The final week of Big Brother 20 is upon us. This was a great season the best in a long long time!
Feed blackout Spoilers
Feeds have been down since 9am Tuesday. During this blackout Tyler and Kaycee voted on who to evict. JC or Sam. Spoiler alert – Sam was evicted.
Next Head of Household winner was JC who went on to nominate Tyler and Angela.
How does the final BB20 week work?
(This is just me going by what the last 3 years have been like since the numbers line up I’m going to assume it’s the same this year)
Wednesday 19th episode will show the footage from the last 2 days. Eviction and HOH as detailed above. Feeds should come back tonight around 9-10pm PST. Kaycee won the Power of Veto
Thursday 20th episode will have the veto competition followed by the veto winner casting the single vote to evict. This leaves us with the final 3 for the season.
Final 3 HOH break down
- Part One will be started on the Thursday Sept 20th show. This one is the endurance and is sometimes shown on the feeds.
- Part Two will be played on Saturday Sept 22nd. This one will be shown on the finale night. It’s usually an athletic puzzle
- Part Three will be played on Finale night live Sept 26th it’s a questions crap shoot
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Level 6 has proven that they should not be mentioned in the same sentance as other legendary alliances like the Brigade. They failed to make it to final 3.
This season of big brother comes down to THE HIVES HIERARCHY OF HATRED. The Hive hates three people above all others in the house: TYLER, ANGELA AND JC.
The key question is: who does the hive hate most? Naturally, Kaycee is beating any of them if she makes it to final two. Tyler probably does not know this. Angela is beating Tyler in final two (the vast majority of big brother fans do not realize this yet). All of Tyler’s backstabbing and final two deals and all that blood on his hands is going to bite him in the butt. The funny thing is, JC is such a controversial player who did a lot of offensive things and engaged in much manipulation. Tyler can convince a bitter jury to vote for him over JC if he’s persuasive. Tyler will not beat Kaycee or Angela.
The best way to end this season (if you’re following along production)…Tyler vs JC in final two, the votes are 4-4 and Fessy has the final vote. Fessy now knows that JC mind raped him relentlessly and Fessy votes to give the half million dollars to…. JC. LOL
And any girl, even Angela will win against Tylor and JC. All season the Hive girls said they want a girl to win this year.
I know JC looks like Lex Luthor in that picture Simon. LOL
That is so relentlessly on point. You may have undersold Tyler’s amazing social game a bit and I’m not sure who wins a Tyler-Angela F2 but other than that I agree with just about every point. However, if the noms stay the same, doesn’t Kaycee cast the sole vote, in which case, who does she evict? My hunch is Tyler, but not sure. If Tyler removes himself, I think he’s smart enough to evict Kaycee, not Angela. And if Angela takes herself down, I reckon Kaycee also goes. Odds therefore suggest this is Kaycee’s last week, with Angela the least likely of the three to exit first. As for F3, I don’t fancy JC’s odds of making F2 due to the athletic & brainy showmance being the real thing and it being a pick’em for the Jury, plus they probably both think they’re both hated more than JC by Foutte (probably correct).
Nevertheless, JC has stayed mostly out of danger and been very effective against dimwits & people who let their emotions trump strategy. Even people who were immune, like Tyler, Angela & Kaycee, have not been worried enough to gun for him yet. Outcome still in the air but I agree he’s played smart.
… and the new Big Brother Veto Queen with all power is…
Drum roll please…
Let’s go!
Come on Kaycee … win the d@mn thing 😉
JC is hateful. It doesn’t take a genius to lie and turn people against each other. There are a lot of unhappy people just like JC who do the same thing, they just don’t get paid to do it. His 15 min of fame is up.
Tyler is smart enough to know he has NO chance in F2 against Kaycee, so ‘if’ he is the one voting to evict, it will be kaycee who is leaving. Same with ‘if’ kaycee is voting to evict she will vote out Tyler thinking she can’t beat him in the end. Yes, they were playing as if loyal to each-other until the end, but it has never played out that way when one thinks the other will beat them in the end. I see Angela staying over kaycee if that is an option. JC will be gone in 3rd place unless he wins final HOH which probably will not happen. Tyler won’t take him not a chance. sucks that that idiot didn’t go instead of sam, not because he won HOH but because he is annoying as hell and it would have been better to not have to listen to that irritating voice anymore. But of course, L3 were idiots when it counted the most.
Here’s a storyline. Final 2 is Tyler and JC. We hear from the jury house before finale night. It becomes clear that they hate Tyler more than JC. It becomes obvious that Tyler will pay for all those final two deals. It APPEARS that JC is going to squeak out a win and take that half million…but…production has it in for JC. Nobody in Big Brother history caused production as much grief as JC. He never listened to them. What’s more…Men groping other contestants from here on out who get tossed out of the game will sue Big Brother claiming JC did it COUNTLESS TIMES with IMPUNITY. so, to throw a monkey wrench into the ending…Production gives JC (a proud Trump supporter) a MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN (MAGA) cap to wear on finale night. THAT triggers Bayleigh and Rockstar, they vote for Tyler and Tyler wins 5-4.
Some recent comments from the REAL Vegas 4 Sure backup twitter account will follow:
1. JC’s family didn’t give a letter for him for HOH. It was from a friend. He gave a really sad DR session, DR producer nearly teared up even.
2. Tyler & Kaycee talk in storage room. Tyler says they screwed up getting rid of Sam. Kaycee says neither of them were a comp threat and no way of knowing and they can’t focus on that right now. He says “ya WE need to win that veto.”
