4:25pm UP in the HOH room are Kenny, Andrew, Allison, Jon, Sarah, Arlie, Sabrina, Rachelle and Heather. Andrew is massaging Allison’s back. The house guest talk about how Adel was changing and totally forgot about the cameras. They say that he’s upset about showing his junk on camera. Ika asks what he did with the cup that he put his n*ts in earlier. Arlie says that he threw it out and dumped the cranberry juice in the toilet. Arlie says I still think that if we had made love on camera we would have gotten the most retweets. The girls shoot him down and he replies that its just like real life. Arlie quietly leaves the room and then a few seconds later he rushes back in b*tt n@ked. He runs around the room and then runs back out again. He puts his clothes back on outside the HOH room and heads back inside like nothing happened. Arlie leaves again and talks to Adel about how he just went streaking through the HOH room.
Tag: Adel Elseri
A Big Brother Canada 2 House Guest.

Kenny says the two most important things you need in life are h*mp!ng and fist pumping!
1:45pm Kenny says the two most important things you need in life are h*mping and fist pumping! Everything you need you can find in your kitchen – You need oil, butter and cooking spray! Arlie then takes the camera up to the HOH room for Neda to use. He tells her the battery is dying and it probably needs to be cleaned because its all oily from Kenny. Rachelle starts taking photos of Neda. Neda flips her eye lids back. She then does her video.
2:15pm In the main bedroom – Paul has transformed into his inner gay Paulina. Adel and Paulina interview. Paulina then interviews Sabrina. After Paul says to Adel I am just playing it up like you said to.

Hashtag Challenge – WINNER Gets a SPECIAL POWER & News from Outside the House!!
11:30am Ika comes out of the diary room and tells the house guests get down here we have NEWS! All of the house guests file into the living room and sit down on the circle couch. Kenny helps Heather down the stairs. When all of the house guests are in the living room – Ika reads the card that big brother gave her to read to the house guests. Ika says Dear house guests – Big Brother has a special task for you! Over the next 12 your task is to be the most hashtag buzz worthy house guest! The winner will receive news from the outside world and a SPECIAL POWER inside the HOUSE! Jon stands up and says okay! Jon then takes off his pants. Big Brother cuts the feeds, when the feeds come back Big Brother tells the house guests to start. All of a sudden all the house guests scream and start going crazy! Kenny and Jon str!p down to their underwear and start running around humping the air and other house guests.

Heather says I’m going to brush my teeth, my mouth feels like a dead animal died!
9:20am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Up in the HOH room Kenny asks Heather how she’s feeling. Heather says it only hurts when she tries to move around. If she’s resting it doesn’t hurt. (Heather fell in the POV competition last night and had to get medical attention. She was given crutches to move around.) Neda talks to Heather in the HOH room. Heather says that she has to uses crutches and wants to look cute today for the veto ceremony. Heather asks if anyone changed their minds while she was gone last night. Neda says no I don’t think so. Neda tells her to worry about getting better. Heather says I don’t want to just worry about that and then go home. Neda tells Heather that the best person to talk to is Jon. Heather explains that her knee is just bruised and it hurts to walk on it. She says that they said it would take a week to heal. Neda says that’s not bad especially since we have a few days of doing absolutely nothing! Heather agrees.

Cuddling on the Hammock – “Love is in the air everywhere I look around.. Sabrina go downstairs you’re gonna have a frown”
1:33pm HOH Kenny, NEDA, Sarah, Sabrina, Rachelle, Arlie and Jon
Going over the pros and cons of getting Paul or Heather out. The boys want Paul gone. Sabrina says getting Heather gone is a bigger benefit for them than getting out Paul. Kenny says Heather is a lost little lamb they can guide her where they want. Paul is more inclined to do what he wants. KEnnt know if Paul wins HOH him and Andrew are going up, he doesn’t think Heather will win HOH and if she does they can control her HOH. Kenny – “For me personally, keeping Heather would be the best option. Paul has a vendetta out against me and Andrew”
IKA joins them.
Kenny asks her what her thinking is.
IKA says it’s better to get Heather out, Paul is a target and he’ll always be the target it’s good to keep a target in the house. IKA adds that HEather has been lying and if she would listen to what Heather is saying two boys would be nominated this week. .
Kenny points out that the POV could have gone to Paul or Heather easily he brings up the HOH where Paul was able to talk people down and win it. Kenny had already gone to Heather and swore on everything he feels dear that she would be safe this week. IKA says she’s not asking Kenny to vote out Heather he can still vote out Paul. Jon chimes in that he also promised HEather she was safe.

