8:15am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Jon says so Heather is called in an hour 15 and then we get locked in here? Neda says usually its a bit longer, we get ready, have breakfast and then she gets called in there. Neda heads to the bathroom. Jon and Neda go into the HOH room. Jon asks so what were you and Heather saying last night. Heather joins them and says that she thought she heard her name. Jon and Neda say no. Neda says I can’t believe he (Adel) made up a complete lie. Heather leaves. Jon and Neda talk about who is better to keep Adel or Sabrina. Jon tells Neda about how Adel thinks Neda has the votes hands down. Jon says Adel thinks you’re manipulating me and that you’ll win against anyone. They start talking on the pros of keeping Sabrina over Adel. Neda says I will only give Sabrina credit for manipulating RO and getting her to put up IKa. Jon says I am honestly leaning towards keeping Sabrina. If I didn’t trust you I wouldn’t. Neda asks what does that matter. Jon explains that no matter who wins I go. I have to win the veto no matter what. Neda agree. Jon comments on the noises Heather makes when she wakes up. He says if I had a girlfriend that wakes up and makes those noises I would lose it.
Tag: Adel Elseri
A Big Brother Canada 2 House Guest.

“Think about all the scenarios it’s coming down to the money.. We Can’t win Against the girls”
11:45pm Jon and Adel
Jon says solitary confinement is going to suck.
Adel – “How I’m looking bro”
Jon – “Good”
Jon says Neda keeps telling him it would make no sense for them to not get rid of Sabrina.
Jon – “I still haven’t decided I might put Neds up i’m not sure”
Adel – “think about all the scenarios because it’s coming down to the money you gotta think.
Adel says Neda will understand in a month.
Jon says Heather is going to take Sabrian to the final 2.

Jon – “no one will ever watch Live feeds ever again.. look at us”
6:06pm HOH Lockdown
Adel – “I’m bored”
Neda tells them about the Vancouver riots when the canucks never won the cup.
Feeds are cut for 20 minutes when they come back they are playing hide and seek. Jon is “Hiding” behind the HOH lighting fixture Neda is “trying” to find him. (Image above)
Adel – “If I was going home I would Egg people on so much”
Jon says he would “EGG” people actually throw eggs on them.
Neda points out hey only get one carton of eggs a week it would be a waste of eggs.
Adel about the HOH Lockdown “What sense does this make.. “

Neda tells Sabrina – The decision of who goes home will come down to what Jon and I decide.
3pm In the kitchen – Adel tells Heather obviously I am the same as before. I don’t jump ahead and think about the final 4. I am not head of household or anything like that. Heather says plus it will be me you and Neds who wins HOH next week. Adel says I think it will be between you and Neds for sure. If its like anything like that spelling one I am done for sure.. its like my cryptonite. Heather says but your smart at other things. Adel says oh yeah I knew that coming into here. Adel says I know I’m playing for second place. I know for a fact that I can’t win, no way. Adel asks is Sabs still trying any game? Heather says a little but not really. Adel comments on how he (Andrew) thinks he can tell people not to come in a bar .. when he’s just a bartender working for minimum wage ya know!

Adel says Neda can touch the money with her hand she has all the votes in her back pocket!
11:25am Adel says you and me are literally thinking of winning the paper right?! Jon says yeah. Adel says say.. you did put her up as a pawn.. at the end of the day one of us are going to have to take her out. Jon says yeah, just a matter of when to do it. Adel says yeah, and this time its not like we would be the ones doing it to her because Heather will still have your word with her and everything right?! Jon says yeah. Adel says I just don’t want us to lose the odds. Well it wouldn’t even be like losing the odds .. I would go up and go home and you would still have … Jon says if you did go up, I don’t think you would go home. I don’t want to put you up and be like I don’t think he would. Adel says but see how easy it was .. you had a final 3 with Heather and Neda.. look how quick Neda said okay! Jon says yeah real quick eh! Adel says she has Sabrina’s vote 1 billion percent!

Big Brother Canada 2 – HEATHER is the POWER Of VETO Winner!
9:55am Big Brother is let the house guests sleep in this morning.. the lights being to turn on now.. Sabrina is called to the diary room. Adel says did you guys hear all the banging and smashing all night?! Jon says yeah! Adel says f**king F**kt@rd! Jon says and I’ve got to wear this f**King diaper again! I’m f**King tired and my neck is crooked! Heather leaves the bedroom and comes back and says well it doesn’t say ceremony on the screen. Jon is called to the diary room. Neda says I really feel like I’ve died! I have literally heard them banging all night! We literally only got 1 extra hour of sleep! It’s not okay! Adel says I wanted to screen stop working F**KT@RDS! Neda says I am literally going to throw up!

