5:48pm Bedroom. Alyssa and Xavier.
Alyssa – we have the votes regardless. Xavier – We’ll figure it out. I am not overly worried. We’ll figure it out. I just don’t want you beating yourself up. Alyssa – well that is going to happen so.. it is my fault. It is literally no one else’s fault. If you had to pick one person, its my fault. I have to walk around knowing I put you on the block. Xavier – no, I’m picking production. Alyssa – I put you on the block. I took a tiny ball while everyone watched and it land on your face. I did that, no one else. Literally its my fault! Stupid! Ahhhhggghh! Xavier – you didn’t even cry this many tear when Christian left. I’ll be alright! Alyssa – can we do another for safety? That is so stupid. Everyone had been sitting f**king pretty. Xavier – its alright. Alyssa – I could have gotten out Tiff, Hannah, DX, KY… that would have been hilarious. This isn’t funny! Any other scenario would have been funny.