We are in the final stretches of Big Brother 23 after more or less 7 predictable weeks we might have ONE week coming up that is “expect the unexpected”. Seriously though when was the last time this show was unexpected? This is how the week went down. Tiffany went to win the Head of household […]
Tag: Alyssa Lopez

Alyssa – Tiff, and Ky. If Ky comes down Hannah if Tiff comes down BIGD
1:10 pm X and Alyssa
Alyssa – if one of them win veto. If Tiff and Ky are on the block and one of them wins Veto I don’t feel comfortable with Hannah next to Ky
X – I agree
Alyssa – BIGD next to ky
X – people have already tried to flip the vote on BIGD before

Claire “Sometimes I just want to grab Azah and shake her and say this is Big Brother!”
7:12pm Bedroom. Azah and Claire.
Claire – Hopefully I am able to eat and it also makes me nervous if I do stay for the double but that is its own thing. I feel like my one on ones today… my one on one with Alyssa was interesting ..ah because she basically stopped me from pitching which was curious. But it is what it is. With Derek I thought it went okay .. and he said that he is undecided and that he doesn’t know. He is going to sleep on it and make up his mind when he walks in tomorrow. So I mean that is better than what I thought it was going to be. So that is how those went. My one with Chaddha, I think went well. And then KY wanted to do one on ones with everyone (WTF NO!!!) Azah laughs. Claire – and then wanted to talk to me last. So I have no idea what that is about! Azah – he did have a one on one with me today. That is funny so he is meeting with everyone.

“If you sit next to BIGD in final 2 I think people will view that as a slap in the face to the game. BIGD would win”
3:18 pm Xavier and Hannah
Hannah says Tiff and Ky have been spending a lot more time together.
X says they’ve been talking more because they sleep in the same room he’s not sure if he can trust KY. Xavier points out that three times this week Tiff has come down and grabbed Ky at night to talk to him in the HOH.
Hannah says she was told to leave the HOH so Tiff could talk to Ky.
Hannah says at 6 X will stay regardless of who he’s up against.
Hannah – how many votes to stay? .. 2
X – if I’m up against Azah BIGD is torn.
Hannah – Tiff would be the swing vote.

BB Blind Date “You make my engine vroom vroom.. so how about we go back to my room room to go boom boom.”
7:14pm Bathroom. Claire, KY, Tiffany, Hannah and Alyssa.
Tiffany – Well this is exciting, we have a co-host… so you’re (Alyssa) a co-host because he’s confused? Alyssa – yes, so he is going to be the host and I’ll be the co-host to explain the concept of the game. Tiff – and then you can go back to running. Alyssa – yes, I’ll basically be running as well. Tiff – so you me and Hannah are runners for the 3 dates. And Azah is the picker. She is the blind date. Hannah – Alyssa is taking Ky and I’m taking Claire, and you’re taking X. Tiff – Unfortunately! Did y’all think I was going to mess Ky’s lines up? Alyssa – we just didn’t want it to be obvious because I would probably be X and you would be Claire. That was a good mix up. So before the first show starts we should already have the answer to the first question. Hannah – do they know the first question? Alyssa – yes, where would you take Azah on your first date?

DF – “[Tiff] is definitely seeing the block no matter who wins in this double”
12:52 pm Alyssa and DF
Alyssa- I talked to Azah about what I told you this morning. the smartest thing is to wait until right before the vote and tell Hannah we want her to be part of the house vote we don’t want to go after her we don’t want her to be blindsided.
Alyssa – that way she doesn’t have time to tell anyone and she’s on our side of it. If she wins HOH she’s not looking at us because we told her
Alyssa – KY cannot know..
DF – okay we want Ky to be the one vote

Hannah “I’m probably going to try and cause chaos in the jury house.” Claire “Yeah me too.”
Backyard – Big D and Xavier.
Big D says that he is missing home. Its tough being in this house being cut off from the world for so long. Its tough when .. like me being here .. I not feel bad but I left so much behind. Like all my responsibilities and my mom struggling with bills and my bills. Xavier – One thing I always say it is you should never second guess a decision that’s already been made. You can’t second guess it because life is being lived. If it was a good decision it will work out for you and if it was a bad decision you will learn from it. This is a once in a life time opportunity .. is it a f**king grind!? Yeah! And I don’t think any of us knew that coming in here. Xavier – I enjoyed the fact that she (Whitney) allowed me to get away from the game.

“He’s [X] definitely some sort of government, military or law enforcement not a Lawyer.”
3:10 pm Tiff, Claire and Kyland.
Tiff about Xavier’s Age “I mean 27 are you kidding me.”
Claire – he told me that Cody said he was 27 and he was 32.. I did not remember that. he really knew that.
Tiff – I have never seen a 27 year old SO disciplined he has the magnetic pull of an older person. Somebody that people listen to his leadership his discipline. 27 are you kidding. The way you were raised and your career have totally been parallel to give you that type.. to allow for that type of discipline. He’s overly experienced in life for a 27 year old”
Claire – he really open about not being open about this life
Ky – as a parent can you not ask for a picture of your kids
Tiff – as a parent HELL YEAH
Ky – ok, I think about that a lot
Claire – that he had a kid?

“Ohh but the sweet joy that would have come from me convincing Alyssa to use that veto on Xavier”
Tiffany to the camera “If you have learned nothing about me just know this I will let you turn left .. okay.. I am not going to force you to turn right. I have nothing to say. Minimizes the argument minimizes the conversations and also doesn’t give anyone anything to say I said. All I said was thank you and I appreciate it and I did say I am a woman of my word.. and I am”
“Ohh but the sweet joy that would have come from me convince Alyssa to use that veto on Xavier”
Feeds cut..

Xavier to Alyssa “If you use it on me you’re a dumb a$$”
11:02 am Alyssa and X
Alyssa is talking about her using the veto on herself and going over her speech.
Alyssa – do you have your speech for me?
Xavier – I’m on the block If you use it on me you’re a dumb a$$
Xavier – I know you aren’t going to use it on me
Alyssa – you don’t know that.

Tiff – “if you don’t use the veto on him you lose him if you sit next to Claire you stay”
3:10 am
Tiff – We can also get Alyssa to use the Veto on X
Ky – if you do this
Tiff – no I am definitely going home at six..
Hannah – if you get Alyssa to use the veto on X they’ll be like she’s too good.
Tiff asks who should she say she’s putting up to replace X
Hannah – wait you’re actually going to pitch this?
Tiff – yes
Ky – Yeah It wouldn’t hurt

Tiff “As much as I want to ride this thing out with you…” Claire “You’re going to put me up?!”
3:30pm HOH room. Claire and Tiffany.
Tiff – I am trying to figure out my options. Now I’ve won my second HOH .. they’re letting me know I’m a target now. I don’t know what deals I can make to keep myself out of trouble. Of course she is going to use the veto on herself so I am struggling. As best as I could try to keep personal gameplay out of this game .. I am in a position where my personal decisions are going to affect my game play. For the last four weeks we have been targets in the house. I know you’ve been a target and I wanted to win last week to keep us safe. This week I want to win to keep us safe, especially you. Now I know I am more of a target than you. Alyssa was my target. I don’t have any game deals with X but on a personal level .. I don’t want to be the person to send out Azah, Chaddha, Big D, Ky or X. Claire – yeah. Tiff – I knew they were all coming for you. I don’t want to sit them next to each other.