POV Holder: | ? | Next POV | July 20th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | July 22 |
HOH Winner: | JUDD | Next HOH: | July 25 |
MVP: | ? | ||
Original Nominations: | Aaryn, Kaitlin | ||
Current Nominations: | Last Evicted Houseguest | David, Nick, Jeremy | |
Have Nots | Jessie, Candice, Andy, Spencer |
1am Elissa is talking to Judd about the twist Julie mentioned to them. Elissa says that she trusts if Amanda or McCrae got it they would tell her. Elissa says that she is worried that Howard may have gotten a power. Elissa tells Judd that she didn’t get the MVP power. Elissa then heads into the diary room. When Elissa comes out of the diary room she tells Judd that she doesn’t have MVP. She says she thinks there’s a twist to it.
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In the lounge – Amanda and McCrae are talking. Amanda tells McCrae that she thinks they’re (Amanda, McCrae and Andy) are in a good position because no one is coming after them. Amanda says that she is worried about Howard and says we need to backdoor him. McCrae says he is worried that Howard may have some kind of power. Amanda disagrees and says that if Howard had a power he wouldn’t be going around trying to secure safety with us. Amanda says we need to get Judd to backdoor Howard so that we don’t have any blood on our hands. Aaryn joins them. Aaryn asks Amanda if she thinks Elissa got the MVP again. Amanda says she thinks she did. Aaryn says that Elissa might be lying about not getting it. Aaryn says that she thinks Elissa could be lying about getting MVP so that Elissa can still back door Howard and not have blood on her hands. Aaryn says that she thinks if she doesn’t win veto, she is going home. Amanda tells Aaryn that she needs to be careful about what she says to people because it gets around. Amanda tells Aaryn don’t confide in people. Amanda tells Aaryn to just listen and go along with what’s being said because she’s on the block. Amanda tells Aaryn to go with what the house wants. Aaryn leaves. Judd joins McCrae and Amanda and says that Elissa won’t tell him about MVP. Judd says that she just smiles. Amanda says she doesn’t trust you to tell you. Judd asks why would anyone be excited about the twist unless it benefited them.
2am In the kitchen – Elissa tells Amanda and Kaitlin that she thinks America got to vote on who to nominate. Amanda says that she doesn’t think that she would be nominated by America because I am funny and I’m with McCrae. I have my theories and I just don’t think they would do that. They say well we will find out soon enough. Elissa says again that she really thinks America got to vote. They discuss the possibility of someone coming back. Elissa asks Kaitlin if she thinks Jeremy would come back and Kaitlin says that she doesn’t think so because he wouldn’t ruffle that many feathers.
Up in the HOH room – Spencer, Howard, Kaitlin, Gina and Andy. They are speculating on what twist might be. Andy says that they were talking how it would be the dumbest thing like you can’t wear shoes for 24 hours. Kaitlin says that she thinks Elissa knows about what the twist is. Kaitlin explains how she saw Elissa talking to production in the storage room through the second door and Elissa tried to pretend she wasn’t. Andy repeats what Julie Chen said about the twist. Kaitlin says thanks for the fu*king replay. Andy says is the twist, he is a serial killer. I will wake up in the middle of the night and just stare are people while they sleep. Andy says that he would stand in the kitchen with a knife. Andy starts to head out of the HOH room. Kaitlin tells him to sit down you sketchy fu*k! Andy says that he is going to just get some chocolate milk. He leaves and Kaitlin and Spencer jokingly say they need to watch that sketchy fu*k. They turn on the spy tv and laugh and watch as Andy runs through the kitchen.
2:20am In the lounge – McCrae and Amanda are talking about the possibility of America voting on the MVP. Meanwhile, In the bedroom – Elissa talks to Helen about who America might vote for. Helen thinks maybe Jessie. Helen thinks Howard and Candice will be portrayed as the victims. Helen says she doesn’t think it would be McCrae. She says maybe Gina for saying cockroaches. Elissa talks about wanting to win HOH to see photos of her kids. Helen tells Elissa that she would want Elissa to win for the HOH but no for getting blood on her hands. Helen says that it is almost good that America get MVP because then it gets the blood off your hands. Elissa says that she thinks its fun to make big moves, it makes it more interesting. Elissa says that she thinks Amanda is hiding something. Helen says that she thinks she is an actress. The conversation turns to talking about how Elissa says that Jessie went to the casting with her boyfriend. Elissa say that she likes Judd and doesn’t want him to get hurt.
