6:13pm Cockpit Andy, Amanda, McCrae
Amanda is pissed at Aaryn getting mad at Amanda in the HOH after Amanda told them about her conversation with Elissa. Aaryn was saying Amanda is throwing them under the bus to keep her and McCrae safe. Amanda says she was just wanting Elissa to feel safe so she didn’t win the HOH.
Amanda “What the f*ck is wrong with Aaryn, no matter what Elissa will be targeting her.. does Aaryn rather it be her and those two (Gm or Spencer) or would she rather it be Amanda and Aaryn”
Andy says she walked in on the last bit of that conversation and didn’t want to be part of it.
Amanda: “Stop trying to protect GM”
Mcrae: “Thats all she cares about.. Spencer knows what the f*** is going on.. “
Amanda says Aaryn understands it right now but still what the f** why does this always happen with her.
McCrae thinks Aaryn’s plan is to keep GM here over one of them.