Swaggy-C – “That’s the crazy thing.. she was showing you her t!tt!$s and all that”

POV: ? Next POV: ?
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 2nd
HOH: Tyler Next HOH: July 5th
Noms: Sam, Steve Have Nots ???

11:20am Kaycee and Angela
Noting how Kaitlyn, Bayleigh, Swaggy ran up into the HOH as soon as the players were picked. They agree that Swaggy’s side wants to try and get Tyler to put Angela up but Tyler is not going to do that. Angela identifies that she needs to start acting scared otherwise the house will think she has a power. They suspect Sam will go home. Anglea says she’s 80% sure unless Sam pulls out a Veto win.

JC rolls in..
JC tells them he was kicked out of the HOH by
Kaycee – are you f*ing kidding me..

JC – when Swaggy opens his mouth I don’t trust him at all..
JC – Tyler is not up with them.. I tell you that right now.. (Swaggy’s crew)
JC – they’re planning something that’s for sure..

They talk about how annoying Swaggy is controlling the HOH.
JC – I want him f**ing out.. literally when he told me to go out I was speechless..
JC says he’s got a headache..

Bayleigh comes in.. JC saying that the POV is either in a couple hours or tonight.
Bayleigh mentions how this is day 3 of them being in lock down.
JC complains that it’s impossible to talk to Tyler. He’s worried that the Veto will be played.
11:30am Angela and Kaycee say right now everyone is vote for Steve to stay.
JC thinks the POV player pick its rigged
JC – and I don’t care if they hear me or not (JC rocks)
JC says he’s going to start eating his slop because he doesn’t know if the POV will be in 1 hour or 2
“but you are not a have not”
JC – Yeah but I eat Slop for breakfast

11:20am HOH POV players +JC

When Steve and Scottie roll in Swaggy-P goes to JC
“do you mind giving us a second to talk to figure out what we are going to do real quick”
JC Leaves..

Steve – that couldn’t have gone any f*ing better..
Swaggy says he kicked JC out and called them all together so they could come to an understanding what they should do.
Swaggy – Sam could be here but she’s probably not going to win so lets keep it to us 5 what we are going to do so we’re all on the same page.. so we don’t piss each other off..
Swaggy points out they all know Steve and Scottie will use the Veto on Steve

Tyler mentions if Steve and Sam are on the block Sam goes home
Swaggy reiterates what Tyler just said “cool.. that;s option 1”
Tyler – worst case scenario same win ..
Swaggy – worst case scenario SAM wins..
Tyler says Sam still goes home regardless if Steve gets off the block.
Faysal – who is your replacement nominee
Tyler doesn’t know brings up the power..

Swaggy says Angela
Steve – you gotta draw it out
tyler says they don’t even know what it is
Swaggy starts in on the gotta get Angela on the block to draw out the power..
Steve – Rachel doesn’t have it
Swaggy says JC is pissed at them for kicking him out of the HOH because JC is scared of going on the block.

Swaggy says it’s likely “he’s in that crossfire”
Steve – he’s not a threat.. and he doesn’t have the power
Swaggy says JC might be a threat next year..

steve – he’s going to trend every f*ing week
Swaggy – If I go the power you all good..
Steve – we have to draw that power out this week.. that’s the bottom line
Steve is sure Brett, Rachel, Winston don’t have the power.
Steve says the reason why Angela isn’t hanging out in the HOH and kissing a$$ is she has the power
Swaggy-C – that’s the crazy thing.. she was showing you her t!tties and all that.. she was flirting.. now ohh she hasn’t been here once..
Swaggy-P says he wants to win it and take Steve down but if Bayleigh goes up as the replacement he can’t use the Veto.
Tyler – I’m trying to get the least amount of blood on my hands.. it’s best for my game for SAM to go home.. I know that for a fact
Tyler says it doesn’t matter if the Veto is played SAM is going home unless she wins it. Faysal is concerned about the power int he game. Say sit’ll bite them in the A$$ unless they deal with it.
Faysal going on about putting Angela up.
Tyler says they don’t know 100% she has it.

