9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Sabrina tries to continue sleeping but big brother wakes her up. She complains about throwing up last night and says she doesn’t feel good. She asks big brother if she can keep sleeping because she threw up. Andrew tells her they’ll want to talk to you in the diary room. Sabrina gets up to go to the diary room. The house guests guess that they’ll be having a havenot competition today. Sarah wonders if she will even need to play since she has a slop pass. IN the living room – Sabrina is waiting on the stairs to go into the diary room. Kenny asks her if she over did it on the food last night and that’s why she’s not feeling well. Sabrina says yeah. Kenny congratulates the others on making it to day 30.
Tag: Adel Elseri
A Big Brother Canada 2 House Guest.

Jon Flashes the Girls, Rachelle Flashes the Boys and Andrew Flashes us
11:39pm Jon and Adel
Adel says Canada likes Arlie and Jon more than im that’s a given.. Adel did his damage at the start but he doesn’t think the three of them will be in danger.
Adel wonders if the people that go up will be sad. Jon – “F***k it”
Adel and Jon agree the “Big Man” and Sabrina will be going up. (Big Man = Andrew)
Jon brings up when he said “queer bag” he had no idea people would taek offense to it. He feels bad about it he repeats over and over he had no idea(they talked in the kitchen about this for awhile nobody in the house was upset) . Adel tells him not to worry “it’s all about intent”

Who is Canada’s pick, Sabrina “the showmance.. Andrew and Allison.. I’m not too worried”
11:09pm Bedroom Neda, Sabrina and RachelleNeda tells Sabrina she has WAY less cellulite on her a$$ than her. Neda tells Rachelle she’s gained weight.. on her chest..
Sabrina starts wondering if Canada will want to break up the showmances.
Neda thinks Canada might want to keep the showmance cause it’s fun.
Sabrina – ‘I don’t think it’s fun because the person it’s with they don’t like”
Neda points out that Canada voted Allison into the house..’They must like her”
Sabrina – “OK.. do you think Canada likes Andrew”
NEDA thinks it depends on what they show.

Big Brother HOH and Eviction results IKA vs Heather
Rachelle winning Head of Household who would have thought.. Was it really Rachelle that won though? It was actually more like Sabrina with Rachelle being given a front row ticket to watch. Sabrina talked Rachelle into nominating IKA who’s in her core alliance as the replacement nominee. By doing this Rachelle bought herself the 6th position in the first five alliance and effectively hammered the last nail in the coffin of the girls alliance. (Sarah hammered the first nail) Was it worth it? perhaps… girls alliance has always been unstable and rocky with regards to their loyalty.
Initially Ika never campaigned to stay in the house until Big Brother instructed her in the diary room to fight to stay in the house. However even after campaigning to Kenny she still figuring there was no way to convince people and so she proceeded to cause chaos.

Andrew says “I think Canada will like us. If I’m not liked, it just means I was right coming into this house.”
12:50pm In the storage room – Sarah and Andrew talk about whether or not Adel is loved and they’re portrayed as the bad guys. Andrew asks how Sarah thinks Adel is portrayed Andrew asks if its possible for Ika to be portrayed as something nice after what happened the other night. Sarah says she doesn’t think so. Kenny joins them. They talk about Adel’s speech and how it was so heart felt. Kenny says I don’t think we should worry about it until we get out. I don’t really care. My true friends and family know me and that’s all that truly matters. Sarah asks but don’t you care about your job and stuff. Kenny says they can’t worry about that now. Andrew asks how would they want us to fail ..we’re the most unlikely crew. Sarah says we are all so different. Andrew says that’s what makes us so awesome! Andrew farts. Sarah says are we going to have to move out of the room now! Andrew says I think Canada will like us. Kenny says viewers like alliances that stick together until the end .. like the brigade. We have to stay strong. Andrew says I think we have a good chance, guys. Andrew says if I am not liked… then that just means that I was right coming into this house.

Adel tells Neda that the boys from Newfoundland will not f**k each other over..
9:20am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. In the main bedroom – Neda, Ika and Adel talk about who’s the bigger threat. Neda says that Andrew is the bigger threat than Kenny. Andrew has more connections. Adel and Ika think that Kenny is the bigger threat. Ika says that Kenny has more connections. Neda says Andrew controls Sabrina, New Girl, and Rachelle. Neda asks how much control does Sabrina have over Rachelle. I swear to god Andrew is a bigger threat. Kenny is smarter but I think once you take out Andrew from that pack Kenny is going to be like AHHH… Ika says once Kenny is gone ..Arlie does not like Andrew. Neda says If he’s gone he is going to put up me and Jon. Adel says if I win HOH – I put up Kenny and Sarah. Adel says I tell Andrew that if anyone wins POV and does anything … I will put up one of his two girl friends.

