1:15pm When Sabrina and Rachelle head inside they stop and Sabrina laughs as she says oh my god, two final four deals! Two final fours! Sabrina fills Rachelle in on her conversation with Jon and says so basically everyone next week and we’re safe! Sabrina heads to the bedroom and changes. Rachelle joins her and they hug in bed. Sabrina says everything is happening for us! Rachelle says if we make it to final four that would be epic! Sabrina says we just need to win that HOH and then.. Do you think even Arlie would put us up? Sabrina says no.. He and Jon are going to have a talk with us .. and I am going to manipulate.. well manipulate the situation and be like Arlie you screwed me over once you better not again..
Tag: Adel Elseri
A Big Brother Canada 2 House Guest.

Sabrina tells Rachelle I sacrificed myself 3 times for you in a big way & you’re agreeing with him!?
11am Adel tells Rachelle that the boys are going to try and pull in Sabs and you but I am trying to convince them to keep you over Sabs. The are going to try and keep Sabs over you because they think she controls you. Adel tells Rachelle I just want to convince them to keep you over Sabs. I don’t give a f**k about Sabs. Sabrina joins them and goes back to grab a jacket. Adel tells Rachelle that this girl looks out for herself way more than she looks out for you. Sabrina comes back and Adel heads inside. Sabrina and Rachelle talk. Sabrina tells Rachelle that Neda told her that she’s been wanting this all along and if it doesn’t work out one of us is going home. Rachelle tells Sabrina what Adel just told her about how Sabrina looks out for herself way more that you look out for me. Sabrina says okay I am official done with him again. Rachelle says we just need to tell each other everything. Sabrina says just don’t fall for it. Rachelle says I don’t, I just told you everything he said.

Arlie says so it looks like we’re taking Allison out.. We should make a deal with the Gremlins.
9:30am – 9:55am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. In the storage room Arlie tells Adel I didn’t include you in the initial talk with them but I think Jon and I should make a deal with the girls that they can’t put at least me and him or you and him up if they win the Gremlins because I honestly believe they would listen to it if they win next week and then they wouldn’t put us up and they would totally put us up if we didn’t make the deal. What do you think? Adel says totally up to you bro! Arlie says no, no, I’m asking .. we’re together on this. Adel says me personally I think I don’t think so because I have a good chance of going up if you do that. Arlie says that’s why we could make a deal with you too. I just don’t know if they would do it if it included you. Adel says yeah. Arlie says I can not do it though. Adel says I would rather you not. Arlie says no yeah, it’s not up to me. We’re in this together. I am running everything by you.

Allison’s going to need the Scarlet Veto “honey.. there’s a secret.. want to know it.. Come closer”
1:09AM HOH Jon Neda and Heather
Jon points out how Allison has gotten closer to Arlie, “Playing the flirt card”.
Neda asks if Arlie is actually fully onboard with getting out Allison. Jon- “I think so”
Heather – “Also honey.. there’s a secret.. want to know it”
Jon -YA”
Heather – “Come closer.. so did I tell you they gave us cake mix.. they gave us cake mix and I hid it. ”
Jon – “Shut up”
Heather – “We’ll make a cake for JAnelle’s birthday and Allison’s but mostly for Janelle”

Jon “I will have a extremely good chance with the crop that’s left now in f** winning Veto every single time”
12:23am Gremlins Jon, Neda
The gremlins tell him they will get their hands dirty and take out the player they want them to take out. Sabrina says Arlie and HEather are two people that will be coming after them.
Rachelle – “You will always have our vote and we’re not going to f*** you”
Rachelle – “We’ll always vote for you we’ll always have the upper hand”
Sabrina swears that Arlie is going to screw jon, “You’re his only competition in the house”

Allison tells the Gremlins she will nominate the survivor next week, “I’m f** insane.. stop talking about it”
6:18pm Bedroom Allison and the gremlins
(Allison is giving out a bit of information about the sloppies she’s very rattled about Adel using the veto card)
Allison asks Sabiran if she thinks she stabbed him in the back for joining the other side
Sabrina says she does but there is only her opinion “I don’t want you to feel bad but the last thing he said was get JOn out and you sided with him”
Allison – “I was not given a choice to stay in the game”

Power Of Veto Players Picked! ADEL used his Veto Ticket to take Allison out of playing!
2:55pm – 4:20pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the house guests to pick players for the Power of Veto Competition that will be happening later today. When the live feeds return – we learn that Jon, Sabrina, Rachelle, Neda, Adel and Arlie are playing in the veto competition.
Rachelle says that her best friend definitely hates Heather because we hate people like that. I hate squeeky voices. I could never be friends with someone like that. Never! Sabrina says her or Neda. Rachelle says she can’t believe Heather has a boyfriend. Sabrina says the only thing he uses her for is ..(She motions with her hands that all her boyfriend uses her for is s*x). Big Brother says stop that. Sabrina continues and Big Brother says stop that again. Sabrina says I was just going to ride her.