3. Angela worried in DR. She is usually composed but is scattered. Lines being fed back to keep on track. Says she is worried Tyler is playing her and she’s going to be a laughing stock when she gets out IF she keeps him and loses to him, discussing tomorrow and F2 scenarios
4. ‘Tyler will be there after Big Brother’
Angela Claims she is on fence as of now and is ‘thinking hard’ because if she does take out Tyler that is a huge move. Thinks her comp wins, honest GBMs & a big move could seal a win over dislikes.//
Everything below this mark is just my opinion.
My opinion: Angela is a mess and she is now wondering if Tyler is just playing her and she will look like a total idiot on tv (he is totally playing her…but most of the viewers are not able to see it yet).
I think if Angela wins the veto, she will probably vote out Tyler. She sees it as the BIG GAME MOVE that wins her first place.
If Kaycee wins the veto or JC wins the veto it is Kaycee’s decision. I think Kaycee will remain loyal to Tyler. (it really does not matter what Kaycee does…she can beat any of them in final two).
If Tyler wins the veto, I strongly suspect he will evict Angela (I’m sorry for those of you who cannot see that he is totally playing Angela). Tyler is NOT smart enough to grasp that he has a better chance taking Angela and getting rid of Kaycee (unless Production whispered sweet nothings into his ear).
In summary, I think there is a 75% or better chance that Angela goes out in fourth place. However, if she does win the veto, we will see the big game move of the season. Angela is extremely likely to take out Tyler if she wins veto.
I predict TYLER as the most likely winner of the FINAL HOH of the season.
Both production and JC (his Daddy) will try VERY HARD to help Tyler see that he has a way better chance of winning against JC in final two. In the end, Tyler wakes up and adapts or goes down as one of those really stupid players who took the wrong person to final two and cost himself a small fortune. JC MIGHT still beat Tyler *but Kaycee will surely beat him*
Agree gullible1, spot on what I was thinking… Will we get to see the boss game move with Angela winning veto n evicting Tyler wld def be EPIC tv viewing… I really think we will… Either way we will get to see Tyler clip Angela or vice versa n Tyler heads to jury! Will def be getting my popcorn ready for this!!!
“KAYCEE HAS WON THE POWER OF VETO. Feeds will return on time tonight since it’s done, rejoice!
With regret #Tangela fans that means Tyler or Angela will be evicted from the Big Brother house tomorrow.
Who SHOULD Kaycee evict & why?” – Real Vegas 4 Sure-
Yes! If this is true this has to be the best week in the house by far in bb20! And i don’t think KC is really not going to budge on taking Tyler because he’s been in her ear the whole time from the beginning.
Aww poor mustache face! Not!!! Well if she’s smart and wins veto she’ll take tyler out! But i hope KC wins veto!
Jesus Christ my lord, there will be 3 homosexuals in the finals this year. Angela did well for the straight. On to next year.
Another jealous “Boring” person
I’m no fan of JC but it’s really shitty that his family couldn’t get over their homophobia long enough to write an HOH letter.
I disagree that Tyler would vote Angela out. If he wins the veto and takes himself down, Kaycee will automatically go up. Showmance aside, I think Tyler has enough sense to know that nobody can beat Kaycee in the final two. With Tyler being the only voter…it’s goodbye Kaycee!
Which is why she needs to vote his @as out! BTW Kaycee had proven to beat Tyler veto comps time and time again.
Always underestimated.
Let’s see how this plays out 😉
The Brigade is on another level. 3 out of 4 made final 3. case closed. chilltown had like 8 people in it at the beginning. And only 1 made final 3.
Thumbs down just because of your name
Thumbs down for mentioning Paul the Troll.
The Brigade was very good but so was Level 6 I think they are the two best ever.
Friendship was more successful than Level 6 too.
The Friendship Alliance managed to not only win… but be basically forgotten… *and* propel Janelle to BB fame. Ahhh, those were the days.
Totally right Brett K
Maybe the brigade was better….but Dr Will is the best player EVER….and he isn’t even my favorite. (janelle is)…Tyker could play on those other seasons…and fit right in.
You sould like a bitter Hiver. Level 6 has reached legendary status imo.
As if JC won that HoH…they are so dumb for evicting Sam. I hope Angela and/or Kaycee have enough common sense to evict Tyler..sorry for those that like him but for me he hasn’t done much but pussy foot around everyone and play dumb.
Welcome to your first week of BB20 since you’re obviously clueless.
Since when does clueless mean “something I disagree with?.” Not everyone thinks Tyler is a good player. He is average in my book too.
You’re clearly not paying attention,duh.
Every move Tyler made was done through Brett and JC then JC. If he makes it to F2 he will have to do some serious explaining
Rrriiight… he had Brett & JC running messages between him & Kaitlin, Sam, Bay, Scottie…. because he had no skills to fill their heads with fog himself. That’s the season we’ve been watching.
I don’t understand what you mean. How could Tyler have been using Brett and JC to make his moves for him, since they didn’t win but one comp each?
0.o Because comps ultimately don’t mean sh*t in BB. The winning-est players almost never win seasons. It’s generally social ability… whether loyalty or manipulation… that gets ya the $500k
Pretty smart for Tyler to get others to do his bidding for him.
I get what you are saying but for me that was him playing the game…..Being a likable guy and getting everyone to trust him so he could pull the rug out from under them. I will admit that there were a couple times that I wished he would own up to the blindside but he still, in my opinion, played a good game.
Exactly-these people wouldn’t understand that Derek did the same thing…Dr.Will did the same thing…WINNERS do the same thing as Tyler…hopefully, he joins their ranks….but even if Tyler doesn’t, he was still the best player in BB 20 from week 1 until the end. (Kaycee and Angela didnt do much in the beginning)
I agree with you Tani
This season was horrible worst season ever !!! Bring back PAUL !!! Pissed ! Not chill!
