During last the last season of Big Brother, there were a lot of controversial moments that resulted in a number of the house guests being fired from their places of employment due to their words and actions inside the house. A few of the house guests displayed racial, homophobic and misogynistic views inside the house which obviously upset the viewing public and forced the network to display a disclaimer preceding each of the 3 weekly episodes.
Tag: Aaryn Gries
Big Brother 15 house guest

Big Brother 16 Promo Commercial – Judd: “There’s nowhere to run, there’s nowhere to hide!”
The première episode of Big Brother 16 is fast approaching and we’re excited to share with you another promotional commercial that aired on Global, the Canadian Television network during the Survivor finale. We expect a lot more commercials to be released in the coming days over the next month before the première on June 25th. The first commercial aired earlier in the week and if you missed it you can watch it here: “You know its summer when Big Brother is ON!”

Big Brother Canada INVADES and the Season 2 Application Deadline is Fast Approaching!
Get ready Big Brother fans! After recently wrapping up Big Brother 15 we are now getting ramped up for Big Brother Canada season 2 set to premiere in February 2014. The casting auditions have been taking place across Canada since the beginning of September and will wrap up with the final casting call in Toronto Ontario on October 19th. If you’re planning on submitting a video application you have just under a month to do it as the deadline is Friday, October 25, 2013. Do you think you have what it takes to last 75 days in the big brother Canada house? Are you able to lie, back-stab and manipulate your way to the $100,000 grand prize?
During the Big Brother Canada season 2 auditions Andrew Monaghan’s brother Pete tried out to see if he had what it takes to be cast as one of the new house guests.

Big Brother 15 Interviews, News, Scandals and MORE.. PART 2!
After just over a week since the finale the cast of Big Brother 15 have just begun to digest how the fans viewed their experience inside the BB house over the last 3 months. While some are in denial about their words and actions others have taken ownership of their mistakes and are trying to grow from the experience. Below are a number of new interviews and articles about the cast since they’ve left the Big Brother world.
During the BB15 wrap party a number of the Big Brother Canada season 1 cast joined the party and got mixed up in some of the drama.

Big Brother 15 – After the FINALE Interviews and MORE.. “I love my job so much and $500,000”
The finale episode of Big Brother 15 concluded last night but the reality of real life outside the house is just now hitting the cast of the most controversial season of Big Brother. After being locked away from the outside world for 3 months the final 3 and jury members are now trying to make sense of how the viewing public perceived their comments and actions inside the house. It is likely going to take time for the cast to grasp the full extent of their action and comments from this social experiment. It is hard to imagine being locked in a house with extreme personalities all competing, lying and backstabbing for the chance to win a half million dollars. With time to reflect and finally see with their own eyes what transpired throughout the season, it will be interesting to see how the cast reacts and which of the house guests own up to their actions. Below is a collection of interviews of the cast that will be added to as more are released.

Big Brother 15 Eviction And HOH Results Poopy Vs The Rat
Poopy Vs. The Rat
A real roller coaster game for Aaryn (Aka Poopy) she went from riches to rags to riches then finally landing in the rags again. For Amanda’s Game Aaryn had a very good reason to keep her but ultimately it came down to who does Amanda and McCrae think they can trust more, Andy or Aaryn. They will choose Andy. Either way I think Amanda and McCrae need to win the HOH or they will go up. The rat (AKA Andy) says he’s targeting Amanda/McCRae. Maybe he thinks if he takes one of them out it will be the big game move he needs to win the 500K or maybe he’ll continue playing his safe game by hiding in the shadows jumping in on conversations.
Amanda/McCrae have lost a lot of influence in the game this week they need comp wins to get it back. JUDD and Elissa would most likely be their targets.

Andy tells Aaryn his speech will be about the emancipation proclamation – Freeing the Slaves
1pm – 1:25pm Big Brother ends the HOH lock down. All the house guests leave the HOH room. In the kitchen – Aaryn tells Amanda that there should be a most hated and America’s favourite award. Aaryn then says you would get the most hated. Amanda asks do you think people hate me? Andy says I think its polar – there are some that really love you and some that really hate you. Elissa says that she wonders why BB put another camera in the Diary room. Amanda says sometimes they do that. Elissa says she thinks there must be a reason for it. Aaryn leaves the kitchen and sings to herself f**k mom I’ve been evicted! In the rainbow room Andy is packing. Gina is doing her makeup. Aaryn asks what was your favorite part of last night. Amanda says you and Judd making out. Judd says he was surprised no one made fun of them. Amanda says we did after you left. Aaryn says that Andy said you (Amanda) kept Howard’s big black shirt because you wanted to remember his scent. Amanda says no I didn’t! Elissa joins them and asks Aaryn if she really made out with Judd.

