12:45am Amanda and Aaryn continue to talk it out in the HOH room. Amanda says I genuinly was to know you beyond being scisor sisters outside of this game. I don’t see that with anyone else other than you, Andy and McCrae. That’s why I trust you guys, that’s why I trust the four. Aaryn says it’s because I have been attacked by things that suck like me being a bit*h and me being racist. I do get defensive about stuff like that. Amanda says but you don’t need to get defensive with me. I am your allie, I am with you. I back you up or when people want to get rid of you or when McCrae throws out your name of putting you up as a pawn, I shut it down right then and there. I’m your biggest ally. Out of the four of us, I am your biggest ally and I have been since the beginning. I’m the one that went to Andy and McCrae and said that we should bring you in. It was me and it was only me from the beginning. Aaryn says I am still skeptical about McCrae. Amanda says he is skeptical about even me, he is a worry wart. Amanda say I want Spencer gone, then Elissa and then I want Ginamarie gone.
Tag: Aaryn Gries
Big Brother 15 house guest

“I don’t think we could have taken Amanda out.. Howard and Candice had to go” -Helen
8:33pm hot tub Helen, Andy and McCrae
Helen says she never was targeting McCrae. MC says he understands.
Helen says the only votes she has are MCrae, Andy and Elissa. She says that is enough to stay she double checks with McCrea if she has his vote.
McCrae says of course but what has him worried is Elissa.
Helen: “I can control Elissa.. Elissa wants Amanda out to.. I will not have her going after you”
MC: “ELissa is a loose canon”
Helen says she’ll make a deal with Elissa to not target McCrae if Helen stays in the game, “She is not coming after you.. she doesn’t know about the three of us”
Helen: “Nobody knows what we have.. McCrae you keep me you are playing your own game”
MC: “Amanda will be pissed if I don’t vote her way”
Helen: “Ultimately you need me to get to her (Amanda)… If I leave who is going to go after her.. I will control Elissa’
MC: “Ya.. . yup.. ”

Amanda to Helen “I wasn’t coming after you.. I am now.. it’s not a personal thing it’s game”
7:20pm Backyard Amanda, Elissa and Amdan
Helen: “I heard from Aaryn Spencer is the target.. should I believe that”
Amanda: “I don’t know now.. I heard everything when jessie was up why don’t you think I would hear everything when the tables are turned”
A: “My target was always Spencer”
H: “We’ve been loyal since the beginning.. we’ve kept you safe”
H: ‘Each week when you were the MVP nominee Jessie would come up to us telling us to target you and I kept telling her lets do it next week.. to be honest that is why you stayed”
A”: The reason why I stayed is Andy.. he is the reason I stayed.. and I think if you stay this week the entire house would be targeting me and McCrae am I wrong”
H: “No “ She wants to stick to their Final 5 plan.
H: “I am worried you are getting close to Aaryn.. we can stick to the five or we can go after each other and cause chaos”

Slowly figuring it out “Amanda’s manipulated Me, Elissa and Aaryn this whole time ” Helen
5:52pm Kitchen GM and Helen
Gm is afraid whatever she tells Aaryn will get back to Amanda. GM brings up how Amanda was telling her that Aaryn is saying the GM doesn’t like her. GM: “Do I find her annoying YA but I never said I didn’t like her”
Helen: ‘She wants Aaryn for for her self”
Gm agrees says Amanda isn’t like them she’s not blonde and she’s double the size of them, “Go Away”
Helen: “She doesn’t want you and me and ELissa to be friends and unfortunately because Elissa and Aaryn have been at odds for so long.. You and I have to do it for them.. “
Helen and GM talking about Gm and Nick’s wedding. Helen says they should make the invitation a Big Brother Key.

“Aaryn and I had a coming to Jesus moment about what is going on in this house” -Helen
3:46pm HOH Elissa, Andy and Helen
Helen tells them that McCrae told Aaryn to put up Helen and Elissa because Aaryn was going to put Spencer and Elissa.
Elissa: “I think MCCrae was so mad that I wouldn’t start a fight with Aaryn.. that’s so weird.. cause in the beginning Amanda fought everyone and now she’s trying to get other people to do it”
Helen: “Aaryn and I had a coming to Jesus moment about what is going on in this house”
Elissa says voting out Helen is handing the game to McCrae and Amanda
Helen keeps telling Andy how Amanda and MCCrae are using him and he needs to vote out Spencer.
Andy: “You think I would keep Spencer over you.,.. give me some credit”

Helen tells Aaryn – Let’s make a deal to go to the end together. If I stay, let’s just do it. I’m Ready!
2:25pm – 2:45pm Helen heads up stairs to the HOH room with Aaryn to talk to her. Helen says first of all I wanted to say that the OTEV Competition sucked, Congratulation you got it over with. Helen says I don’t want it to be awkward with everyone if I go out the door. I don’t want to go out like Jessie. Helen says I think Ginamarie would be my deciding vote. I talked to her last night and I want you to know that I told her that I would be the deciding vote to keep her if you and her were on the block. I am going to tell her when she wakes up that I can’t keep that deal if I stay in the house, which will probably mean I will lose her vote to stay. There are people in the house that are trying to get us to go against us. If I leave then Elissa will go work with them. I know if I stay I get her to work with you and I. Amanda has been playing you and I. She is playing a great game, she is manipulating you and I.