Bring him to my home so I can punch him numerous times.
You can punch Paul because he knows mma….according to Paul his skills are right up there with the greatest of all time.
LOL. According to Paul.
But but apparently paul isn’t the only one who believes everything paul says. seriously is the other one..LOL
You know Paul is tough… how much does it have to hurt to have your entire chest tattooed solid black??
Not tough, just stupid
Hahaha. TRUE
Just curious if the hate-Paul club is capable of expressing any actual reasons why they get so emotional about this guy or is it just too traumatizing to remember?
I mean for all the Paul hate this forum collects I’d have thought by now surely someone would have articulated something of meaningful substance about things he actually did that are that upsetting, besides “he’s mean” and variants thereof. So what? There has to be more to it surely?
He lied about the fries.. That’s all I need.
For me, the Paul hate extends to pretty much all of the cast last season, not just Paul. It was barely watchable IMO.
Season 19, any part after Kevin pushed the button.
Yeah Kevin fucked that up messed up that whole season with just one push, but then again he wasn’t the only one that hit it he was just the fastest!
I dislike him because his a big ole DOUCHE!
That he is a bully who was an insult to the game of Big Brother? Pretty sure that we covered this over the last two pathetic seasons….ad nauseum
Basically, Paul was an abusive bully, obnoxious, and devoid of any insight into how to win BB. That’s why people hate him.
This is why he lost:
Isn’t the fact he is a hateful bully enough? What else do you need. The fact he danced around in a tutu while screaming obscenities at people and pumping brainless Josh up to bang pots and pans? He was never “my boy”.
While they’re at it….why not bring back Frankie? Ugh….
Only if they are going to use him in a dunk tank.
His makeup better be waterproof
For the love of God – NO!
Shuddup! If you say his name three times, he appears in a cloud of glitter and threatens to rape Victoria again.
Lets see what the fans think:
Thumbs up if you don’t think Paul is the best player ever and thumbs down if you think he is the all time great.
Paul is an overrated egomaniac with the worst personality ever!
Don’t sugarcoat it like that Mal. Those are his good qualities.
Never should have come back!
Please no more Paul! No more Frankie Grandie!
Paul was obnoxious his first season and even worse the second season. As much as I disliked Code, he had Paul figured out from the start.
And production paved the way for him and he still couldn’t win.
Wow….. something actually went badly for L6/L3/Lwhatever, been a few weeks since that’s occurred. Guess I’ll be pulling for Tyler to win the veto so he HAS to choose between his two ladies.
I do like Kaycee, but her “winning team” mentality has gotten fairly tiring….. would be pretty satisfying to see her betrayed here at the end.
i really don’t see it as a loss for Level 6. Only two of them are there at the end and it is still going to be two from Level 6 in my opinion.
As I predicted, and as every season of Big Brother and Survivor goes, the one who hasn’t won a dam thing ends up winning one of the pivitol comps in the end. EVERY TIME!! Now the ones most deserving won’t be in the finale. UUGGHHH!!!! Lol!!
Well. That’s the game. The best players will survive. If Angela or Tyler had a better relationship with JC then one of them wouldn’t be on the block. namely Tyler. He wouldn’t be sitting there if he told JC about back dooring Brett.
I would easily put JCs game play above Angela and Kaycees.
Yeah, I don’t see JC winning next HOH. Sorry.
LOL He did win it. hahahahaha
Live feeds have been down since Yesterday morning, no one knows who will win next HOH.
There’s been leaks..
I think she means the final one.
I think she is talking about the next one not this one..the last HOH, the only one that truly does count. I am betting he wont win either of the next 2 comps and he walks out in 3rd place with his little ego dragging behind him.
I agree with you Beth. It is still going to be a Tyler/Angela/Kaycee combo in the finale.
One of those will be gone fourth and JC will be out third. That will leave the two remaining L6/5/4/3/2 in the final spots. I think that’s what Beth meant.
what did they knock out everyone in the HOH comp & just leave JC lol that’s the only way I see him winning an HOH
Well he did… And probably you are just sitting on you sofa eating Pringles.
OMG another christmas HOH..LOL
I hope Angela wins the VETO competition.
If Tyler can he will throw it to Angela. He doesn’t want to win and have to pick between KC and Angela. I don’t think he wants to win the veto period…..he’s gotta be hoping Angela wins veto tho, better shot to win it all with his girlfriend sitting next to him for final 2. Either way JC is getting dropped by final HOH, little man won’t make it no how no way.
Tyler’s not dumb enough to throw anything at this point,it’s too much of a risk.It would be epic to see one of his girls vote him out but since that is unlikely to happen I hope Tyler wins veto and has to break one of their hearts.Remember Ty has been with KC much longer that with Ang.
??? If Tyler doesn’t win veto, he’ll be on the block. No way he’s throwing it.
I agree, this makes easier because JC can’t win 2 out of 3 comps in a row against any combination of the three
I agree that they wont take JC to F2 but i disagree about tyler not wanting to win this veto, he knows its do or die here, he isn’t going to chance it and just hope angela picks him over kaycee. He will want to be the one who decides if it means he stays for sure for F3.
Exactly, he has been telling JC for weeks that the Veto is the most important rhing…. sadly helping him.