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2:35am – 3:20am Up in the HOH room – Howard, Spencer, Gina, Andy and Kaitlin continue to talk about what the twist will be like. Spencer wonders if it will be Pandora’s Box. They talk about how Elissa has had a lot of plastic surgery at such a young age. Kaitlin says it scares me. The conversation turns to talking about the questions from the HOH competition. McCrae and Amanda join them. Amanda heads back down stairs. Gina asks if they are fighting. Kaitlin comments how the parents are fighting. Kaitlin mentions how the cameras haven’t moved in 45 minutes. She says we are not interesting, they must be doing some serious game talking down there. Andy says it’s probably between a sleeping Jessie and Elissa. Spencer says that Jessie’s nipple has probably fallen out. Andy says that it’s weird that 95% of Jessie’s clothes reveal her nip*les. Judd comes back from the diary room to join them. Kaitlin tells Judd how Elissa thinks America votes for the MVP. Judd says yeah Elissa told me right before I went into the diary room. Judd says that he asked her if she was sure she wasn’t the MVP. Andy laughs saying she forgot. Judd says that Elissa is acting weird. They continue to talk about random stuff.
3:20am Amanda, McCrae and Kaitlin head down from the HOH room. Amanda tells Kaitlin on the stairs that Aaryn told Amanda that Kaitlin said I am (Amanda) is being nominated by the MVP. Kaitlin is pissed and says that she didn’t say that, that is the biggest bullsh*t I have ever heard. Kaitlin says you give me the time of day and I will confront her in front of you. Amanda tells Kaitlin that she trusts her and feels better knowing Kaitlin didn’t say that. Amanda tells Kaitlin to not confront Aaryn yet. Amanda and McCrae head out into the backyard. Amanda says that she feels a lot better about it now. McCrae agrees. Judd says that he has Gina in his pocket now, we are even going to have a secret hand shake. Judd says that he thinks Gina can keep her mouth shut too. They talk about the veto competition. McCrae tells Judd that if he gets house guest choice he should pick him because he is going to go hard for it. Judd says that he really thinks America will vote on who goes up. Amanda thinks America might nominate Gina or Spencer. Judd doesn’t think so. Amanda says maybe Howard. Judd says no I think he is somebody. It would be nice though because then I wouldn’t have the blood on my hands. McCrae talks about how Aaryn lies so much. Amanda and McCrae head inside to get ready for bed. Judd tells McCrae if he gets house guest choice I will pick you for sure. Amanda says if America is voting there is no way I am going up. They love him and I have never done anything against him.

Judd heads up to the HOH room where Howard, Spencer and Gina are talking. Gina says that she feels like the people that have no one are getting picked off. Gina says I am ready to go hard, I will do whatever it takes. I will eat some yogurt, I will eat some snakes. I don’t care. Howard talks about how you have power with numbers. Gina talks about how she voted for Jeremy to be evicted because it didn’t make a difference. Meanwhile in the bathroom Kaitlin talks to Amanda and McCrae. Kaitlin says that she feels like she is the house designated pawn. Kaitlin says that she is so fu*king pissed at Aaryn right now. McCrae tells her to save it till after the POV. Amanda and McCrae head to bed. Kaitlin goes up to the HOH room. Kaitlin goes off and tells them about how Aaryn lied about her. Kaitlin explains what Amanda just told her. Kaitlin is pissed and says she doesn’t understand why Aaryn would do that when she is on the block to and knows it would get back to me. Big Brother blocks the feeds. When they come back Spencer is saying that he thinks Elissa is lying about getting the MVP and just saying America votes so that she can nominate Ginamarie and not get the blood on her hands. Gina believes she is going up too. Kaitlin says that if that happens that will seal Aaryn’s fate. Howard tells them not to over think things. Kaitlin and Gina are annoyed about how Amanda wanted them to throw the havenots because they haven’t been havenots yet. Kaitlin says that Amanda thought I should have thrown it because I am on the block but I did so much last week. Howard brings up how he is on the outs now for doing the exact same thing that the ones that put him on the outs did. Howard says people think I don’t think just because I am quiet but I watch, I see everything. Why do you think I do the dishes? Kaitlin tells them that Aaryn told her that she thinks if she looks weak, then people will keep her. We really fu*ked up our game being associated with her. Spencer says that he and Howard fu*ked up their game being associated with Jeremy. Spencer says lets just see how the veto plays out. Spencer tells Kaitlin that he is keeping her in the house. Howard says that he wants a group to run with to the end. Kaitlin says can’t we just get this bit*h out of the game! They ask her who? Kaitlin says Elissa. Gina says I have been trying since week 2. Howard says I want to flip this things and do this. Kaitlin says lets do it! We will have the numbers in a couple weeks. Howard is pissed about how McCrae and Amanda made him put his hand on the bible to use his religion against him. Spencer says lets just meet after the veto.