Adel – “I’m winning this HOH and a power player is getting out of this f** house”
10:30pm Sarah and Kenny
They don’t think Sabrina was lying her mind just snowballed during her confrontation with IKA.
Kenny – “Basically she came out.. freaks out said this whole situation happened and Big Brother Was like… umm NO you’re lying”
Sarah – “Maybe it’ll at least stop her from doing that again”
Kenny – “Hopefully .. but ya she just needs to realize IKA is trying to get a rise out of people.. stay away from her”
Kenny – “Ika is just trying to stir up the pot and bring prople down with her.. I don’t even look at her now I don’t even look at her in the eye”

Arlie – ‘I just don’t want to lose Big Jon this week because there’s been talk.. the whole IKA thing”
9:28pm Arlie and Adel Have Nots
Adel tells him he really wants HOH, He’s got a epic plan. He doesn’t want to say anything yet but will the night he wins HOH. (His plan is to put Kenny and Sarah up. Kenny is the target. If POV is played Andrew is the replacement.. there more to it but thats the meat of it)
Adel says Arlie is the one dude in the house that he knew from day one was not going to *** him in this game
Arlie says he’s not going to f*** Adel and he’s not going to do anything to hurt Adel’s game, “I’m not going to f*** lie to your face then F*** you”.
Adel says Jon is getting very nervous, “IKA kinda f*** his sh!t up in a way”

Adel “she acted like a f** fool and they came over the announcements saying She be snitching “
7:19pm Hot Tub Rachelle and Sabrina
She 100% she was going to put our a$$es on the block if she won HOH.. Sabrina is worried they are trying to make her look worse than
Sabrina is worried that the house is thinking she’s looking for attention. Rachelle tells her it doesn’t look like that. Sabrina says the crying was real and is pissed that Adel was saying Sabrina should stop crying.
Sabrina – “I cannot wait until Adel goes home, and IKA”
Rachelle – “ugh her smirk is so annoying”
Sabrina – All she kept saying is shut the f*** up Sabrina your f*** lucky I don’t put you and your pet up on the block.. she kept saying Shut the f** up Sabrina you’re a f*** snake”
Rachelle – “She’s such a conniving little b1tch”

5:10pm – 5:30pm In the bathroom – Sabrina tells Heather that she wasn’t mad at her when the incident in the kitchen happened. Sabrina explains what happened again where she was making her slop cookies for everyone. She says that she had the sugar in her hand and was about to pour it when Adel grabbed it out of her hand and poured it into his water to make sugar water. She says that she wanted to bash his face in with a hot pan but knew she would be evicted. Heather tells her that she’s proud of her for not going off on her. Sabrina leaves the bathroom and heads downstairs. On the way down Ika bumps into her and Sabrina goes down into the kitchen to complain about how she just bumped into her. Ika and Adel head out to the hot tub room and Sabrina follows them. The living room crew are worried theres about to be a fight. Out in the hot tub room – Ika asks Sabrina if there’s a reason she’s out there with them. Sabrina says what I can’t get some fresh air! Sabrina asks her why she bumped into her in the hall. Ika tells Sabrina to shut that F**K UP!! Ika tells Sabrina that she is lucky she won’t be here because she would put her a$$ up on the block so fast!! SHUT the F**K up!! Yu’re lucky I won’t be here!

Sarah calls Andrew out for his comments.. “I can’t take all of this bullying!”
3:50pm In the living room – The house guests are sitting around talking about random things. Andrew starts making his usual obnoxious comments and Sarah gets upset with him. They’re talking about the possibility of Canada saving Ika over Heather. Andrew says that there are so many more Satan worshippers than there are church people. How big is the church now a days… There are so many people that worshippers Satan, lets be honest. Sarah says lets be honest Canada is never going to save you Andrew. Andrew says I didn’t say everybody was, you’re so weird. Andrew says its more of a jab at Satan.. Andrew says how do you not understand my under tones. Sarah says I do. Andrew says well then why do you disapprove so much! Andrew says I am no longer making jokes about anything in this house. Sarah says I dont see any reason to be overly rude and obnoxious. Most of the time I find it funny.

Ika says I’m so glad I won that challenge last night. I went Tina Turner up in this b***h!
12pm Out in the backyard – Andrew and Kenny talk about how the fame they get from being on Big Brother is short lived. Kenny says it has a 1 year expiry. Next year there will be a new cast and we’ll be forgotten about. Andrew talks about wanting to capitalize on it. The cams switch to Jon and Sarah sitting by the pool. Arlie tells her they should have an alliance just the two of them. He tells her they can go into the diary room and laugh it up. Sarah agrees. Arlie starts talking about how he wanted to play the single guy coming into the house but the first day found out 5 of the girls were taken. He says he really wanted to play up the single guy but had to play the nun instead. He starts talking about his ex-girlfriend. He starts describing her big blue eyes, perfect lips, 5’2″, tight body and nice big t!t$.