I don’t follow: how does it benefit someone who’s on the block to not win the veto? Sounds like you mean HOH but we don’t even know yet who of L6 will still be around for next HOH, we only know it’s impossible that it’s all 3 of them, so a scenario in which Tyler has to choose between Angela & Kaycee doesn’t exist anymore. Whoever wins the veto isn’t going to jury yet (unless they’re dumb enough to use it on someone else) and JC isn’t either but one of the L6 is going. I assume in final 4 that a veto win can’t protect both self and the person it’s used on if Kaycee wins it(?) and it never could when won by one of the two already nominated, so it seems a no-brainer that the POV winner uses it on him or herself or just doesn’t use it. Is that right?
Who wins the veto has all of the power
if Angela wins the veto and takes Kaycee I will be impressed.
JC won the HOH? Was it a limbo competition?
Come on now, you all know he was handed a competition if he won it, because he can win NOTHING, He reminds me of an annoying little squeaky toy a dog carries around in his mouth. He is always singing, clucking, tapping, making some kind of annoying noise. It was rigged if he won, you all know it.
Wow how many nasty comments.
Wow…truth, just the truth.
JC’s Forehead Scares Yo!
Seriously……..You are an idiot. Is that the best you can come up with? His forehead Scares Me. You idiot.
Such repressed anger… is that you, Sam??
No anger, just speak the truth. Speak what I feel. Just like you did, on difference is you sound like an idiot. BBSniper
I’m still trying to figure out what kind of comp that JC could win. If he has been sandbagging all season and he starts turning it on at the end I will be shocked.
I’ve always suspected JC throwing a lot of these comps because he knew Tyler had his back. Once he knew that Tyler didn’t have his back he started trying to win them.
JC won the HOH ? Was it a limbo competition?
So disappointed JC finally won something. That sucks! I have wanted Tyler and Kaycee F2 since day 2 so I’m hoping Kaycee wins veto and during live eviction she votes out Angela. Then Tyler and Angela stand up and kiss. JC will have a meltdown on live TV!!
It’s 6 of one and half a dozen of the other as far as the comps go. I hate the idea that they basically pick a name out of a hat with some comps and then have those that require a fair amount of skill or ability. However Big Brother shouldn’t devolve into a pure skill based comp game. I hate the fact that 3 people who’ve played a great game get shafted by a crapshoot contest. However that’s the risk they took when they kept him. I’m disappointed but I still enjoyed the season.
Tinfoil hat time depending on how easy it would be for production to manipulate the contest.
Cool story bro………
Tyler is most likely to win the veto. He’s voting out Angela if he does. If he kisses her on the way out it will be in the hopes that he can get her vote on finale night (he won’t). Angela will finally be able to see through Tyler’s “game”. Congrats to the LGBTQ community. You guys OWNED this season of Big Brother.
They owned it?? um no they didn’t. Jc didn’t do anything and kaycee didn’t start to do anything until the last couple of weeks. so they didn’t own the ‘season’. Jc still owns nothing except 3rd place. And unless kaycee is the one who decides who goes tomorrow, she may just very well be out 4th.
Kaycee didn’t start doing anything until the last couple of weeks? What game are YOU watching?! She’s won four out of the last five vetos, plus an HOH. Yeah, she laid low during the first half of the game, which I’m certain was intentional. When it was time to step up and start winning, she did just that!
Didn’t Kaycee win like 5
out of the last 6vetosor something crazy!3 being in a row. She’s stuck true to her alliance since day one I think her game was solid.Simon,
Real Vegas 4 Sure backup twitter account has announced KAYCEE as the winner of the final four Veto competition. Tyler or Angela will be eliminated in fourth place. It’s Kaycee’s decision to make. She’s the only one voting.
They have done well here, yes. Owned is a big stretch.
If not for Tyler’s swaying Kaitlin on the Steve vote, Kaitlin again on the Chris vote, convincing JC and Sam on votes at various times, winning HOH and POVs at critical times, L6 would have not been able to pretty much OWN the game these last few weeks (Scotty, Fes, Scotty again, Hay). I have no beef with LGBTQ, but let’s be real.
I am very disappointed that JC is safe tonight. He is just a vile human. T, A and KC deserve Final 3. Sad one will not make it. I would be happy if any of them win.
I agree Carolina, Goes back to another discussion I was having that the last most important competitions should be 2 out of three so the losers or floaters can’t just win one hoh and end up in the end…best game ty, ang and kc….
Carolina, where’s your sense of imagination? How about…
“Then Tyler and JC stand up and kiss” or…
“Then Tyler and Kaycee stand up and kiss”
Eeek… didn’t see THAT coming…
I think when it comes down to it:
Tyler would cut Kaycee.
Angela would cut Kaycee.
And Kaycee is the wildcard. I assume she’d cut Tyler but I’m not 100%.
I think you’re completely wrong.
I think Kaycee would cut Angela.
Wait a minute! Are the feeds up again? How do you know JC won the HOH?
I think Simon was having fun.
No. JC actually won.
Tonights show was taped yesterday and the results were leaked by a member of the audience. Happens every year.
Vegas leaked it last night
Why do I get a thumb’s down for asking a question?
because they knew the answer to the question and some just down vote for the hell of it..LOL
Because you aren’t using your head.
Because reasons! It’s the internet and some people just do things because they can.
Don’t judge us for judging you,it’s an emotional time and most of us can only express ourselves with simmering passive aggressive rage.
Don’t take it personally. Sometimes I vote down my own comments just for fun.
Oh, the humanity! This is all going according to Tyler’s diabolical plan.
All most.He wanted this HOH to be safe and to not have to evict anyone.One misstep all season.