Howard says just trust me I won’t lie any more after they put me on blast. I want to work with a strong 6 or 7 and just run with it. Kaitlin asks Howard so will Candice go against those girls. Howard says yes. Kaitlin asks Judd will Jessie go against the girls. Judd says yes. The talk about how Andy will probably be with us too, that makes 8. Spencer and Howard say they won’t lie again the rest of the game. Our names already got dragged through the mud. Gina says if we are ready to do this, I am ready to sign papers! Lets do this! I am loyal I stayed by Nick’s side until the day he walked out of here. They talk about how not to pick McCrae as house guest choice. Howard says I’ve got my drawers, ain’t nobody control me. They talk about how Andy is a good dude, we won’t go after him. Kaitlin asks so next week we put up McCrae and Amanda. Howard tells her not to think that far ahead because you are going to piss yourself off. Just worry about getting Aaryn out. Spencer says we aren’t power wh*res that suck the di*k of whoevers in power. Gina says I am ready to rock and roll! Judd says that he will talk to Jessie after the veto. She will do what I say. Spencer brings up how Helen told him she will get him to jury but after that you are gone. Gina says they told me I couldn’t walk around with Nick’s hat. I am going to do whatever I want to do! They talk about how Amanda was just in bed with McCrae week 1 because he was in power, even though she has a boyfriend at home. Spencer says that he isn’t shacking up with no one because I love my chick. They talk about running to the end together. Kaitlin says lets do this! Kaitlin says that she thinks if she wins veto back to back she might get MVP. Gina says yeah lets pound this sh*t in! They all put their hands in together. Kaitlin and Gina head down stairs.
4:50am – 5:10am Judd, Howard and Spencer stay up in the HOH room. Spencer says that he doesn’t know if he has a deal with the others. Judd says that it is all spread out now. McCrae and Amanda just seclude themselves all day. Judd says that Amanda was trying to control who he puts up. Spencer says that with them you’re at the bottom of the list. With us we are all equal. Judd says if I went to the final 3 with Amanda and McCrae, what do you think is going to happen. Spencer says that they talk so much sh*t about you. Judd asks like what? Spencer says that they have you in their pocket. Spencer says this week will be easy, Aaryn goes home. Spencer says week 1 – Aaryn and David showmance is broken up, week 2 – Gina and Nick showmance is broken up, week 3 – Kaitlin and Jeremy showmance is broken up, week 4 – Aaryn goes home as retribution for being a bit*h and rightfully so. Why is the biggest showmance in the house (Amanda and McCrae) not on anyone’s radar? Their name is written in the bathroom! Spencer says that McCrae is doing some scumbag sh*t. Judd says that he down with them (Howard and Spencer). Judd says that he will pick Howard if he gets house guest choice. (Judd has now told McCrae and Howard that he will pick them for house guest choice so it will draw the line if he has to choose.) Howard heads down stairs. Spencer tells Judd that they need to troops. He says that if they can overthrow McCrae, Amanda, Elissa and Helen, we can ride this till the end. Spencer says this week is simple, we send Aaryn home. Spencer says then next week it would perfect for Kaitlin to win HOH and nominate McCrae and Amanda. Spencer says that way the blood stays off our hands. Spencer heads down soon after and they all go to bed.
5:15am – 5:45am All the house guests are now sleeping.
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Judd shouldn’t align himself with bitchy Kaitlin, dumbass GM and the shady duo of Spencer and Howard.
Gina may be a really good player. I am now thinking this over the top crying for Nick is an act and she is trying to convey herself as not a threat. When Gina is engaged in game talk, she is straight to the point and very insightful. Judd told her I am putting you up as a pawn. Gina wasn’t having any of that BS. She said pawns go home! If I am a pawn put someone else up. This reply of Gina’s to Judd sounds like someone still very engaged in the game and Judd backed off. Score one for Gina. Gina has effectively separated herself from Kaitlin and Aaryn. She is still on outs with the Good Girls, but she is a low priority target.
Howard is just making either the wrong moves or making the right move to late. He is telling Candice they need to separate so they are not put up as a couple. I think that ship has now sailed Howard. The house sees you two as a couple, to try and pretend you are not at least close allies at this point in the game is a losing cause. Aaryn and Kaitlin don’t like you. Its surprising how you read everyone else so well, except Aaryn and Kaitlin. No sooner you told those two to keep their heads up and wait for the outcome of this week, Aaryn and Kaitlin either ran to Judd or Andy to inform them. Its great you are keeping lines of communication open, but if you think that ya’ll can be in an alliance together, well that’s just a losing proposition.
Howard you were doing so well laying low, then you open your mouth. Gorgeous women respect gorgeous women…interesting comment on your part. So ah Howard? Gorgeous women don’t respect non gorgeous women? So Elissa and Candice can’t have a genuine friendship based on mutual interests and respect? So Elissa wouldn’t have respected Candice if she wasn’t gorgeous? Howard please shut up. When you put more then 3 sentences together, you have a tendency to insert foot in mouth.