Scottie brings up Sam winning the Veto.
Steve – if Sam gets off the block.. you putting Bayleigh up? who you putting up?
Tyler – we’ll whoever would be up against you .. you would stay
TSteve – so than it can’t be Bayleigh
Swaggy – she would go home
Tyler – I don’t know who.. we would have to figure it out
Swaggy-P – it would have to be JC or Anglea or Kaitlyn..

11:32am BROS
Brett – someones talking
Winston – I thin it’s coincidence
They think Swaggy’s crew is thinking they can convince Tyler to B@ckdoor them..
Bros agree Scottie is serious about working with them
Winston mentions Scottie came up to him and said “I just wanna warn you about Kaitlyn”
Winston adds that Scottie warned that Kaitlyn is playing both sides of the house
Brett – Absolutely
Brett says “they’re” (Kaitlyn’s circle) are pissing people off, “Give it time”
Brett – we have time..
Winston – we just have to chill
Brett – they are pissing people off I can feel it
Brett – DUDE i’m going to crush HOH
Winston – I’m with you.. we can’t let our competitive nature ruin our game..
Winston – if you win.. Everyone will start targeting you.
Winston – I think Steve is easily influenced we can pull him back

11:50am Haleigh and ROCKSTAR
Haleigh – I’m f**ing mad
ROCKSTAR – I’m pissed
Haleigh – F** them.. we’re not included in this.. are we not a 5
ROCKSTAR – it’s Steve in there too
ROCKSTAR – I still think our 5 are solid.. they are having a guys thing which isn’t cool
ROCKSTAR are goal now is to get Angela out of the house
Haliegh “I’m pissed off I want to kick the door”
Haleigh asks what are they talking about that they can’t hear…
ROCKSTAR says she can hear bits and pieces “they’re trying to get Angela out”
Haleigh – I don’t want Angela out”
ROCKSTAR – if they put Angela up and she has the power.. she uses the power and they put Winston up..
Rockstar – that’s the best f*ing move than Winston is gone and we can easily get Angela out next week..
Kaitlyn joins them.. haliegh says she’s pissed. Kaitlyn jokes that they are just J******g each other **F

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12:05pm HOH Sam, Swaggy, Tyler, Scottie

Sam campaigns.. “If I stay i’m fixing supper if I go I’m eating supper”
(she’s such a nice gal during this conversation.. )
Sam – I’m very optimistic.. I don’t feel stressed.. anger or nerves or anything.. I want to have fun ..

Swaggy goes on about there being two side of the house and not everyone is relaxed and stress free like her some of them are f** ed up “we’re here for 500K we want 500K .. we’re all fighting for that.. we’re not all in the mindset if I go home I’ll be ok”
Swaggy – I would be pissed…
Swaggy tells her she’s the only person in the house with the mindset things are good and peachy.
Swaggy – They are downstairs scrambling.. JC is pissed..

12:09pm Rachel and Winston
Winston – Steve is staying so we gotta start thinking about Spending some time with him..
Rachel – yeah cause he would come after us
Rachel says she really doesn’t want Steve to stay.. she wishes Tyler had picked Brett..
Winston – it is what it is.. it’s part of this game too not everything will go our way

12:28am Sam and Tyler one on one HOH
SAm – right now you are the first one
Sam – everyone is attacking you like they had plans to be the first one and I didn’t
Tyler – I respect that..
Sam encourages him to stick with his original plan and not be influence by all the people that come up in the HOH
Sam – just know no matter what no matter what these people are telling you you cannot count on it .. ok
Tyler – ok
Sam – it is way too soon .. you can pretend and you can make these hypothesis.. they are all up in the air.. do not bank on anybody for sure yet except for me.. you promise..