Helen tells Elissa threaten them with all the secrets of the knockouts if they don’t vote for me to stay.
10:40am – 11:15am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Helen and Elissa are in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Ginamarie joins them. Elissa heads to the kitchen and fills the coffee pot with 12 cups of water and then knocks over the coffee pot spilling all the water out onto the counter. Big Brother asks the house guests to clean the bathroom. Elissa heads into the bathroom to clean it. Aaryn comes down from the HOH room and starts making her breakfast. Big Brother calls her to the diary room. Out in the backyard Helen is running.

Aaryn says you only think of racism if that’s what’s on your mind. The person who misconstrued that was racist, not me!
1am Aaryn and Ginamarie head into the lounge room. Ginamarie is crying and upset because she wanted to win the POV today. Aaryn says I wanted to win that today because I am HOH and I didn’t want to get more blood on my hands. Now I have to get more blood on my hands because I didn’t win it. You know how bad I want to have a record so it was devastating not to win. Ginamarie says that she tried but couldn’t find anything, I really thought they were going to do a Nick thing and I just wanted to find his name and to hold It up and be happy, you know what I mean. They didn’t even say anything about him. F**king Jessie and Judd they weren’t f**king nothing. Aaryn says it’s just because they were here longer. I know it sucks. That was legitimately all about luck. Ginamarie says I just wanted to have your back and to not change the nominations.

“God I hope none of jury come back into the game .. that would f*** up my game ” Amanda
10:06pm HOh Aaryn, Spencer, Amanda, McCrae and Andy
THey are all Agreeing Elissa and Helen walks around like the are better than everyone else. Spencer says it’s more Elissa than Helen, “I think Helen is a peach of a person but in the game… “
Amanda: “Helen is an annoying competitor.”
Spencer Agrees, he mentions how she told him that she can get him to jury after that he’s on his own.
Aaryn says she legitimately liked everyone in this house but the more she hears about Helen the more she’s not sure about her.
Spencer mentions how Helen is upstairs crying to them all and saying she doesn’t want Elissa to leave because she’s a jury vote for her.
Spencer: “Think of anything else to say.. think of anything that will elicit sympathy.. F*** I don’t care if you have one less jury vote”

Big Brother 15 POV Results “You had the fire in your eyes I could see it”
POV Holder: Elissa Next POV Aug 17th POV Used POV Ceremony Aug 19th HOH Winner: Aaryn Next HOH: Aug 22nd Original Nominations: Elissa and Helen Current Nominations: Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard, Candice, JUDD, Jessie Have Nots (head cheese and habaneros) GM, Amanda, Helen and Elissa Elissa wins the Veto 8:47pm bathroom […]

Big Brother 15 Amanda tells Elissa No matter what Helen or Elissa are getting evicted
5:44pm Cockpit Chit chat
Helen: ‘What are people going to dress up as this year”
Andy: “I’m going to put on a pink dress and be David”
McCrae mentions that Matt Hoffman from season 12 dressed up as britney in that prom picture picture (Image here ).
Helen is laughing.
Elissa: “Mat’s a character.. A funny guy that Matt Hoffman”

Never won sh!t yet running the game “It’s that weird Dr. Will 2.0 thing she’s got going”
4:24pm McCrea tells her that Amanda and him had a symbiotic relationship they both played different games.
Helen says she loves him to death but if he goes to final 2 with Amanda he will not win.
McCrae agrees it’s a worry for him.
Helen points out if Amanda makes it to the end never wins a HOH and ran this entire house she will win the game.
McCrae: “It’s that weird Dr Will 2.0 thing she’s got going”
Helen says if McCrae blindsides Amanda that will win the game for him, “you won’t’ have to do anything else in the game.. you would go down in history.. “
Helen: “So Andy and I can let you do that” She laughs then gets serious tells McCrae she will support any move that get their 3 person alliance further in the game.
Helen: “I don’t want Ginamarie, Spencer or Elissa winning this game” Helen says Spencer is a fan of this game but he lied to her so much. Her reasons for Elissa and GM is they never were fans.