Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Big Brother asks Arlie to put his costume back on from last night and come to the diary room. Arlie says that the ninja took his hat, so I don’t know if that matters or not. Arlie heads into the bedroom where Jon and Allison are and tells Allison you still have to hangout with them this week so we should be nice. He tells her also spend as much time with the Gremlins too. Jon says and then next week we can say suck it, suck it! Allison laughs. Up in the HOH room – Jon asks Neda who goes to someone you are working with and says I want this person out! Neda says that Rachelle did it too when she was talking to Heather she asked what about Neda going up. Jon says I want to BLOW THIS SH*T UP! Not long after Big Brother asks all of the house guests in the competition to out their costumes back on for diary room sessions.
Tag: Adel Elseri
A Big Brother Canada 2 House Guest.

Big Brother Canada Spoilers, Heather – “So tomorrow Sarah is going up”
2:03AM HOH Heather and Allison
Heather tells her that the person she is putting up as the replacement is the target and they are going home 110%
Allison says it’s tough to walk around the house and pretend to be “Bummed as f***”
Allison says she will 100% work with Heather and Arlie, “OH MY GOD this is blowing my mind.. my brain is racing.. I don’t know what your plan is moving forward. “
heather asks her to trust her..
Allison says Andrew is not going to believe this.

POV Results “Arlie is going to reveal himself during the voting when momzi goes home”
1:30am Momzi and Sarah
Sarah says she will vote whichever way she wants, “Do you have any ideas whos going up”
Heather says the person she was going to put up isn’t a big threat so right now she’s undecided.
Sarah asks why she put up Allison. Heather explains she put Allison
Heather – “Momzi I love you alot.. I know from the beginning you didn’t want the gremlins here.. what upset me is they both threw your name out to go up against Kenny… It surprised me because I thought you were close.
Heather mentions how the gremlins all of a sudden wanted to be her friends. Heather again tell her she doesn’t know what she is doing and she’s not going to be fake to Sarah and tell her she’s safe because right now she’s not sure.

Adel “I don’t give a f** until next Thursday.. Twisto Twist is going to help our team”
7:03pm HOH Adel and Heather
Heather says Kenny thinks he’s safe even if he doesn’t win POV.
Heather – This is the logic I don’t understand If kenny gets taken off I’m not stupid enough to put someone up from my own alliance I’m going to put one of them up.. one of them are going to go home this week.. I dont’ usnerdtans why they are so happy” (Them = Kenny, Sabrina, Rachelle)
Adel can’t believe that Kenny thinks he has the votes to stay.
Heather says he does, “Even Rachelle might not vote for him”
Adel – “Are me and you still trying to bring Allison in “

Big Brother Canada 2 – POV Players PICKED! Jon says F**K YOU KENNY! F**KING LOSER!
2:45pm – 3:10pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the house guests to pick players for the Power Of Veto Competition that will be held some time today. Arlie comes into the bedroom and tells Neda and Adel that everyone needs to clean the kitchen. Big Brother told us told to clean. Adel asks Arlie if he is going to try for the veto? Arlie shrugs his shoulders. They head down stairs. In the kitchen Kenny freaks out on Jon asking him if there’s a reason he is leaving when you’re supposed to clean up? Jon says that he never heard the announcement. Jon says settle your D! Jon comes back and tells him to f**k off. Jon calls Kenny a f**king loser! Jon walks away and heads up to the HOH room and talks to Heather. Heather and Jon comment on how Kenny just can’t win the veto. Heather says and even if he does I’ll put up Sarah. Jon says he is worried that if Kenny wins and comes off and Sarah goes up ..

Big Brother Canada 2 – Nomination Ceremony Results! Kenny says scrawny little b***h!
10:15am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the nomination ceremony. When the live feeds return – we learn that as Head Of Household Heather nominated Kenny Brain & Allison White for eviction. In the backyard by the pool – Sarah, Sabrina, Arlie, Rahcelle, and Kenny are talking. Sarah that if she really wanted Kenny gone she should have put me up with Kenny. Sabrina says that she thought it was going to be Kenny and Rachelle. Rachelle says they were scared I would go home over Kenny. Sabrina says they wanted to put up two strong players. Sarah says that she came into the bedroom and Neda said my name got thrown out there a lot. Kenny says scrawny little b***h. Rachelle says they were scared to put me up with Kenny.
In the bedroom – Neda is talking to Jon. Neda says the next targets in the house after Kenny goes home are Allison and him (Jon). Neda says and I would probably go up next to you.