Hopefully Tyler wins Veto. He has definitely plyed the best game. I really like Kaycee and think she has done a great job. JC sucks and production clearly stuck their grubby hands in to help him win something. Unfortunatley for Tyler to win he has to evict Kaycee ,because the bitter jury full of give losers will not vote for him over anyone else except Angela .
I know it doesn’t matter who you put on the block in final 4 because it all depends on the veto but I think Jc shot himself in the foot by putting Tyler and Angela up there. It shows Tyler that Jc does not have his back and that he needs to win veto and take Angela to final 3 and then final 2. I do not see Jc winning part 1 of the endurance comp or part 2 of the puzzle.
I think it’s payback for Tyler putting up JC. And possibly, because we don’t know yet, maybe Tyler threw it to JC for this exact purpose-get rid of Angela.
I agree. i think he through it so he didn’t have to choose between Angela and kc
Maybe JC has joined forces with Kaycee 😉
Food for thought.
Buckle up folks!
Best season in a very long time.
Love it!
It at least gives Tyler an “excuse” to get rid of JC when he does.
JC can use that old chestnut of an excuse “You already put me in the block, it’s only fair”
What are you talking about? Tyler put JC on the block first. JC already knows where he stands with Tyler. He knows he has no allies in the house anymore.
It may be best case scenario for 2 of the L6 members. NO one had to put their alliance member on the block and now the Veto winner saves themself and chooses their F2 person.
If JC won that HOH, you know it was a set up. He is worthless. He has won nothing. NOTHING. If they had not fed and washed his clothes for him he would have starved to death in a dirty little ball in the corner. He is so lazy he said himself, when asked if he pissed on the toilet seat…….” I do not like to hold my Penis when I pee so I just try to get it in there, and no I am not raising the seat.” I heard him say that on the feeds when Brett asked, “Who pissed on the toilet seat?” Nasty little B##tard.
It sounds like you’re in love.
Your name says it all.
Seemingly everybody has been crying that this is boring and the ending is a foregone conclusion because production has the fix in for Tyler and everything is so predictable. Be careful what you wish for.
i knew jc would would win hoh
Are you psychic 222 or you just figured Level 6 might feel sorry and throw JC a token HOH?
I think Kaitlyn has demonstrated anyone can be psychic.
My thoughts on the season.
1. Best BB season in years and just when you thought it was over, JC wins HOH.
2. When was the last time BB had 3 legit contenders like Tyler, Angela and Kaycee. And JC, while lacking the physical skills (and height), used his social game and had an effect on several HOHs.
3. As for a bitter jury. I don’t think the Hive is smart enough to be bitter.
Realize there is probably no chance of this, but how wild would it be if JC has his family’s support and that was all part of a subtle plan to get sympathy from jury. I doubt he would do that but he is good at thinking ahead.
Haha! Nice. How much wilder still if he comes out as straight after the show. “Sorry everybody, but you all are soooo stupid” 🙂
Minions only.
How do you know JC won HOH since feeds have been down? I said it weeks ago. Keeping JC in house would be their downfall
Tonights show was taped yesterday and the results were leaked by a member of the audience. Happens every year.
Sam would have been a safer choice for sure.
To people new to BB. The best player is not the player who won the most comps. If that were the case HArdy from Season 2 would be one of the greats and not Dr. Will. JC has said all season long–its about the votes. He is right. Each eviction is about votes not comps. Each winner is about jury votes not comps. Its the BB Master who can advance, keep blood off their hands, manage the jury, and win at the finale. JC has done a fantastic job to get in this position. To have them evict Sam first was an epic move. He won when he had to. Great job to jc. Now lets see how he manages his HoH. Lets see him plant more seeds and see how he can strategize over the others.
I still think one of the best moves of the season was JC getting Brett to lie to Fes and Fes gets Scotty, his own teammate out. JC read that perfectly.
JC didn’t get Brett to lie to Fez, Brett had already planned to lie about his vote if there was a rogue vote for Rockstar. JC did tell Fez that Scottie was all about Haleigh. I think it solidified Fez’s jealousy against Scottie and that saved L6.
Except Will knew what was going on. JC thinks he is the straw that has been stirring the drink all season when he was actually being used by Tyler on behalf of Level 6 an alliance he still doesn’t know about. Will clouded everyone’s minds, JC just Fessy’s, which kept him busy.
Go whoever played the best!!!! Not what gender you have sex with or no gender you have sex with.
Let’s Go!!! Kaycee for the VETO!!!
Ty and Angies showmance may have been their downfall. If they cooled it only 1 would be on the block.
Angies GBM and jury management have been poor strategy.
Tylers final 2 deals with everyone was poor strategy.
KC has been excellent in all areas of comps, social, strategy, and jury management
JC has been excellent in all areas of social, strategy, and jury management. Criticize him for comps. But he won the only comp he needed to win. Brilliant! He gets to final 3 winning 1 comp and no blood on his hands. And he is now forcing L6 to turn on each other and ensure 1 more bitter juror.
KC’s strategy belongs to Tyler.
Kaycee agreed with Tyler and was smart enough to align herself with a strategic and well rounded houseguest.
She was able to read people well and aligned herself with Tyler knowing it would futher her game.
She built other key relationships that would benefit her game in the long run and for jury votes showing she was thinking ahead making wise decisions to get her to this point.
This make Kaycee well rounded in a different way than Tyler but it doesn’t mean she just followed along. She would have aligned with others if she did not agree with him or think he wouldn’t benefit her game. It’s still strategy to play along.
Regardless of who wins …. the smartest most well rounded houseguests remain in the game.
They have all been work horses in different ways and I respect how each and everyone made it to final 4 minus a bit of the over the top antics by JC.
