6:45pm Bedroom – Alyssa and Whitney.
Whitney – I feel like its so hard to have a conversation about this because the HOH is your team member. So obviously whatever the HOH wants, your team is going to respect and follow. Like there is only so much to be said until I have that conversation with Christian. Alyssa – you’re doing him last? Whitney – yeah and then I am done with my one on ones. Basically I don’t know where the whole thing started where I was going to put up two of you or that I was going to put up X and Christian. Or that I was going to put up you and Sarah Beth. That never came out of my mouth. Alyssa – that is what the majority of people were saying. Whitney – that is what I was trying to figure out in my one on ones but not one person told me. Alyssa – so they’re BS’ing you. Whitney – Yeah, that’s what I was asking where did come from because I feel that was the reason why I was put up on the block.