POV Holder: ? Next POV April 27 POV Used ? POV Ceremony ? HOH Winner: McRae Next HOH: Wed July 3rd MVP: ? Original Nominations: ? Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest ? Have Nots ? Big Brother 15 Live Feeds are ON! Please be patient while we make sense of the madness in the […]
Tag: Aaryn Gries
Big Brother 15 house guest

Big Brother 15 Episode 1 “Pizza Boy Delivers”
Julie Chen reveals the MVP Twist to the house guests
“For the first time in the history of Big Brother.. There will not be 2 nominees every week… There will be three nominees every week”
“The HOH will only nominate two houseguests”
“the third nomination will be made by someone in this room”
“Here’s how it works.. Every week America will vote for the houseguest they believe is playing the best game.. That person will be name The Big Brother Most Valuable player and they will make that weeks third nomination”
“This BBMVP will be informed their status in secret and he or she will also make their nomination in secret.. They have no obligation to ever reveal their identity”
“The player that the MVP nominates will be revealed right before the Power of Veto Competition each week “

Big Brother 15 Episode One Sneak Peek House Guests get their Keys! **Video**
During today’s Big Brother 15 Special on The Talk we got to see a sneak peek of tonight’s premiere episode. The two clips show the house guests getting given their Keys at home. If you want to watch the entire episode of the talk featuring Julie, Ozzy’s wife and that girl from Rosanne CBS has posted it here If you just want to see the Big Brother 15 clips they’re in the you tubes below.
Dawg posted pictures from the Houseguests entering the house and the first HOH competition. The early bird special is over but the feeds are still cheaper than last year. $26.99 for the season no subscription just one time flat fee.. Support this site and order them by clicking the badge —>

PHOTOS of the Cast Entering the Big Brother 15 House and The FIRST HOH Competition!
CBS has released some photos of the house guests entering the Big Brother 15 house and a photo of the very first HOH competition. The house guests likely entered the Big Brother house over the weekend as it is custom for them to enter the house prior to the première in order to record the footage for the first episode and to do photo shoots with the cast.
The première episode which airs tonight will introduce the Big Brother 15 Cast, show them interacting and introducing themselves for the first time, show their reaction when Julie Chen notifies them of this seasons twist, and show the very first HOH competition.
The first HOH competition as seen in the photo below shows that it is an endurance competition where the house guests have to hang on to the giant popsicle sticks for as long as they can to be the last one hanging. From learning about the house guests the past few days, who do you think would have the ability and endurance to hang on the longest?

Big Brother 15 Backyard Photo Shoot VIDEO of the BB15 CAST!
With just over 24 hours until the Big Brother 15 Première, CBS has released a video of the backyard photo shoot of the new Big Brother 15 cast, individual photos of the cast, and photos of the cast in front of the Big Brother house & in the Backyard. To my knowledge CBS has never released a video of the backyard photo shoot, so this is a special treat for all the Big Brother fans to see the new cast interacting for the first time.
Tonight at midnight (11:59pm Pacific Standard Time) the price of the Big Brother live feeds will go back up to their regular price of $26.99 for the season and $9.99 per month.
Subscribe today and SAVE! ONLY $23.99!

NEW Big Brother 15 Commercial And The Early Bird LIVE FEED Offer Ends Tomorrow!
Well Big Brother Fans, tomorrow June 25th is the VERY LAST DAY to subscribe to the Big Brother 15 Live Feeds before the price goes back up to the regular pricing. The Big Brother Early Bird Special Discount pricing is a LIMITED Time Offer that expires tomorrow night, so DON’T MISS OUT!
As we patiently wait for the première of Big Brother 15 to air this Wednesday June 26th, there are a few new videos released that we can share with you. The first video is the newest Big Brother 15 promotional commercial of the new cast. The second video is an interview with Julie Chen the host of Big Brother where she talks about the two BB15 twists that have already previously been revealed.

Big Brother 15 VIDEO Meet the Cast! “I’ve got Double D b**bs! I use my personal property to close the deal!”
CBS released a video of the new cast of Big Brother 15 where we get a chance to meet the 16 house guests through a string of one liners. From the looks of this seasons cast it looks like there will be a lot of personality clashes and conflicts, not to mention a showmance or two!
Judd “Are you ready to get wild, get crazy and get this party started?!”
Amanda “Big double D boobs! I got hips, child bearing hips!”
Nick “Very good emotional control!”
GinaMarie “My looks might be a little bit deceiving, sometimes until I open up my mouth.”
Julie Chen “Super-sized big brother means its longer, we’re starting 2 week earlier. It’s Big Brother super-sized!”
Andy “People that love to stir the pot, just to stir the pot… are going to piss me off!”
Jeremy “Get your backs ready, my knife’s coming!”

Big Brother 15 VIDEOS: Jeff Schroeder Interviews the NEW CAST!
The Big Brother 15 cast was finally released today and we now have 6 days to get to know the house guests before we can spy on them in the Big Brother House. In addition to the Big Brother 15 Cast Bios we also have short 2 minute Jeff Schreoder interviews of the entire cast. Take a good look at each of the videos and size up the competition because as part of the BB15 Twist you are being asked to vote on who is the Most Valuable Player each week. We also want to know what you think of this seasons cast, what are your first impressions?
These 16 new Big Brother House Guests will be living in the newly redesigned Big Brother House for what will be the LONGEST season of Big Brother!

Big Brother 15 Cast: Meet the NEW House Guests! AND The Familiar Face Is…
The long awaited Big Brother 15 Cast has now been released just 6 days before the June 26th première episode. Every season the release of the cast identities is one of the most anticipated as it is who we will be watching for the next few months as they compete, lie, and back-stab their way to the $500,000 grand prize. Today the cast of Big Brother 15 was released and as usual it’s a mixed bag of actors, models, old and young with a super fan mixed in there to win it.
We now have seen the house tours and some of the twists. The show starts June 26th so get your feeds and stock up your cave.
DON’T FORGET there are ONLY 5 DAYS left to subscribe to the Discounted Live Feeds!
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