May the games begin!
Let’s go! 😉
^^^ Yup. Kaycee was able to make friendships and relationships without making promises she’d have to break later. Way better game.
If they were going to be bitter over this, they would only be bitter against JC not each-other and they were forced to evict 1 and of course the other would be upset. So this didn’t help JC and force another bitter jury member, at least not the way you’re trying to make it seem.
Worst season ever
Holler if you hear me
Are you kidding? One of the BEST in a long time. I stopped watching last year it was so bad.
Bizarro Big Brother? Does everyone on the show you’re watching have those little, evil goatees?
Evil Fessy would have an IQ of like 180.
JC and KC now vault to best players so far. POV will be awesome!!!
He’ll need to keep winning. If he’s competitive in the final comps he has a shot.
Ty and Angie have to win POV, put up KC and vote her out to have a shot at winning. KC and JC could be jury favorites. Ty and Angie can only win against each other right now
So Jc finally wins something! Now who does kaycee take with her , going to be interesting
If T or A win veto, Kaycee will be gone. 🙁
But first, the all important POV
JC finally wins something ! wonders never cease .Who does Kaycee take with . I would assume JC wants Angela gone .
Doesn’t matter who JC wants gone, he doesn’t vote. He will have no say. What? If I (jc) win final hoh I will pick you (said to the veto winner). Jc is out F3, he won’t win another comp.
JC cannot vote so Angela, Tyler, or Kaycee will decide who is going to join JC at final 3. Veto is power this week.
I am sorry but I just don’t see how JC won HOH…not unless the others gave it to him. He hasn’t won a danged thing all season on his own merit. So I guess Tyler gave him the HOH. The plan must be for Tyler to win the veto, take himself down and put up KC, and KC goes to jury. Then him and Angela wipe out JC. Tyler goes on to win because the jury hates Angela more? Is that the plan?
I can just see JC whining to everyone about never getting to be HOH. He probably drove everyone crazy about it all week!
I don’t care who gets HOH or how. I want Tyler to win. As far as I am concerned, he has played this game and ran everything FROM THE START. KC turned out to be a comp beast, but she is nowhere near as intelligent as Tyler. How he managed to play everyone and keep it all straight in his head has been nothing less than amazing! Tyler for the win!!!
If Tyler was smarter than Kaycee, Kaycee would be on the block, not Tyler. Tyler played too hard and actually controlled too little. Talked a mean game though, got the chick, has nice hair. It will be interesting to see him come back in a future season as a previous non-winner.
Of everything you got wrong what offends me the most is the hair comment,he looks like a poodle.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with poodles. Who’s a goo boy? Tyler! Yyyyessss! Tyler’s a goo boy!
ugh. so annoyed jc won the final 4 hoh, but i probably would have thought sam the bigger comp threat myself. not sure who i’m rooting for in veto, as i want tyler/kaycee final 2 and i can’t tell if anyone makes that happen.
Realistically, there is no way Tyler goes home.
– If Tyler wins the veto he pulls himself off.
– if Angela wins, KC goes up, Angela votes off KC (to keep Tyler)
– if KC wins, she will vote Angela off (Tyler stays, Ang is gone with no blood on his hands)
– if JC wins, noms stay the same and KC votes off Ang
I know people hate hearing this but Tyler has played the best game for the ENTIRE season and it is not even close. How he is positioned in this game at this stage just reflects that – he doesn’t even have to win and he will remain safe.
KC and Ang have won some comps lately but they have been flying under Tyler’s wings the entire season. He deserves to win this year and he better not lose because of a bitter jury…. like last year and the year before (i.e. Paul).
Agree. Went back to watch the entire season in this down time & Tyler has been playing a great game from day 1. You forget how much of a hand he had in every eviction. He deserves to win & if he doesn’t I will be a very upset super fan.
If JC wins, he may put up Kaycee.
Agree!!!! Everyone bashing him about making all those final 2’s…. but this is the exact reason why. When you get down to the nitty gritty and things aren’t totally in your control, you must rely on that social game and all the deals you made so you are safe no matter who is in control. And if things go like I think they will, he is safe no matter what strictly due to his awesome social game.
That says it all.
If Tyler wins veto and pulls himself off, KC goes up and Tyler sends her home.
I doubt if either kaycee/tyler keeps the other. They are smart enough to know that each of them in F2 has good reasons for why they should win. Each knows the hive hates Angela and that is 5 votes alone. Also tyler knows that kaycee is still well liked by everyone, where as he isn’t.
I think TY/KC are loyal to eachother especially KC.
Which is why either of them may cut him now if he doesn’t win veto. I’d rather have had Brett at the final 4 but it’s still a good season.
KC needs to win the veto!
I said the same thing above and got thumbs down LOL Go Kaycee!
It’s the internet rational thought is not necessary.
Just go.
If KC wins veto, she will keep Tyler. Promised F2 since week 2. If this is the case, KC wins.
If Angela wins veto, she will keep Tyler. Bye KC….you are an amazing player. Tyler wins.
If Tyler wins veto, he takes Angela. mainly because she’s hated by the jury. Tyler wins.
If JC wins veto………..HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
But seriously, if JC wins veto, he will keep Tyler.
F2 Tyler & KC. KC wins.
This has been the best season in YEARS! I loved it!! Hopefully BB will remember NOT to bring back previous players & just cast newbies from now on.
JC doesn’t get to vote. He’ll just get to pick who votes if he wins.
JC keeps noms the same.
I hope Tyler wins VETO and has to choose between Kaycee and Angela. I have no idea who he would pick. I can see him going either way.
