2:10pm In the kitchen – Adel, Arlie, Heather and Jon are making lunch. Arlie says I love how Jon just touched his weiner and then touched his hot dog. At least there’s no more yeastie-V! Heather says your vag-cream is in my HOH by the way! JOn says I am so glad we have this sloppy seconds. Arlie says we just need to make sure we win tomorrow! Arlie says I don’t care if you win over me as long as we win it. Adel says it doesn’t change nothing .. we still stay on course. Jon says OH HUNDO! Arlie says this changes everything.. I’m switching sides back! Heather says good luck with that! Jon says yeah good luck being accepted on the other side again!
Tag: Adel Elseri
A Big Brother Canada 2 House Guest.

KENNY FINALY REVEALS his Secret to ALL of the House Guests! “F**K IT I’M GAY!”
12:40pm All the house guests are out in the hot tub room laughing and joking around. They talk about how they’ve revealed their alliance names to each other. The havenots asks if they can just be honest about what happened to the syrup. Neda doesn’t accept responsibility for it. Adel says that he was the one who used the coffee filters to dry his hands. Kenny laughs that they suspected he was the one since they’ve seen him cleaning with them. They talk about how happy they are that they can just have fun now. Sarah says she’s annoyed she’s leaving now. Adel talks to Sabrina about how what made him so mad with when she compared the Quran religion a religion that has been around forever ..to her necklace made at a store. That’s what I was like this is so f**king dumb. The house guests are all revealing secrets they’ve been hiding from either side.

Arlie asks hey Neda, how long ago did you break out of jail? Hey Neda were your parents zebras?
9:20am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Jon tells Arlie that he had his 18th dream that Janelle left him. Arlie says he thinks he’s fine. Jon says this house is f**king my balls! Sarah asks what did the house do to you? Jon says nothing, just my dreams. Kenny comments that he’s broke 170lbs. He says he came in at 176 and was up to 178 but has now lost over 8lbs. Sabrina joins them and talks about how she took off her top last night and then realized she was wasn’t covered up. Sarah says that when she gets home she is going to google those photos and make a montage of all their n@ked photos. Kenny says that he’s going to pack today just in case it is a double because he doesn’t want his sh*t everywhere.

Arlie says on Thursday it’s more like 6 Vs. 1.5 instead of 6 Vs. 3
10:21pm RAndom chit chat Arlie, Allison (They were told by production they will be doing some Diary room sessions tonight starting at 10:30)
Arlie I can’t believe my a$$ got kissed 5 time today
(Allison comes back inside from working work with NEda, Heather and Adel)
Allison wonders if she should shower or if she can do her Diary room session looking like she does.
Arlie like looking at her all sweaty, it makes him think of other things.
Allison does a plank ask him to watch and see how long it takes her to sweat.

Kenny tells the Gremlins “We just need to win HOH and watch the other side folding on each other”
10:06pm bathroom Kenny and the gremlins
Kenny tells them they are in a good position because there’s lots of people on the other side with smaller secret alliance and as long as they get the power that entire side will began fighting within itself.
Sabrina says she doesn’t feel bad for lying because she’s learnt Neda told Jon about the girls alliance called the stupids.
Kenny thinks Sabrina shouldn’t feel bad it’s a game all they need to do is win HOH and watch the other side collapse.
Kenny explains everyone is lying and everyone is playing vicious they just happen to be on the losing side for right now.

Heather burns the cookies “they taste like sh!t…. Ohh but with Nutella that’s a great idea”
7:50pm Heather burns the cookies 🙁 she says she was too busy doing other things in the kitchen. No Worries Heather made plenty of batter and puts another couple dozen in the oven. This time she sets the timer.
Heather – “I’m making my dinner, unloading the dishwasher, doing the dishes and baking cookies and still cleaning the kitchen at the same time”
Adel says the cookies taste great he keeps eating them, pours nutella on them and makes a cookie nutella sandwich.

