Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for July7th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter […]
Tag: Adam Poch
Big Brother 13 house guest

Big Brother 13 Craziest Season – Golden Key, Dick, Boy George, Cookie Dough…
Follow @BigBspoilers and @Dawgsbigbrother on Twitter for recent crazed out spoilers. There is also a Facebook page.
Big Brother 13 Recap of the TV Show. Rachel/Brendon, Jeff/Jordan and Dick/Dani are the returning couples. Shelly/Cassi, Keith/Porsche, Adam/Dominic and Lawon/Kahlia are the new Couples. Rachel Won HOH and started cackling again. Julie gives them one last Twist of the season “GOLDEN KEY” Being nominated for eviction is a blessing and a curse.. The Surviving houseguest gets a golden key meaning they are guaranteed a spot in the top 10. players nominated in the beginning that survive eviction are safe for 3 weeks. Holders of the golden key cannot compete in the HOH until there is only 10 houseguests remaining. No Idea how POV works but I assume if you win POV will nominated and you use it on yourself you forfeit your GOLDEN KEY.
8:20pm PST FISH all 4 cams
10:00PM PST Feeds start
Big Brother Lite is working GET IT!!

Big Brother 13 Spoilers – First Live Show Twists, Dynamic Duos, and Cast **Updated**
I’m pretty excited for this season it’s going to be some serious fun. I’ll give you the results from the live show it’s all going down 6pm PST. If you are having difficulties with the live feeds either with BBlite or the superpass website please check out this post I will be updating it with news as I hear it from my contacts. Note that as of right now 3:53pm PST I am in sign up loop for Big Brother Lite which I’m told will be fixed before the show starts.
I will continue to update this post for the duration of the show.. The “Live Feeds” tab will go live on SuperPass at 9pm PT/12am ET. It will be next to the “Live Interviews” tab.
Follow @BigBspoilers and @Dawgsbigbrother on Twitter for recent crazed out spoilers. There is also a Facebook page.

Big Brother Rewind – First Show Is Tonight!
Big Brother Rewind Airs Tonight at 7pm EST
I’m very excited to introduce you all to a great BB webcast called Big Brother Rewind. With a billion and one BB webcasts on the interents its hard to pick the one that fits best and i’m happy to have found Big Brother Rewind. This is the one and only webcast Dawg and I will follow this year to complement our feed watching. Like Big Brother Rewind is run by BBfans for BBfans.
Follow @BigBspoilers and @Dawgsbigbrother on Twitter for recent crazed out spoilers. There is also a Facebook page here . We now have a browser toolbar check it out, BB13Spoilers Toolbar

NEW Houseguest Pics NEW Big Brother Live Feeds Website
There is so many rumors floating around the internets right now, especially twitter were you can find dozens of accounts tweeting out “RUMORS” and “Confirmed Spoilers” from people claiming they have inside sources or work for production. The general consensis of all these rumors is that Jordan/Jeff, Dick/Dani and Rachel/Brendon are coming back. We’ve already learnt that Boogie/Will and Natalie/Jessie are a no go which only leaves Harden/Enzo, even though I found Enzo entertaining Hay

Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Houseguests Move in, Jason Thomas Speaks, No Jessie/Natalie and Kalia Booker superstar
8 BB13 Players Move into the house July 2nd
Today the Big Brother 13 Cast moved into the house were they will spend the days leading up to the premiere July 7th getting use to the Big Brother House. Rumor has it that the Mystery Six is in sequester and won’t be introduced to the regular players until Thursday. Follow @BigBspoilers and @Dawgsbigbrother on Twitter for recent crazed out spoilers. There is also a Facebook page here . Don’t forget The early bird special last until July6th this is going to be one of the greatest season of BB in history, imagine what couple happen with Dick and Rachel in the house… AWESOME! Get your feeds early get them cheap $29.99 limited time offer

Big Brother 13 Spoilers – WLBB Grodner Interview and New Press Video Reveals some Clues about the Twist
The good folks at WLBB were able to have a audio interview with the “wonderfully twist happy Jessie loving” Allison Grodner. All in all it was good news unless you’re a Dr Will/ Booger fan. Like usual Allison built up the Thursday premiere show saying it’ll be one twist after another yadda yadda. Basically it’s what we should expect Big Brother 13 is going to be a insane with the potential to have Dick/Rachel in the house together battling it out.. CAN’T WAIT! You have to only July 6th to get your early bird discount on the Big Brother 13 24/ Live Feeds.
Follow this link and get the entire season for only $29.99 that is a savings of 25%.
Here is a Summary of what we learnt.

Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Dynamic Duo and Confirmed Cast Bios
Here they are folks the BIG BROTHER 13 CAST BIOS. We revealed the cast this morning at 6am and it looks like a great bunch. Before you get excited there is a catch, looks like they are dragging 6 former houseguests out of the gutter to be on the show. Hmmmm not sure what you all think of this could be awesome could be a BLANK storm of suck, the thought of having Eval Dick in the house going to war with Rachel is WICKED but then there is the chance of of having to listen to Mike Booger talk about his big hips.. UGH.
OBB favorite for the year based on looks alone goes to Cassie check out the BB13 Cassie bikini pics Also Porsche is friends with Janelle or at least they know each other. proof

Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Cast Interviews
Here you be the interviews from the Big Brother 13 Cast Worst of all they are bringing back someone from a past season check out the BB13 Cast Bios
follow @BigBspoilers and @Dawgsbigbrother on Twitter for recent crazed out spoilers. Theres also a Facebook page here .