6pm Hammock – Alyssa and Brent.
Brent – that was twice he didn’t do what he said he was going to do. This is the thing about Frenchie .. and I really do like him but he is letting his heart get in the way of who the target is and who it is not. He puts people up and now he wants to take them off. It just lucked out that an alliance came from it. Like you guys did go plead your case but how do I know he isn’t going to do that every time someone is put up there. Alyssa – oh well I feel bad for them. Brent – this is a brutal game and at the end of the day you have to get rid of people. I really really do like Travis but it was me who told him to get off Derek’s back and to put up Travis up as the big fish if we had the chance. Yeah it sucks but its only going to work for us in the long run.