to keep you distracted and get information from Nicole.
Daniel brings up that Mike is a super fan he should know you never keep BIG targets in the house when you can get them out.
Daniel – I love Joe but he’s leaving Joe and Monte in this game

“I’m sure America loves him [Michael], he deserves something for being a bada$$!”
7:20pm Bedroom – Terrance and Daniel.
Daniel and Terrance look for “Hide the Veto” spots for Terrance to prep if that veto comp happens this season. Daniel – I still think that Turner is America’s player or Saboteur. Terrance – I definitely do. Daniel – but like that can’t be the only thing in play. There has got to be more in play.. unless that starts this week because Besties cannot be the only thing happening right now. That is so boring. Its hard for us to navigate but its boring. Terrance – it is. Daniel – its so normal. Terrance – if this don’t go .. I feel like a lot of it is kind of her fault. Daniel – Alyssa? Alyssa? Terrance – I told her how important it is. Daniel – oh Jasmine. Terrance – I told her she was the key to it. Daniel – oh if I go home .. and next week they also get HOH again..

“I’m trying to SHIP Joseph and Taylor.. it will piss off Indy and Jasmine.. and that will stir something else up” **updated**
1:22 pm Alyssa and Kyle
Classic showmancing..
Alyssa – I’m trying to SHIP Joe and Taylor and Joe was like no Me and Kyle are the same. When you and Kyle decide (to kiss) I’ll kiss Taylor
Kyle – in front of Taylor
Alyssa – he was like I want to take it slow I find her really pretty.. she was like what are you guys saying
Kyle – But she couldn’t hear though..

“Taylor very much wants to be in a showmance on this show just as much as she wanted to be a mean girl”
8:30pm Hammock – Brittany and Michael
Brittany – have you heard about this faux-mance thing with Joseph and Taylor? Michael – faux? .. like she is pretending? Brittany – they’re like both pretending to be in a showmance. Michael – why? Brittany – well I guess because Joseph is getting too much flack about hanging with Taylor now from the rest of the girls… so they’re pretending they’re in a showmance. Michael – that’s not going to make it any better but okay. Brittany – they’re pretending they’re in a showmance so that any time he is hanging with her they think its personal and flirty and not game. Taylor is like… I am surprised she hasn’t told you all about this… its every conversation I have with her now. She is heavily invested.

“Homeboy has 5 competitions under his belt. The next HOH better figure this out” **updated**
1:16 pm Terrance and Daniel
Daniel – even as a fan of this game it’s unbelievable to see it happen in real-time.. Dude this is your moment
Terrance – that just took the gas out of my mother f***ing sails.. (LOL)
Daniel – Same
Terrance – Who wants to play this now. Just cut the check.. F*** it. It’s stupid at this point I’m over it.
Terrance – I want to keep my word. Brother this isn’t about keeping your word it’s a f***ing game. It’s clown now. This isn’t even going to be competitive

“What should I do this week just campaign like normal? Better than doing what Ameerah did and just chilling” **UPDATED**
11:44 am Kyle and Turner
Turner – how does it feel being up on that block
Kyle – it sucks. you can’t feel comfortable in any situation when you’re on the block. I feel okay. I feel as confident as I can be as the pawn.
Kyle – he sent it (Michael speech)
Turner – Michael is wild
Kyle – that is an epic movement.

“Use the veto tomorrow and put up Daniel”
3:03 am Brittany and Michael
Michael – how do you feel about tomorrow?
Britt – I just have to remember.. do you think people are more or less truthful when they have some drinks in them or not
Michael – yeah ..
Britt – we would be heroes if we went with the house plan
Michael – what did they say
Britt – I think the girls are REALLY onboard with it.
Michael – for what reason
Britt – he’s going to be tough to take out. I know we have plenty of time though

“What would you rather Jasmine, would you rather I put you up this week?!”
5:58pm HOH room – Brittany and Michael.
Michael – I was in the storage room and I was like I’m not sure, I’m deciding but I’ve talked to people and it sounds like people might be on board. Brittany – yeah she (Jasmine) cornered me out in the backyard too. How mad do you think everyone is going to be with you / us if we don’t? Michael – I don’t think they will be mad because they all told me Daniel on Friday.. Every single one of them said to put Daniel up. Brittany – that’s why it is so hard to crack that side because they literally sway with the wind. Michael – and if they really want Monte, then hopefully they will go for Monte. Because if we take Monte out for them… Brittany – yeah that is not going to do anything. It was interesting talking to Jasmine there because she was like at a certain point when the whole house wants something its not the HOH, its the House’s HOH.