1pm – 1:10pm In the bedroom – Kaitlin tells Aaryn that she tried to get them to keep Jeremy. Kaitlin says that they tried to get me to vote out you guys but I won’t do it. She says I tried to get them to keep him till sequester and that I would even vote him out. Aaryn says I feel like you two are falling in love. Kaitlin says that she doesn’t know, I think Jeremy is scared of that work. Aaryn says I want Jeremy to stay but I am so frigging scared. Aaryn asks would you tell me if I was the target. Kaitlin says yeah, at first I knew you were the target but not now. You are not going home this week 100%! Every single person in this house wants Jeremy out. It sucks! Aaryn says that she feels like she is next. Kaitlin says she thinks Spencer and Howard are next. I spilled out everything to Helen up there. I don’t know if they believed me but I will continue to tell them. Aaryn tells Kaitlin that she heard she (Kaitlin) said you wanted nothing to do with me and that I was the negative energy in the house. Kaitlin says that is not true, who told you that? Aaryn says Jessie. Kaitlin says it must have been Amanda because she likes to stir sh*t up. Kaitlin says that she is pissed because Spencer and Howard should be going home before Jeremy.
Tag: Aaryn Gries
Big Brother 15 house guest

Helen asks Judd if she can wear his Bear shirt for the Veto Ceremony Today.
Big Brother switches the Big Brother live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen to wake up the house guests. When the feeds return – Judd and Andy are talking about Howard in the backyard. Andy says that Howard really scares him. He says that anyone that can swear on their bible and go back on it will say and do anything. They talk about how he can’t be trusted and that they need to get him out. Judd agrees. Andy says good, I am glad that we are always on the same page. Judd and Andy head inside the house. Elissa takes a load of laundry out to the backyard to do. Judd and Andy follow. Elissa finds bugs on the bleach and screams. Judd and Andy comment on how Elissa screams more than anyone. Elissa says I am a screamer. Big Brother asks them to please lower the two awnings beside the hot tub and the ones adjacent to the deck. Judd says oh god what does that mean? Judd and Elissa hug in the backyard. Judd comments on how its great that she isn’t a target this week. Judd tells Elissa that must feel better not having to lay low. He says he always talked to her. Elissa yeah you always talked to me.

Spence tells Judd I bet Jessie’s p***y tastes like butterscotch, I hope you at least get to f!nger b*ng her.
12:30am Jeremy and Kaitlin are in the backyard hammock talking about the veto. Kaitlin talks about how she had to win it. Jeremy tells her to never doubt yourself. He calls her a beast. Kaitlin tells Jeremy that Helen said she would be protected by her, Elissa and Andy. Jeremy asks what about Candice? Kaitlin says she can’t tell with her. They think she is safe with Amanda and McCrae too. Kaitlin and Jeremy head into their bedroom. They start making out. Meanwhile in the lounge room – Amanda, McCrae and Andy are hanging out in the lounge room. They are talking and joking around. Amanda jokes that she was the Yoko Ono of the moving company alliance. The others laugh. Amanda wonders why Elissa and Helen didn’t nominate Howard. Andy tells Amanda that she can trust Helen. Amanda says that she thinks Howard is more dangerous than Jeremy is because he has Elissa and Candice. Amanda says that Jeremy only has Kaitlin and maybe Gina.

Spencer says Aaryn might get a job after Big Brother she’ll need to drop her no n*de policy
10:05pm – 10:10pm In the bathroom – Aaryn is doing her hair and makeup. Jessie is laying on the bathroom bench after her massage. Aayrn asks Jessie if she is okay. Jessie says yeah just listening to this bullsh*t! It is time for him (Jeremy) to go. Aaryn says that everyone has said things they should be embarrassed about. Aaryn and Jessie start talking about Kaitlin using the veto and how Jeremy will be going home. Aaryn says that Jeremy is trying to be super sweet so that Kaitlin doesn’t use it and she goes home. Maybe I am being a bit*h but the only way I stay is if I go with the majority of the house.

Kaitlin says oh my god this is so heart wrenching! You’re going home because you’re an a$$hole!
6:50pm – 7:10pm Up in the HOH room – Spencer is talking to Helen about the competition. Helen asks if he thinks Kaitlin will use it. Spencer says that he isn’t sure but that would be the best case scenario. Spencer asks so where do I stand? Helen says well you didn’t win the veto but you are the pawn. I could easily send you home though. Make sure you tell Howard that I could back door him too because I feel really duped. Helen talks about how Jeremy is ready to give her the world and that she is ready to give that up to Spencer and Howard. Helen tells Spencer that she shares a lot with him. She asks if you win HOH who would you put up? Spencer I know that the plan is to get rid of Gina, Jeremy, Kaitlin and Aaryn. Helen says that she loves Gina but that she isn’t going to ask everyone to protect her. Helen says I could revive you. I want that protection from you and Howard. And I don’t ever want to hear you say I should be voted out because I am smart. You should look at that as an asset.

