8:20pm Havenot room – Brittany crying alone talking to the cameras.
Brittany – its so hard! Its just a really awful feeling to feel like you don’t fit in and to not know what to do about it. To feel like you need alone time and not get it. I am not even sad about being nominated I am just sad I won’t be able to make it. Today is only like day 17. Is it day 17? I miss feeling understood. I miss my husband. I miss my family. I feel like I am letting them down. I feel like I am letting my clients down. I feel like I am weak. I feel like I am boring. I know I am spiralling, that is the worst part that I’m spiralling and I don’t know what I need to do to get back on track but its really hard because everything that would normally make me feel better is taken away. I just miss my life because it is a good life. Man! I am an introvert! I don’t know how I passed the test to be here.