Kenny says Heather doesn’t have her own thoughts, she’s the puppy dog of f**k faces Jon & Adel.
8:40am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Kenny grabs the new batteries and passes them around to the other house guests. In the bathroom – Kenny goes up to Rachelle and asks her if they were literally blowing up balloons to celebrate last night? Rachelle says no. Meanwhile in the bedroom the others are laughing at how funny the condom balloon prank was. Adel complains of smelling like latex. Allison talks about a dream she had about Andrew. She says he was married and she and Heather were his mistresses. Heather says that she likes her but wouldn’t do anything with Andrew. IN the bathroom – Jon, Adel, Sarah and Arlie are talking about Jon’s yeast infection. Adel says he’s never had an STD before. Sarah and Jon tell him its not an STD.

late night Condom Pranks “What is Big Brother Pumping In the air we can’t sleep”
12:35AM Bedroom Jon and Adel are blowing up condoms Arlie jumps in for some fun. Sounds like theyu stuff the condoms in Kenny’s bag.
Jon say his hands reek of condoms and he can taste it in his mouth. They decide to move the condoms and just put them in the hallways. Adel “F** Hurry up before the gremlins come” (LOL)
They laugh at Adel’s condom being so small, Adel – “It’s a little chub”
(Check out the picture below at one point Adel and Neda pretend to be gremlins coming into the bedroom)

Heather tells them who her nominees are “Worst case scenario is Allison goes home “
10:33pm HOH Heather and Allison
heather says Rachelle’s punishment is that she will spend tonight thinking she is going up tomorrow. Heather says Allison is her friend and she really genuinely likes her..
Heather says Rachelle and Heather are not very nice friends. They were “Friends” with her earlier in the game and they turned on her.
Allison – “I’m telling you right now Kenny will stay”
Heather says if she wins POV she i’ll take Allison off the block. Heather – “Kenny is my target not you”

Rachelle eats a fuzzy peach House goes on slop, Heather “I want my root beer vodka”
8:25pm Hammock Kenny, Momzi and Arlie
Sarah thinks “Its” going to be the next “prize thing” and it’s going to be big. Sarah is depressed says she’s an decision for not using her slop pass. Arlie says it’s a good idea it’ll pay of in the long run. Sarah just really needs a letter from home.
Kenny leaves to go eat slop.
Sarah says she “Loves’ Arlie.
Arlie says he ”Loves” her.
Arlie says he may have been able to talk the other side into not backdooring Kenny.
Arlie says there’s a chance Kenny will stay. Sarah knows but isn’t getting her hopes up. She says Kenny has told her he will hold nothing against her in this game so is emotionally clear.

Sab’s reasons to vote against Rachelle “All of Canada isn’t going to like me going against my Alliance”
5:53pm Have nots Rachelle and Sabrina
Sabrina has told Rachelle if her and Kenny go up it’s putting Sabrian in a very tough position. Sabrina ould have to vote out Rachelle because she has trust and loyalty with a group of people from the beginning.
Sabrina – “I trust you more than anybody that is not the problem it’s a horrible position I’m in”
Sabrina – My biggest fear is you will never talk to me again”
Rachelle tells her she’s not going to hate Sabrina if she votes her out she just would never do it, Thats why she doesn’t get what Sabrina is doing

The House Guests are given a TASK to make SOCK PUPPETS of each other!
3:30pm The live feeds return after being blocked when the house guests were told by big brother that they had 15 minutes to pack all of their things in a bag. When the live feeds come back on all of the house guests are sitting around the kitchen table making sock puppets of each other as a house guest task. Big Brother blocks the feeds again and then when the feeds come back they house guest are trying to finish the puppets as soon as they can as they were told they only have 5 more minutes to complete the task.