1pm Bedroom – Terrance and Joseph.
Terrance – I am trying in my mind to think about best case scenario and worst case scenario. Joe – you have to. You can never get too comfortable. Terrance – and in the worst.. Joe – we all got to talk then in the worst. There is no guarantee we come down. Terrance – if its worst case scenario we’ve got to lock game bro. Joe – yeah you don’t need to be scares .. I love both of y’all but the game is the game. That’s a tough one but it wouldn’t be the first tough decision this house has had to make. If we come down then it will be Daniel… nd I don’t want to see that either. I feel like he might keep us up. Terrance – I think that it might be. Joe – it would make sense, I mean you’ve got three decent people on the block. Its best if all three of us stay but if not it should be him (Monte). Terrance – self preservation.