I really want to see a Tyler/Kaycee final 2 with Kaycee winning.
Simon is that confirmed JC won?
I just don’t see it happening unless production rigged the comp.
It was a What the bleep type competition
The one they’ve done for part 3 of the HoH…I wonder if they swapped the order of the comps to see if they could cause a bit of a ruckus this week. It seems to have worked=)
I thought that one was a how-well-do-you-know-the-jury-members thing, finishing statements they’ve never heard before.
That makes sense,JC socialized with all the jurors while the other 3 hung out with eachother.
Wouldn’t be awesome if Tyler wins the veto and send home plastic fake angelo?
I am cheering for anyone to win at this point except wanna be mean girl plastic angelo
You should prepare for several disappointments.
Did Tyler let JC win the HOH so he did not have to put anyone on the block? And will he have JC put him on the block so he will not have to vote out either if the girls?
Hoping for Tyler and Peanut final two!
No,he’s not dumb.This HOH is irrelevant,it;s only for safety.
JC has played a great game whether people want to admit it or not he deserves to be in the final 3.
Thank you Simon and Dawg!!!
I NEED to know who wins that veto! Ahhhhhhh
Ditto !!!!!!!
Would be epic on Tyler if he won veto on Angela , then she turns around and evicts him !!!
The veto winner gets to cast the only vote.
If JC isn’t evicted, he will likely win this season. Deservedly? Not IMHO.
Granny who is your favorite to win
Well JC looks like a grandpa…………
He’s played a very active game. His activity was used by Tyler to shield Tyler’s movements and sources of information. JC has been used the entire game and made it as far as he has because he was useful and a non-threat. The non-threat is now threatening and taking one of them out. JC hasn’t been driving the game at all but now is in a spot to win. It’s disappointing but that’s the great part about big brother. You can’t take something for granted and they took for granted that JC couldn’t win.
No doubt JC deserves to be there. But, he is my #4 of those remaining in the house.
JC is *such* a strange guy… detestable, entertaining, capable yet gullible.
I hear the 3rd place prize this year is a 3-week vacation in a sexual assault sensitivity program. Everybody wins!
I’m so sick of jc using the “gay card” to get him through this game! So what if you’re gay!!! Who cares!!! You’re there to play big brother utilizing a good social game, competitivesness, and ability to just get along with everyone. Why the hell does being gay even have to come up??? It’s gay people like jc who make a bad name for the whole community by trying to shove his sexual preferences and his creepiness down everyone’s throats.
i can not stand this jerk!
You’re so angry.But I would love to hear your thoughts on all the straight people who give the straight community a bad name.Oh wait,that doesn’t happen.
Will be interesting to learn whether Sam was a 2-0 vote or a split / Angela’s choice.
Based on the leaks, it seems JC is dead set on getting out angela…the interesting thing, is apparently he made the assertion in DR that he will win the veto not that he need too–implying that he wasn’t really trying before. So the question is how hard has JC been trying in the comps? Can he hang in and compete in the part 1 endurance comp with whoever isn’t voted out? All rumors from REALvegas.
I think all you would need to do is watch the comps, and determine yourself if JC was throwing them. Nobody could ever convince me that he threw any comps. Can he hang in there? No. Not beside F6.
This is what I think…
JC hasn’t been trying to win most of the comps this season. If he *had* tried, he would have lost them all anyway.
JC plays a pretty game… he thinks things through and works *hard* to make them come true. Then, whether or not things go according to his plan, he goes into the DR and brags about how things went right according to his plan.
He has a pretty good shot at the endurance comp if it’s “who can talk the longest without stopping”. The second part is usually a days/puzzle kind of thing, I think, but with a physical element like swinging on a rope. He’s done well but he’s pretty screwed. 🙂
Maybe he can replace Julie as host next year!
I believe Angela cld vote out Tyler seeing throughout the season she said her biggest move wld be to take Tyler out n that wld sway votes in her favor! Rachel N Katliyn also verified this but wernt sure if she still wld cuz of the showmance. I think if given the chance she wld, considering it to be a big game move… Does Tyler if he wins veto take Kc out n go with Angela n JC? Yes he does, he knows he doesnt beat KC… I believe Tyler takes JC final 2 thinking he can beat him n puts more of his alliance in jury for votes… or he cld gamble n take Angela believing the jury hates her so much he cld beat her but I dont know if he gets to 5 votes taking her cuz Hayleigh n Brett arnt salty! This shld be interesting depending on who wins that final veto!
if it is Angela and Tyler final 2 I think the votes will go like this
Tyler: sam, Kaycee, rockstar, fes and Jc
Angela: Hayleigh, Brett
SCottie and Bayleigh are toss ups but I think Tyler would beat any body in the final 2 even Kacyee
Tyler: sam, Jc, Angela, Scottie,
Kaycee: Bayleigh, Hayleigh, fes, rockstar
And Brett would be that toss up vote on who would win in that scenario. Let me know what y’all think.
Atta Boy JC!!!! Glad I didn’t look at any spoilers. Get Angela out, and we’ll have the best final 3 possible!!!!!
Team JC, Brett, Kaycee, Tyler
Brett’s living it up in the jury house with Haleigh while Fez broods.
I can’t believe that I was actually cheering for a JC win…… So glad one the the remaining 3 L6 will be going home. I just hope it’s NOT Kaycee.
I think that JC has even conned production.Tonight he was shown in a”pity me “context and got a lot of camera time.It seems as if his earlier transgressions have either been forgiven or completely forgotten about. A lot of the jury was not exposed to his perverted actions so if he makes it,he may slide thru. Where does JC”S loyalty actually lie? With Ty or with the LGBTQ community.Quite a conundrum!
