1:50am Spencer, Andy, Amanda and Judd are up in the HOH room. Amanda starts talking about Nick and how he is acting shaddy. Judd comments that Nick gets called to the diary room more than anyone else. Amanda says that Nick doesn’t talk game with her at all. Judd tells the others that he forgot to go to the diary room to request holy water for Aaryn’s exorcism. They all laugh. Andy tells Spencer and Amanda he will talk to Helen tomorrow. Spencer says to tell her to get her sh*t together. Spencer tells Andy that Helen can’t feel sorry for these people. Andy says he will. Amanda brings up how they need Candice’s vote. Spencer says that he’s got Candice and says that he will tell her tomorrow. Spencer tells them that they’ll call their alliance the “Bad Dudez with a z”. McCrae comments that he loves it. Amanda tells them that she doesn’t like that name, first off its dudes, I am not a dude. They tell her that she is out voted. Amanda tells them that Elissa is getting on her nerves. Spencer says that as soon as someone else wins MVP they won’t need Elissa anymore.
Tag: Aaryn Gries
Big Brother 15 house guest

Jer “I tapped your hat with my butt.. I didn’t dig it in.. Wish I had a Time Clock”
11:12pm Cam Lounge 1-2 Jeremy and Elissa
Jeremy says he got in trouble by Big Brother, “I have to apologize and take care of this .. you know it’s the situation earlier you got the best of me.. you know.. this house is making me crazy.. “
“I got immature I tapped your hat with my butt.. they’re dry cleaning your hat now and if you want it replaced they’ll take it out of my pension and buy you a new one” (LOL he said pension)
Elissa: ‘My Hat”
Jeremy: “Ya your North Carolina Hat”
Elissa: “Ohh”
Jeremy: “I feel ashamed by it thats not me I feel horrible that I vandalized something of your and regardless of our differences I did something wrong”
J: “I’m a very immature boy that has a lot of growing to do.. I’m sorry .. and that is not Big Brother telling me to apologize”
J: “I am ashamed.. I didn’t digg it in my butt I tapped it”
Elissa: “I feel sorry for you because you’re 23 and this show is on national TV the things you said have been really .. I don’t you saying things about being in a gang on national Television”

Big Brother Spoilers Elissa is targeting Anthony and Jeremy scratches that itch
9:12pm Cam 3-4 Lounge Elissa and Nick
Elissa: “You know David and them are in a teeny bopper showmance alliance.. you told me If i got MVP and didn’t put you up that you wouldn’t put me up if you got MVP”
Nick: “Ya.. 100%”
E: “out of respect for me honouring my word I think it would be nice for you to not vote to evict me”
Andy, Gina roll in
E: “CAN I ASK him something real quick”
They leave
E: ‘I don’t think there is going to be a even vote.. I think it would be nice for you to not vote me out”
N: “I didn’t get MVP so I couldn’t honor anything .. umm this whole week I’m going with the house.. and everybody said this is what the house is doing.. I didn’t want to be on the bad side of the house.. cause if I was the person that went rogue then next week i’ll get Bent order”
E: “Have you talked to Amanda and McCrae tonight”
N: ‘well.. I’ve talked to everyone.. “
E: “And they say they’re voting me out”
N: ‘I don’t want to say cause I don’t want to start this game.. “
E: “if they didn’t vote me out and you are voting with Anthony and them”
N: “Whose Anthony”

Big Brother Spoilers THE HAT “The truth of the matter is I do have a big a$$”
7:48pm cam 1-2 the beds Aaryn, Candace, kaitlin and Jeremy (Kaitlin and Jer are cuddling)
Chatting about beds. Candace thinks they should all go back to the beds they had in the beginning. Aaryn agrees
Amanda charges in .. Candice tells her she’s had it good this past week sleeping in a comfortable bed she hasn’t “Had this bright light shining” in her face.
Aaryn: “And Candice I don’t know if someone is trying to start sh!t by telling you about the hat”
Candice: “I don’t know who told you about the hat.. and the truth of the matter is I do have a big a$$ and if I had sat on your hat it would have been ruined… In real life situation .. lets think about it I really do have a big butt and if I did sit on your hat it would have been ruined.”

The Moving Company is winning MVP “Nobody is scheming as much as we are”
6:17pm Cam 3-4 Storage room Howard and Spencer
Howard saying when Aaryn blows up it’s going to blow Kaitlins head and will probably blow Jeremy.
S: “I’ve talked to Helen and she blames Aaryn for instigating the Jeremy thing.. What I think Helen wants to do is strip Jeremy of his alliance and use Jeremy .. I think that is a good idea”
H: “I do to”
Spencer thinks the Moving Company will get the MVP’s because nobody else in scheming as much as they are. (He’s right with the schemeing part)
H: “He got our hands into everything”
They agree that there is no sides in this game it’s MC versus everybody.
S: “If Jeremy wins next time I want him to get Amanda out.. cause I want to refocus McCrae”
H: “Yup there it is.. there it is”
S: “I want to keep Gina in the house next week cause she’ll blow up it Elissa stays”

GiGi says she doesn’t like it when people call her stupid. Andy ask wait what? Who called you stupid?
3:20pm Out on the backyard couch – Judd, Amanda, Jessie, Spencer, Kaitlin, Andy and Aaryn are talking about reality tv villains. The bring up Omarosa Manigault from the apprentice and how she was mean to a girl with one leg. Judd says that he knew a girl with one leg and his friend licked it. Jessie made celery and peanut butter sticks and offered them to everyone. Aaryn eats one and licks her fingers. Aaryn says she can’t wait for next season when the new cast talks sh*t about us. The conversation turns to talking about being nude on tv. Aaryn says that in sex scenes they use tape on their privates. Meanwhile in the kitchen – Nick and David are making French fries. Nick is explain how to cut the potatoes.

