Claire and Tiffany.
Claire – We’re good! Tiffany – yes we are. Claire – Derek is going to watch this back and be like why the f**k .. where was this energy when I was in the house. Claire says that she was in the havenot room. Tiffany – could you hear us? We were so loud in the HOH room. Claire – I had no concept of time in the havenot room. Tiff – the only reason why we had concept of time was because we had music. Claire – we have all the power this week. Tiffany – yes we do. You know damn well Chaddha ain’t coming off with that veto. We can just do the thing and say goodbye to Ky. Claire – yes. Tiff – I feel great! Claire – I feel like Chaddha won’t use it. If she uses it .. she just won’t use it right? Tiff – no I don’t think so. Claire – don’t mess anything up. Ky joins them. Tiff leaves. Ky to Claire – what’s your thoughts? Claire – for this week? Ky – yeah. Claire – with Chaddha winning? KY – Yeah. Claire – I feel like she probably won’t use it. Probably worth talking to her about it. Ky – I mean I think they should be open to it if other people are open to it.