Would you say the same thing about Angela’s racial comments?Oh wait,you didn’t.
Did any1 notice when JC won HOH he didnt hug any of them!!!
My husband and I noticed b4 the HOH comp even started that Tyler n KC were moving around and looked very nervous and JC was standing in the booth soooo chill like he had this comp in the bag. I noticed that Tyler picked JC up and gave him a big bear hug …JC…looked somewhat annoyed & ran to the middle of the yard and was laying on the ground saying over and over he couldn’t believe he won. Yeah right. Now going back to b4 this comp the MAZE veto comp we both also noticed that they showed T/A/JC & Sam do the whole comp but only showed KC doing it for 30 seconds…how do we know that she actually finished it in 5 mins plus and beat everyone else’s time….something really FISHY there….hmmmmmmmmm. Don’t get me wrong I like KC but how do we know she actually had that time & can claim she won another POV????? I’m always suspicious of individual timed comps, because Production can fudge the times in favour of whoever want to win it. I think that they wanted to fudge Haleigh’s time in her last veto comp but they couldn’t because she did so poorly and KC did it in 2 mins plus a few seconds. I’m sooooooooooo nervous waiting on who won this veto….and hope it’s not JC.
Oh and did I just hear Tyler actually say in his DR he wants to take not only a level 6 member but one who has a great record to f2… Both Angela n KC have great records but I have a feeling he’s refering to KC n if he takes her he soo looses! I think even if he takes Angela he may loose…
What is sad is that the only reason why JC was allowed to stay in the game is because Tyler and Hayleigh said that he could…..I guess that JC forgot about all of that when he is complaining about Tyler not having his back….
According to the Vegas leaks Angela is considering voting Tyler out and feels her best shot at winning is by sitting next to JC in final 2.
Go Angela,play the game.
OMG… if Angela and JC are the final 2 I swear to you now I will take a week off work and do nothing but post comments here from people on social media as their heads explode.
Just the thought of JC and Angela alone in that house together…
Kaycee just won Veto. You know what that means. Angela goes home this week and so does Tyler’s chance of winning this game. He loses to both JC and Kaycee in final 2.
If Kaycee wants to win she’ll evict Tyler.
She will keep Tylee and still beat him.
Kaycee won the Power of Veto
Kaycee just won the game
Oh, wow! So she won’t use it and now has to decide who goes home tomorrow night – Tyler or Angela.
KC will evict Ang, as KC has a F2 with Ty. It really doesnt matter who KC sits next to finale night (with the exception of JC but he will be evicted next) as she has the least blood on her hands and the jury loves her in comparison to the Hilton Heads. LETS GOOOOOOO!!!!
The remaining bunch all played a fantastic game. All in all the entire cast this season was great to watch. Think of how stupid the HIVE was and all those great lines they gave us throughout the season.. Rockstars Speech that was ass backwrds, Brett’s “Own it”, Fes being a mastermind.. bayleigh telling her power to Rachel. the list goes on.
Brett gets my AFP vote for the “own it”! Love it.
Agreed. Great to see that those deserving will be rewarded…they did the work, played the people they needed to, and won. A lot. (Or, in JC’s case, made himself useful enough to be kept in the running) No floaters at the end this time!
It was a good season even if a lot of the game was lopsided at least everyone was trying to play however great or poorly it happened to be. Each of these folks were trying to get as far as they could. I don’t think anyone was playing just to make jury.
Vegas reports………..KC WON THE VETO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go Kaycee !! If Tyler threw either of those I think it worked for him. Kaycee has been so loyal from day 1 to him. When Rachel tried to pull her stunt. It was Kaycee who refused to just believe it. And told Angela but told Angela she didn’t believe it. I think she stays loyal to Tyler. She also told him Angela would be fine. And she adds that loyalty in her final 2 speech. If it is Tyler and Kaycee in final 2. I feel there is a chance Tyler can win. Kaycees not that great with her speeches. Tyler in his DR’s started going through steps of Brett’s eviction. Just hearing that. I think his speech will be very good. I’m not convinced that he has no chance against her. His chances were certainly better with Angela. But I do think he has a shot at it. Depending on their speeches and who is bitter and who is not. No one can say for sure how speeches may sway voters. I would like to know in past seasons if speeches swayed any votes or if everyone always had their minds made up and didn’t change.
Speeches never change the mind of the jury. It is just like eviction night. Their minds are already made up. Tyler lost the game. His most recent mistake was evicting Sam.
Not really i think last season cody hated josh and paul evenly but josh’s speech curved cody vote at the end, which was the deciding vote. Especially after that fight that with Cody and Jessica got into with josh before he left! There’s a few other too when they went to jury house and let things settle in and go over things that happened in the house.
Just watched the episode on TV. No way Sam would have won that competition. Love Level 3 but they made this bed.
Whoever sends Angela to Jury wins a lot of votes “Brett”.
Who is in the jury house with a silver tongue who is a little upset he put his faith in Tyler “Brett”
Brett has two weeks to tell everybody everything and although I don’t think he’s bitter about Tyler, there really isn’t a lot bad to say about Kaycee. She had an excellent rapport with everyone before she won the last thousand Vetos AND sends Angela out LOL
I think Kaycee wins even if she keeps Tyler (although I wish she wouldn’t)
It is Kaycee’s to lose. Final two she wins against all comers. JC is the weakest in a Final two.
i vote Tyler for the win! He has worked so hard all season for this win! I like Kaycee too but she didn’t come around until about half way through the season. Like Haleigh said once she had never even had a conversation with Kaycee!