Target moves to Heather and Andrew told Sabrina “I was super into you”
6:55pm HOH Sabrina, IKA, Rachelle
Sabrina mentions how she went up to Andrew and told him next week the new girl is leaving and he’ll need to say goodbye to his girlfriend. Andrew told her “People that like People don’t call them your brother.. thats the last thing i’m going to tell you because I never called you my sister.. and maybe if you weren’t stupid and would have waited you would have saw I was super into you”

Sarah says it takes every f**k fiber in my body just to not tell Heather to shut the F**K UP!
4:25pm IN the kitchen – Sarah asks Jon if he now understands why she freaked out on Ika about a potato chip now that he’s felt what its like to be on slop. Sabrina and Sarah head to the chairs under the stair to talk. Sabrina says that was so mean what she did to Rachelle. Sarah says it takes every f**k fibre in my body just to not tell Heather to shut the F**K UP! I think she thinks people think the voice thing is cute. Sabrina says I think she wants to send Heather home and keep Paul for another week. Sarah says I didn’t swear on my kids. I just really couldn’t care less if she left. Sabrina asks so you you like the plan of getting rid of Heather, Allison, Paul or Adel.. then Ika… Sarah says there is just too much of an age gap between Rahcelle and I. I think my sister was friends with her, then I would love her.

Big Brother Canada 2 – Nomination Ceremony Results! Andrew tells Adel don’t make any stupid moves!
9:50am – 11:30am Big Brother blocks the live feeds. When the live feeds return, we learn that as Head of Household IKA nominated PAUL and HEATHER for eviction this week. Ika and Heather are in the HOH room. Heather says its great that you and I are able to compete in the POV. Lets just hope that no one uses it. Heather asks if Ika thinks the house would trust her more if she won it and didn’t use it. Ika says that she does think the house would trust you more if you didn’t use it. Hopefully Paul or Adel don’t win it. Big Brother switches the cams away from the HOH conversation.

IKA says she wishes she trusted the girls enough to make a big move to go after Kenny.
8:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Up in the HOH room – Ika and Neda are talking. Ika says that she feels bad about Heather being up on the block. Neda says that she told Heather that she’s 100% safe but what if Adel wins HOH and takes Paul off the block? Would he use it? Ika says no, he said he wouldn’t use it, but that’s Adel. Neda asks what if Paul wins and takes himself off, would Adel go up then? Ika says yeah maybe. They talk about the what the POV competition might be like. They talk about how its hard to win the competitions against such physical guys. Neda says even the one yesterday was hard. Neda says that she found it so hard to keep up with Kenny. Neda tells Ika that the guys are coming after us next week. She says I think they would have come after us this week to had they won. Ika says I think so too. Neda says so why? Ika says that she wishes she could get Kenny out this week. Ika says if Kenny went home I think it would make it easier for us. Andrew is big and bulky and can win physical competitions but can’t win endurance.

Big Brother Spoilers – Heather is the pawn “This bites Donkey a$$
10:43pm HOH Heather and IKA IKA is trying to talk Heather into being the pawn. Saying things like she is so sweet.
IKA – “I don’t want girls to hold a grudge and I don’t think you will hold a grudge”
IKA continues to say she thinks Heather is really smart and logical and she will see her going up as a pawn as a logical step.
IKA – “It would be dumb for me to put you up and have you go home this week.. I think you are smart.. I think you are smart you are logical” (About 20 minutes ago IKA was talking to Rachelle saying how stupid Heather is)
IKA says that Heather and her are not “IN” with the girls so if the girl
Heather – what bothers me is we sore to each other we would never put each other up.. thats the part that scare me cause I wouldn’t do that to you.

Ika asks the girls for volunteer pawn, Sarah leaves says “I gotta shave my Poonani”
10:07pm HOH IKA, NEDA, Heather, Sarah, and Sabrina
IKA says that she wants to put up Paul and pawn so they can back door Adel or vote out Paul. Everyone gives their excuses why they do not want to be a pawn.
IKA tells them that Paul is going home and if the Veto is used Adel goes up and goes home. IKa says she will not put Sarah up.
IKA asks them if anyone wants to volunteer. Everyone says no.
Sarah says she needs to shave her “Poonani” and leaves.
IKA asks Rachelle if she wants to go up as a pawn. Racehlle says no.
Heather says no because the pawn always goes home. IKA doesn’t want to put up Neda as she was the pawn last week.

IKA – “I don’t trust Paul enough to make a big move in this game”
7:51pm IKA and Adel HOH
Adel – you can do whatever you want obviously I have your back
IKA – you are not a choice to go up on the block right now.. do you want to play for veto
Adel doesn’t want to go up tell her “I promise on the koran if you don’t put me on the block.. I’m pretty sure with the girls you can gather say OK we need a pawn amongst us.. I promise you for the rest of this game I’m the guy that will be on your side”
Adel says him Adel, IKA and NEDA are f*** they are not in the big alliances, We can’t forget about the truth the truth is the truth”