They hug it out ..
Sam – so listen .. right now.. don’t worry about me at all OK..
Sam – I’m still going to be here..
Tyler – that is what I like to hear
sam – no but for real.. no matter what
Tyler – what do you mean..
Sam – like for real
Tyler – Like 100..
Sam – yup
Tyler – you have the power..
Sam – nope
Ytyler – how are you going to be here no matter what
Sam – I’m f***ing amazing that’s how
Tyler – are yo serious.. is there something you are not telling me..
Sam – if I tell you..
Tyler – we can USE this

Tyler – are you serious.. you’re here no matter what..
Sam – don’t count on anybody but me.. so that would mean I have to be here.. I only say what I mean and I only do what I do say
Tyler – Thank you sam…

(Sam has the power?)

Kaitlyn is the first one in after Sam leaves..

12:38pm Kaitlyn Tyler
Kaitlyn is selling him a 9 person alliance with all of Swaggy’s crew..
Kaiutlyn says she wants to demolish the other side “they are not nice to me”
Tyler – I know
kaitlyn says if he puts up Bayleigh or her as the replacement would be a little weird bt she would be cool eiwth it.
kaitlyn starts suggesting Angela ..
JC pokes his head in says they will be calling him into the Diary room soon for the Veto so he would like to talk to Tyler.

12:49pm Tyler and JC 
JC – Are you f***ing kidding me.. what is going on here..
Tyler – they want
JC – Angela
Tyler – yeah.. they’re in here telling me they all want to use the veto on Steve
JC brings up yesterday when Tyler told him he doesn’t trust Swaggy…
JC – If they get someone out of the four out right now.. I’m telling you Swaggy is only using you right now..
Tyler – In know..
JC says Swaggy-P already has all there alliance out there he was just talking to Haleigh outside
JC about Swaggy – he’s a compulsive liar
Tyler says he’s planted in both Faysal and Swaggy’s head that he might still put up Bayleigh.. they are still going to be scared to use that Veto and I’m keeping it that way
JC asks why he was talking to them for 5 hours
Tyler – cause they wouldn’t shut up..
They agree to keep their side safe Tyler has to win the veto.
JC – if you put up Angela and they take her out.. the four will become three
JC – it’ll be you and me.. they definitely don’t want me..
JC warns him again the other side is using Tyler
Tyler brings up “them” being uneasy about JC because he wasn’t receptive about their HUGE 9 person alliance.
JC – what did they say..
Tyler – F**ing ROCKSTAR said.. he doesn’t have a game..
JC tells him that Rockstar is leaking Faysal and Swaggy’s plan.. “She’ literally blind”
JC warns if Angela or Winston go it’ll be them three against all of the 9
JC says Swaggy has all these followers “he’s got the numbers’
JC – Steve is already blind to him

Tyler says they threw Steve the littlest lift vest and he grabbed onto it ..
Tyler – he’s splurting off. .like Angela sucks.. Rachel sucks..
JC – he even talked shit about them
Tyler – Talked shit about them.. it’s childish..
JC – you can play this game without being a bully
Tyler – personal attacks..
They agree that Steve has no idea he on the bottom of the list..
JC brings up they have to keep the side even so they kill each other.
JC – the plan is you keep playing dumb
Tyler – mmmmmhmmm
Tyler mentions how people are telling him “you don’t watch the show.. you don’t watch the Show ”
JC – they need to lose a number no matter what.
Tyler agrees.
JC – it’ll be very beneficial if we send Steve home
Tyler- yes
Tyler warns him that ROCKSTAR has been putting it into Swaggy’s head that JC is against him.