Big Brother Spoilers POV Results “When I saw her 7 I was like holy sh!t.. Please use it”
6:12pm Cam 1-2 bedroom
Random conversations going around.. Spencer and Helen saying “they will give us the artwork after the show is over”
6:16pm Storage room helen and Candace
Helen: ‘I thought you got it”
Helen: “My was 8:46”
Candace: “I fell I shouldn’t have fallen.. it took me awhile to get up from the fall”
Helen: ‘Kaitlin’s time was very good”
Candace: “I wouldn’t have beat her even without the fall”
Helen: “I didn’t do that well”
Helen: “when I saw her 7 I was like holy sh!t”
Candace: “Kaitlin’s time was 7:09….” Candace add that Kaitlin was “Super out of breath.. I knew that meant she went really really fast ”
Helen wonder is KAitlin will use the POV. Candace thinks she will.
Candace: “100% sure.. he wasn’t worried about her last week and she would be a dumb girl if she didn’t.. he kept telling her play for yourself play for yourself.. ”
Candace: “KAitlin was 7:09”Candace: “She’s going to take her selfe off”
Helen: ‘I hope so because if she doesn’t it will be disastrous”

Big Brother Spoilers Veto Players picked “Town’s people let’s slay the dragon”
8:58am HOH Howard, Spencer, Candace, Elissa and Andy
Helen: “Town’s people let’s slay the dragon”
Helen is worried that Kaitlin will win the POV and not use it.
Candace: ‘I know Jeremy has to go but I want Aaryn out so bad.. I think if Aaryn wins HOH next week it will be 10 times worst than if Jeremy wins”
Helen: ‘What you .. want aaryn out now”
Candace says no she wants Jeremy gone first..
Spencer tells them all not to worry cause he’s going to win the POV.

Big Brother 15 Spoilers – Amanda tells McCrae lets just let the rats eat each other this week.
12:40am In the lounge room – McCrae is talking to Judd. Judd asks what is going on now? What did you tell him to cover it up? McCrae says I told him that it really hurt my feelings and I trusted you out of everyone else in the alliance. Judd asks why McCrae said he was MVP? You covering her a$$? McCrae says covering Elissa’s a$$ yeah. Judd says that Spencer came in there and said man McCrae is MVP and he’s putting me up. Judd says that he had to keep a straight face from laughing. McCrae says that he told him, if you keep me and Amanda safe – if you win HOH next week then I will not put you up for MVP. McCrae says he said the only way I would do that is if I was in a five person alliance. Judd asks in a what? McCrae says in a five person alliance – Me, Amanda, Spencer, Howard .. and then I could do, it’s like 5 or 6 so then I could pick the other 2 people.

Big Brother 15 Spoilers Elissa picks the MVP nominee “You just f***ed us really bad“
12:05AM HOH Elissa, Judd, Helen and McCrae
(Elissa had been called into the Diary room they assumed she went in to place her MVP vote and they assumed she put howard up)
Elissa walks in.
Amanda: ‘Did you do it”
A: ‘What… what was that face”
E: “I don’t think I got MVP”
A: “really.. you are lying”
Elissa explains it was just a regular Diary room session.
A: “That’s bullsh!t.. theres no way you’re lying right.. Tell me you’re lying”
E: “NO”
Elissa says it doesn’t matter who is playing in the Veto Cadance, KAitlin Aaryn they win the veto and they can put up Jeremy.
Amanda: “No… There was a whole f**** thing behind it… I have to be honest with you.. It looks as though you just went downstairs and voted for someone else”

Elissa gets her orders put Howard up with the MVP “he’s the biggest snake of them all”
9:10pm McCrea and Elissa
McCrea comes clean about the boys Alliance, says it was all Nick plan and he was only roped in because he was the first HOH. He adds that Howard voted against her yesterday. Elissa is shocked that Howard and Spencer lied to her. She always kinda suspected Spencer but Howard said right to her face he never voted to evict her.
Elissa says she trusts Judd, Helen, Andy, Amanda, McCrea and Candace but nobody else
McCrea: “Howard is the biggest snake of them all in my opinion.. he has to go soon.. That dude will lie through his teeth about everything.”
McCrea starts to make fun of the Moving Company calls it a “Low rent brigade and Brigade .5”

Big Brother 15 Spoilers “I love what getting rid of Nick did to this house.. we are so good at this game”
8:00pm Amanda, Andy and Helen HOH
Amanda points out that her and McCrea have Aaryn and if Andy and Helen have Jeremy and KAitlin they are covered.
Amanda: ‘I that other side has power they will try to break up our alliances” Amanda says if Aaryn gets power she will keep Andy and Helen off the block and if Jeremy/KAitlin get power they will try and keep McCrea and Amanda off.
Helen is confused “Are we not backd**ring Jeremy” Andy and Amanda” NONO just in case Jeremy stays.. “
Andy: “If Jeremy wins the Veto Howard is gone”
Amanda: “Worst case scenario is if Jeremy wins veto and takes Howard off the block then Aaryn will go home”

Big Brother 15 Spoilers Helen: ‘I have 3 people I want to backd**r and they are all guys”
4:30pm Cockpit Helen and Aaryn
Helen tells her she is going up as a pawn and if she wins POV she is going to back d**r somebody, The third nominee will be where she does the flipping. Helen: “If POV isn’t used I will probably send home someone from my side of the house.. it’s going to be a huge f*** and people are going to freak out but I want to play with people that are honest with me and I want to be honest with them”
Helen says she feels like she’s been duped and know that Aaryn’s been duped. Aaryn says that every single person in the house said to her they are voting Elissa out.
Aaryn says Andy, Judd, Jessie, Amanda and McCrea were always up in the HOH they all swore up and down to her that they would never vote against her.
Aaryn: “All along the way they were playing behind my back”