ELISSA Coaches Aaryn to say in interviews that she was encouraged to say the things she said by Amanda.
10am – 10:20am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Ginamarie is laying on the living room floor. Elissa is helping her because she has back pain. Elissa does some chiropractic stretches. Gina says thank you. I don’t know what I did to my back. Gina says she is going to go lay down. They head into the kitchen and talk about the morning wake up music. Elissa says I can’t believe it’s Thursday! I guess I should start bringing my stuff back down stairs. Aaryn comments that she just heard someone throw up in the bathroom. Gina then comes walking out of the bathroom. Aaryn asks her if she okay. Gina says yeah.

Amanda says Slurpee time! Aaryn just got frog gigged by J U Double D!
12:15am Amanda and McCrae take a shower together in the downstairs bathroom. She says I need to re-wash my butthole. There’s something sticky on it. Amanda and McCrae make out in the shower. She disappears a few times and he makes facial expressions when she tugs on him. Meanwhile up in the HOH room – Elissa, Andy, Judd, Ginamarie and Spencer talk about random things. Judd asks Aaryn what time of car she drives. Aaryn says she has the Ford Edge. She says she likes it because she can answer her phone from the steering wheel. Spencer heads to bed because he has a headache. Andy leave soon after to practice his eviction speech. Gina leaves and its just Elissa and Aaryn. Elissa says I hate that we couldn’t work together. Every time you time you talk normal to me it makes me sick because my heart feels for you and I never had anything against you and I always wanted to work with you.

Spencer’s bush, Amanda likes to gobble it up and JUDD’s getting hotter the longer he’s in the house
8:28pm bedroom
Gm jokes says she peed her bed..
Aaryn – “that’s from the water bottle”
GM – “I’m old.. I peed the bed”
Amanda is complaining about the flight CBS booked her on. She says it was Spirit airlines. GM says she flew virgin and it was really nice.
Aaryn points out that Howard wore the most expensive clothes for someone that said he had no money. Amanda says that is why she thought he was some sort of athlete.
Amanda asks JUDD if he’s sure he’s not related to Howie.
JUDD: Big boy sure.. Big boy sure
Aaryn says JUDD is looking better and better the longer he’s in the house
Amanda – “you were busted ugly in the beginning”
THey all agree they would rather Rachel in the house than Elissa. Amanda and Aaryn point out how mean Elissa is she was telling Aaryn she wears her bathing suit bottoms on backwards. JUDD says Elissa is “Right nice”

Aaryn to GM “you have to play super dumb act like you don’t know what is going on”
5:21pm GM and Aaryn
GM – i’m sorry I let you down
Aaryn – don’t be it’s not your fault.. we had a good run we made it far
GM – this is only a stepping stone for you
Aaryn – Thanks
GM says she wants to start a modelling school or a dance school
GM says Amanda and McCrae are being slick now they tell her now they just don’t have the votes to keep Aayrn.
Aaryn – “my last strategy was make myself a really big target..” Aaryn adds it didn’t work.
GM – I would try to be friends with Amanda but I can’t trust her.. I would rather be friends with Elissa

Aaryn tells Ginamarie if I stay I am saying I won’t put Amanda and McCrae up but I will!
1pm – 1:30pm In the bathroom – Andy asks Aaryn what she has been up to. Aayrn tells him she worked out and then laid out. Andy says that he is going to lay out for a little while longer. Gina gets up and goes to the bathroom to fix her hair. Aaryn asks her what she has been up to. Gina says napping. I am going to fix my hair and then go back to bed. Gina gets Aaryn to help her with her hair. Aayrn talks to Gina and says that if Amanda and McCrae vote for me to stay and I stay then we can work together and then decide what to do. They stop talking when Elissa walks by. Judd joins them and then heads to the dairy room. In the kitchen Elissa is making an omelet. In the bathroom – Aaryn says if Amanda and McCrae do vote to keep me, they will probably tell you right before. If I stay I am saying that I won’t put Amanda and McCrae up but I will. I am trying to make myself a big target so that people will want to keep me to because I will keep going up on the block.