1:10pm HOH JC and Tyler
JC says everyone downstairs is talking about how sketchy swaggy is
JC – I don’t want him to f(**g target you either
JS – As soon as you get your F**g body outta this room, he’s coming for one of us..
JC – he’s not going for ROCKSTAR// he’s not going for qweak players he’s coming for the ones that have a chance of getting him out
JC – It pisses me off how he’s always here licking your b@!!s, Licking your @$$, you’ll see after the HOH happens
Tyler – I gotta pee send Winston in, we’re good though

1:16pm Winston and Tyler
Winston says JC is putting into everyone brains that he wants Steve to go
Tyler – Even if Bayleigh is up
Winston – I think so I don’t know
Winston says the best thing for their 6 is if Steve stays. next week they can pull Steve in. he wants Swaggy to think that he’s the one in control.
Tyler brings up that the other side is worried about JC because he’s not super receptive about their stupid 9 person alliance (he did say stupid)
Winston is very sure JC has the power.
Tyler says if Sam is on the block with Sam Bayleigh is going home..
Tyler brings up that Sam migh thave the power.
Winston never thought of that he was certain JC had it.
Tyler says if Sam has the power Bayleigh goes up.
They agree Bayleigh goes home in that scenario

Tyler says if he does this they have to be loyal.
They agree to ride their 6.
(Brett, Rachel, Angela, JC, Winston, Kaycee)
They agree Sam wins veto Bayleigh goes up and out. Steve wins the Veto Bayleigh goes up but Sam goes. They don’t have the numbers to save Sam. Tyler mentions if Sam had the power that would be F**ing awesome.
Winston says that SAm rubs a lot of people the wrong way, “She doesn’t pick up on social cues”
Winston says SAm has never seen the show she was downstairs asking about the Veto

1:23pm Kaitlyn and Faysal
( 9 person alliance)

1:40pm Bayleigh and Tyler HOH 
Bayleigh is crying saying that people are telling her that Tyler is mad at her for yelling at him during th HOH
Tyler – who told you that
Tyler says if she goes up she’s got the vote to stay everyone has told him. “I’ve had all these people in my ear this week”
Bayleigh continues to cry.. “this is what i get being nice to everybody”
Tyler asks her how are there 7 people in this house that would vote against her.

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11 thoughts to “Swaggy-C – “That’s the crazy thing.. she was showing you her t!tt!$s and all that””

  1. Ohhhh. I hope it’s true that Sam has the power. Can’t wait to see how all of this plays out. Welcome back Big Brother !!

    1. I second what Simon says. She’s in such a good mood today, so I do think she is safe with a power. She was pretty genuine when talking to Tyler, although she could just be snowing him at someone’s suggestion (production), but I don’t take her for that type. Production manipulates a lot in this game, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they wanted Sam to be safe, too. She’s at the top of everyone’s rankings because viewers see her for what she really is…a truly good person…TV Gold! This granny is so tired of Tazmanian Devils, Lolitas, and Don Juans. I’ll be thrilled if Sam makes it through this week!

  2. It would be awesome if Sam has the power because this week won’t be so boring and I
    Really don’t mind Steve Leaving at all this week nor Bayleigh honestly.

    1. Steve’s best case scenario is as a perpetual back up plan. He’ll be on the block each week until he gets voted out. I can’t see him making jury.

  3. Oh I just hope it’s true Sam earns the power to prove to everyone she is a strong girl. Sam really proves that not every contestant are cruel, heartless, crazy, over-dramatic, bitchy, nor dangerous. So I just want to say, “Keep At it, Girl! Don’t give up! Keep fighting!”

    My god, Swaggy is not only stubborn but even as a babysitter he is such an asshole. Even if we have to make him and his animaniacs scared for their lives, he really has GOT to go, and take RUDE-hist Kaitlin with him (get it? Because even as a Buddhist, she really is rude in my opinion)

    And I agree with one of the comments, I am so glad so far No Vets. I am just glad Big Brother realized for now that bringing Paul back to a bunch of newbies was a really horrible mistake, making 19 the worst season in big brother history.

    1. Half brow’s shelf life in the game is going to be short lived unless the CBS brass intervene unnecessarily like last year…Sometimes stupid doesn’t learn from past mistakes…

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