AFTER ALMOST 6 and a half hours of blocked live feeds – There is NO mention of who won the VETO
10:30pm – 4:50am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the house guests to compete in the Power of Veto competition. After over 6 hours the live feeds finally return and we don’t find out who won the veto. All of the house guests are too exhausted and sick to talk. They all head straight to bed..
Jon says f**K me! Heather says what was the point of that! Jon says that was so exhausting! Adel says I’m not even washing my face I’m so tired. Jon hobbles down the stairs in his underwear. He kicks the have not room door open to peek inside and then looks in the kitchen and the pantry. Adel asks Jon if he wants to smash some dogs? Jon asks are you serious!? No I’m going to bed! I’ll have some for breakfast though. Jon goes to the kitchen and back to the bathroom and says it says it 5:30am eh!? Neda says she feels so sick. JOn says me too! Adel says I am just going to sleep Jon says I am just sleeping through it if they try and wake us up.

Sabrina says I would suck your soul but you don’t have one! Adel says you’re a thorn in my a$$!
5:50pm Sabrina leaves the living room and Adel says BOOOO! Sabrina says if you boo me when I leave .. I swear to god! After that speech! Adel says you’ve been a thorn in my side! Adel laughs. Sabrina pretends to go in the bedroom but listens to the living room conversation. She then comes out and says she’s been listening to them. Adel says you’re a thorn in my a$$. Sabrina says I would say I would such your soul but you don’t have one! Sabrina says I’m winning the veto and you’re going up! Goodbye there bud! Adel says if I go to jury house I will make you go insane! Sabrina says if I’m in jury house there’s no camera’s watching! Sabrina heads into the bedroom and says how am I going to live with this person another 2 weeks! Sabrina lays on the bed.

Heather asks Adel if she has anything to worry about “1 billion zillion zillios you don’t”
3:12pm HOH Jon and Adel
Adel walks in
Jon – “PLAYA”
Adel – “What’s up playa”
Jon – “Listening to some tunes”
Adel says Gonads (Neda) keeps mentioning who will win at the end who will have enough votes.. I don’t know if she is building up to it.. It’s the third time today.. Once in the main bedroom, once downstairs and once in the washroom.. I don’t know what it means yet I’m just trying to soak it all in ”
Adel – “she knows she has all the votes… her or Sabs”
Jon agrees says the only votes he’ll get two votes Allison and Canada.
Adel – “I’ll get Arlie and Canada”

Jon tells Heather to stop packing her things “Sabrina goes this week, Adel next, we’re final 3”
12:25pm HOH Heather and Jon
Heather “You and I have been in an alliance since day one.. I don’t understand”
Jon says he never knew what he was going to do. He didn’t want to put up Adel because adel was the pawn last time. it was really between Ned And Heather and he picked heather at the last minute.
Jon – “Why are you packing your things”
Heather says she’s just packing some things she won’t be wearing anymore.
Heather – “I wish I had known before”
Jon says they pulled him into the Diary room to get the nominations and he didn’t know the nominations going in. He couldn’t get to talk to Heather once he was in the DR. “My intentions this morning was Adel going up.. But he had a good point. Whats your biggest fear”

Big Brother Canada Nomination Results “I’m leaning towards Adel in final 3”
10:53am Sabrina and Neda BEdroom
Sabrina brings up next week’s HOH and what would happen If Neda or Adel win.
Sabrina – “So basically the only scenario that I go home is if Adel wins”
Neda says yes.
Jon joins them.
Sabrina asks Jon if Neda wins HOH it Sabrina and Her on the block. It’s Jon’s votes.
Jon doesn’t answer says he hasn’t decided. They start chatting about whether or Not Heather will be a bitter jury member. Neda doesn’t think she will be but Sabrain thinks she will.
Sabrina leaves..

Adel to Sabrina “I’m not looking for Romeo and Juliet Story BUD..”
9:33pm HOH Jon and Adel
Talking about how f***d Sabrina is thinking she saw IKA. Adel – “They (Production) play to her hallucinations”
Jon says Neda did nothing for her baby it’s such “Horse Sh1t”
Adel thinks it’s too late in the game for Big Brother to do something too drastic with the twists.
Adel proposes that he’ll bring Heather and Neda up into the HOH and he’ll tell them he was the pawn last time one of them needs to be the pawn this time. Adel will tell Heather that now is her time to be the pawn so they can get out Sabrina.