Neda & Jon confront Sabrina and then Sarah SNAPS on SABRINA..
3:35pm Sabrina heads down to the living room – Sabrina tells Neda and JOn that she was not after Jon until two weeks ago. Sabrina calls over Arlie to clarify who the first five were after and Arlie tells her we were going to put up Jon. Neda and Sabrina start getting into it.. Sabrina then tells Rachelle that I can’t believe I was threatened to vote against you. Neda brings up how Rachelle talked about how Sabrina manipulated her. Jon and Neda ask Sabrina straight up .. would you have put Jon up after you swore on you family that you wouldnt? If the first five told you to vote me out would you? Would you have put me up if you won HOH and the first five told you to put me up after you swore you wouldn’t?? Sabrina dodges the question. The talk turn to s*x talk.

JONs worried his girlfriend will leave him for KISSING ALLISON. Arlie asks have you cranked one out lately?!
1:30pm Out in the hot tub room – Jon worries that his girlfriend might leave him because he apparently gave Allison two pecks. Adel says that he saw them kiss a couple times when they were drunk. Jon is stressed out. Neda and the others tell him that they don’t think its bad and that she will still be there when he gets home. They talk about how Allison can’t even remembering it happening. They realize the house is opened up again and they head inside. Jon says I wanted to experience this with her and if this is what it takes for her to break up with me then so be it. Arlie tells him that he can think like a girl and thinks he is fine. Neda goes and talks to Allison in the storage room about it. Allison says that she honestly doesn’t remember it happening. Neda says that Jon is really worried that Janelle will break up with him.

Heather’s 1 Hour Photo Task: Sabrina says that’s a good one! I used to model, I know!
Heather comes out of the diary room with a camera and tells them that she has to take their photos individually. She says that they have to be nice photos. She says you can look how you wanna look but they’ll be used later on. Heather heads out to the backyard with Rachelle to take her photos first. She takes a head shot first and then gets Rachelle to pose. Adel is next and he sits on the laundry box holding the pucks. Sabrina is next. She asks if Heather knows what the photos are for? Heather says yes. Sabrina asks if its fun? Heather says yeah. Jon compliments Sabrina and tells her that she does have a nice body. Big Brother tells the house guests that they’ll be on a backyard lock down, the house will be off limits. In the bedroom – Sabrina tells Adel that he has a way of making people feel good.

Bloody Tampons in the shower & Neda’s Syrup Prank Hits the Havenots. “Mustard is the new Maple Syrup!”
9:15am In the bathroom – Adel gets into the shower. Soon after he says ewww.. there’s a bloody tampon in the shower! He grabs Kleenex and throws it in the garbage. Jon says eww. He goes into the bedroom and tells them that someone left a bloody tampon in the shower. WHo’s on their period? Neda says I am but it wasn’t me. Allison says I’m just starting but I haven’t used one yet. Meanwhile in the bathroom – Sabrina says aw.. I think it was me! It was me.. Aw I am sorry Adel. I took a shower last night and took it out. Adle says just deny it. Deny, deny, deny! Sabrina says I was taking a shower last night and cleaned myself. This is so embarrassing. Sabrina ask Adel who found it? Adel says I did. Don’t worry about it. Sabrina says but they’re in the bedroom telling everyone! Adel says it doesn’t matter just deny it.

Adel’s “Weakened” power gets revealed “I Love Deli.. can we be boyfriend and boyfriend”
12:32am Bedroom crew Arlie, Adel, Neda, Jon and Allison
They calculate there is 5 eliminations and 10 people. Allison says it doesn’t add up there’s 10 people in the house with 4 full weeks left.
Adel – “There is no way next week Kenny can play in the veto”
Adel tells them about his power.
Adel tells them that after the third week his power weakened, “on the power of veto ceremony I could just replace anyone I want”
Allison – No you can’t”

Sabrina “This is the meanest season ever.. do you think I’m like Amanda”
9:55pm Poolside Gremlins, Kenny and Sarah.
they are talking about the game the other side was playing in the kitchen picking who they would marry. Sabrina is pissed by it. (Nobody picked her)
Sabrina says Neda would make a despicable wife at least Sabrina can cook food and clean dishes.
Sabrina – “it’s a compliment nobody chose me I would not choose any of theses people except you Kenny”
Sarah leaves
Kenny tries them to stay positive tells them they will win the next HOH, they just need to sit back and find the humor in it. Rachelle thinks so many of the the HOH’s were by chance.