Adel says I swear on the Quran I don’t have a side deal with Jon. Arlie says behind his back I have side deals with EVERYONE!
12:35pm Jon, Neda and Heather are talking in the HOH room. Neda thinks Canada will be able to influence this POV. She says she thinks who ever wins it and if someone comes off, someone else goes up .. then Canada will be able to take someone off.. Jon says that would be crazy. Heather says at least one of the Gremlins would still be up there and we decide who goes. Jon says I don’t think anyone would f**k over the 6. Heather and Neda both say they wouldn’t. Jon leaves. Neda and Heather talk game. Neda says that she think doesn’t think Jon would f**k us over. Heather says I think the finals should be me, you, Jon and Adel. Neda says I like Allison but I feel the entire game she has been way more loyal to boys. She is really close to Arlie too. I think she owes a lot of her staying to him too, you know what I mean. Neda says that she doesn’t know if they are more likely to take someone they can win against or someone that’s really strong to be like look who I beat. Neda says the reason why I want to keep Rachelle is because she isn’t coming after us .. she would go after Arlie or Adel. Plus if she is still here she is a bigger target. We need to win HOH’s back to back.

Nomination Ceremony Results! Rachelle says “Allison’s a loser, she’s done nothing!”
10am – 12pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the nomination ceremony where Jon as Head of Household is tasked with nominating two house guests for eviction. When the live feeds return – we learn that Jon did exactly what we expected and nominated Sabrina and Rachelle. Sabrina and Rachelle head out to the hot tub room to talk about the nominations. Rachelle says when he said my name I just laughed. The way he said that was just stupid, especially if he wanted to bring one of us over. Sabrina say I want him to go next week. He isn’t welcome to Montreal any more. After the POV I am going to tell him he can send me home, you can keep Rachelle. I don’t care. Rachelle says I am not asking how people are voting. They can go f**k themselves. Sabrina says and there could be a twist that totally screws them over. Sabrina says even if we had won HOH we would be out the next week. And the deal we gave him was amazing! Rachelle calls Allison a loser. Sorry big brother but how did she come into the game two weeks late .. she’s done nothing!

Jon says its too early to make a move just after the alliance was made. I’m not looking to cause chaos.
9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Allison starts talking about her birth control. Alrie says yeah control those births! Allison talks about her IUD. Allison explains how its like transdermal but trans-v@gin@l. Adel asks Arlie if he has an IUE in his butt hole. Arlie says no, maybe if you called it right. Allison says it wouldn’t do anything but block in there. Adel says no, it would catch the c*m that goes up in there.
Jon tells Sabrina that it will be her and Rachelle going up. He says if it was two weeks later I might have but right now I am not looking to make a big move. I am not looking to cause chaos. Sabrina says but they’re still coming after you.

Neda tells Jon best move is Arlie and Allison/Adel on the block Next Week “Are you on board”
10:49pm HOH Jon and Neda
Neda talked to Heather and Allison and they seem onboard to keep Rachelle
Neda says she just talked to Rachelle and she said if she wins HOH she’ll put up Adel and Arlie.. Neda – ‘Are you on board with that because I know you have something with Arlie.. yes no.. what”
Jon – “I’m still iffy with Arlie.. I think I can trust him”
NEda – It would be stupid for him to take anyone other than rachelle, Heather or me to the end”
Neda suggest they try and get rid of Adel or Arlie next week because those are the biggest threats to their game.

Rachelle complains the Hot Tub smells like chemicals
9:15pm Gremlins
Talking about the smartest thing for Jon to do is to backdoor Arlie.
Sabrina points out how Heather and Neda are now best friends.
Rachelle says she hates heather “She gives me the hebejebes”
Rachelle says she will be furious if Heather makes it to final 2. Sabrina doesn’t see it happening she thinks Heather is the next to gto.
Rachelle says in the Jury house she is going to be mean to Heather,”I’m like that I’m mean to people.. umm I’m nice”
Rachelle – “It stinks like f*** chemicals in here”
Sabrina laughs says it might be because they are trying to sanitize the pee.