GiGi says I just want to tell all you guys, it’s period time! Jeremy says good! Leak that bl***!
12pm Kaitlin, Judd and Jessie are in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Jeremy joins them to brush his teeth. Candice is now up too. Jeremy laughs that McCrae is probably in lock down in his room because he’s in trouble. Kaitlin comments how last night it was the funniest thing to see Amanda mad at him and ordering him around. Jeremy says that he wishes he had seen that. Meanwhile out in the backyard – Jessie and Helen are talking. Helen explains that in the real world at a work environment you don’t get to pick the people you work with. Just like in here cast picked different personalities that they know are going to clash with the others just to create drama. We just have to figure out ways to not let them affect us.

Howard laughs Amanda talks about her boyfriend but she sleeps with a man the first week because he is in a position of power.
9am – 9:40am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen. When the feeds come back Spencer is out in the hammock talking to Judd. Spencer tells Judd that Candice was annoying him last night because she woke him up to tell him he was snoring. He says b*tch don’t wake me up to tell me I am snoring, I’m sleeping! Judd leaves to have a smoke on the couches and then heads inside. Judd brushes his teeth and then goes back to bed in the have not room. Meanwhile in the backyard – Howard comes over and talks to Spencer.
Helen joins them and comments on how the suit cases are in the storage room. She says its just sad to see any of them go. Helen starts crying about how embarrassed Jeremy’s mom must be feeling. She says she is a fan of the show too. Spencer and Howard tell her not to worry about it.

GiGi says we’re like brothers. Jeremy says you’re not my blood, I’ll li*k that cou*hie!
12:20am Aaryn says that David’s paranoia bothers her. She says that he is so worried about what everyone thinks. Aaryn says that she hoped he would cheer her on in the Have / Havenot competition. Aaryn says that she feels like the guy in the relationship with David. She says that she doesn’t want to feel that way. Aaryn says that Elissa is trying to stir sh*t up. She says that Elissa asked her if David was proposing during their long talk. Howard asks Aaryn if Candice’s voice annoys her? Aaryn says that she threw something on the floor not to hear her voice. Howard says that Candice is not his type. Howard tells Aaryn that he liked her since day one. Aaryn says that she likes him too.

Big Brother Spoilers “Dude you want to Sleep with me”
10:37pm Cam 1-2 Backyard Hammock Aaryn, David, Howard and Spencer
Aaryn: “So David comes out into the kitchen and I’m like So i’m sleeping with Gina (my new name for GIGI) tonight because Nick asked he if can sleep with you tonight”
A: “I had a completely straight face and he (David) was like WHAT.. I was like Ya is that cool.. he was like NO WHERE NICK.. I’m like I don’t know where he is why wouldn’t that be OK..”
A: “He storms up stairs to find Nick and he’s like DUDE you want to sleep with me tonight.. and Nick thought that DAvid was joking.. So nick goes ya bro totally.. let’s sleep together.. and he’s (Daivd) is all like WHY DUDE”
David: “no way.. i’ve never slept with a dude in my life”
Howard : “You’d have to be there”
Aaryn: ‘I thought it was a good joke”
Spencer explains that he didn’t laugh but he see the humor in it.

GIGI says she’s going to quit “Waiting to Wednesday but I’m Bouncing “
8:05pm Cam 3-4 Hammock Nick and Andy
Andy and Nick agreeing that the best thing to do for them is to lay low..
GIGI comes by.. “I’m going to quit”
GIGI I’m probably going to wait to Wednesday but I’m bouncing “
Andy: “WHAT!”
The only reason why GIGI is staying until wednesday is she doesn’t want Elissa to stay and screw up everyones game.
GIGI: “Serious bro I need to go i’m done.. “
Andy: “Should I leave and let you guys talk”
GIGI: “No it’s OK he’s nobody to me”
Andy: ‘I really don’t want you to go home”
GIGI: “My nails are a disaster.. I feel like a dirtbag.. oh my god I feel like sh!t”
Andy: “have you talked to anybody else like this”
GIGI: “No”

Spencer wants to Weaponize Jer “All his bravado and b*llsh!t can be used to our advantage”
5:24pm Helen and Spencer Cam 1-2 Hammock
Helen brings up David playing chess with him and doing a bit of campaigning on the side.
Spencer about David: “Bottom line is he’s going home”
Spencer plans on going to David and saying that he’s voting for him to stay. Spencer thinks Helen to do the same. The reason is that David will go back to his group saying that Helen and SPencer are locked votes. When he goes home on Wednesday the bieber fever will be even more confused.
Spencer: “You got to give him some time so it sink into his sun bleached brain”
Spencer says that the only reason David is talking to her is because he’s on the block nothing he’s saying is “Heartfelt”