4:25pm HOH Amanda and Elissa
Amanda saying that Gm told Aaryn who told AManda that you JUDD and GM have an alliance and were making plans to makes sure Amanda doesn’t win the veto because they wanted to backdoor her
E: “Yes because I’m working with GM and Aaryn “
Amanda says that Aaryn tells her everything
E: “obviously”
A- she thinks we are still working together
E- nobody wants you out of the house that is why I put mcCrae up
A- Elissa everyone wants me or McCrea out of the house..
E -Amanda you are crazy
A- all i’m telling you GM is a flip flopper.. this week she is up your a$$ and next week you can play for HOH and she won’t have anything to do with you
E- I know you want Aaryn here.. do you know Aaryn comes up here every day and talks about you..
A -I know she does
E -why do you want to work with aaryn
A – she’s been loyal to me and you’ve been loyal to me