Candice, Amanda and Elissa didn’t bully you in the HOH room. Ya’ll had a difference in opinion. You are probably right there is no difference in the actions of McCrae and Howard. However, to the victor goes the spoils. Amanda in her own self interest wasn’t going to let you make that distinction. Amanda has a very domineering personality, but in this case she wasn’t bullying you. Candice you had went to Helen before the Nick vote and told Helen you were 100% sure Howard was not playing you two. The reason you gave: Howard is religious man. You even accused Jessie of lying when she said Howard casted his vote in support of Nick. I am not saying Howard is not allowed to lie like everyone else, but it definitely hurts your game when you get caught lying. However, you tied your creditability to Howard, and he was caught lying. Now Candice, you are not included in any of the strategic moves with the other players. They can’t trust you.
So when you went up to the HOH room after the Nick’s vote, you had no creditability and that was the wrong time to try and rehabilitate Howard. Now Howard is doing another of his classic misreads. Elissa is a fake and she doesn’t like you. Candice, this is how fake Elissa is to Howard. Elissa refused to put Howard up on the block last week. Elissa didn’t want to put Howard on the block this week. So she stopped praying with Howard. Could it of been after she found out that Howard is lying just like everyone else. Elissa could of been naive enough to think Howard was actually religious and became disillusioned.
So now Howard, is going to try and make a move with Kaitlin and Aaryn that includes Candice. Howard actions are like some Road Runner cartoon, you know the ending before it even starts. Just like Wile E Coyote, in the end Howard moves will explode in his face.
Do you know if Andy passed Kaitlin’s info of Howard’s proposal on to anyone? Or is Andy sitting on it for now?
Amanda, nobody in the house is coming after you, but America(allegedly) is.
I love it, Amanda is finally getting exposed, and I love how she thinks america won’t put her as the 3rd nominee because she thinks she’s nice and funny
Lets get this party going!
I hope judd is oyal to this group.
If so… let the games begin
which group????? He has so many groups!
Some of you are reading the numbers for mvp nom from the obb site….we don’t know the numbers from the entire voting population. We don’t know if Amanda is really #2 or not…..not yet….she might be but we don’t know.
I have. Gone on several spoiler sites and on all of their polls Aaryn is first and Amanda is second. Hopefully that is a good representation of how the real voting is going.
Finally, someone is starting to get their head in the game.
Yes!! The minorities are forming a super group!! Id rather see Howard/spence/judd/kait/GM/candice/jess kick mccranda out of the house! The super troop (minus judd) can suck it!
Watch this alliance crumbles.
In a heartbeat it will crumble. Look at the members: Spencer – a worthless piece of goo, can’t win anything, thinks he’s controlling the game and he thinks he’s God’s gift to women, what a dumb ass!! Howard’s got a plan, LOL, I hope he didn’t injure his brain, got lucky because of the racists and BB wouldn’t let Helen or Elissa nominate him. He’s worthless. Miss basket case Gina, oh yeah, she’s a game titan. The only one worth anything is Kaitlin, she’ll have to carry this alliance.
i do not think candace or Jess were in the new alliance – it was judd, howard, spensor, gm, kaitlyn… too many alliances – how does one keep it all straight?
when do they announce who america choose to be on the block….
“They talk about how Amanda was just in bed with McCrae week 1 because he was in power, even though she has a boyfriend at home.”
Ludacris has a song, for this situation… HO
It looks like the House is finally waking up to Amanda and McCrae’s bullshit.
Oh and they mentioned overthrowing Helen’s superfriends. What a Golden opportunity.
If amanda does go up for americas mvp nom, then the alliance ^ formed in hoh would have the number to get her out! ( all they need is 5) if she goes up hopefully she doesnt get taken off by thw veto! They might all want to evict aaryn right now but after the veto ceremony they should get amanda out if shes still a nom, becausw she might get hoh next week! Her or mccrae :/ but i guess it wont matter if mmcrae gets hoh becuase this new alliance is going to rebel next week (hopefully if they all plan to stick to this alliance )
However, if Aaryn wins POV and takes herself off and Judd foolishly is bullied unto putting up GM, then GM, Kaitlin, and Judd wouldn’t have a vote. That would only leave four voting, which wouldn’t be enough. The POV will be very important this time around if Amanda is the MVP.
Aaryn won’t win PoV. She is going home. Judd already have alliance with Amanda McCrae Andy Helen Elissa. Judd will turn his back on Kaitlin & GM.
In that situation Judd needs to put up another member of superfriends , maybe Helen, if he wanted Amanda ousted on his reign. Not Elissa as HG’s would want to seize the opportunity to vote her out. But Elissa is making Judd nervous so she may go up. I’m not sure which of his alliance’s he has more trust in at this point.
From what i read ^ howard didnt intentionally swear on the bible and lie, Mccrae and amanda made him his hand on the bible and swear on it! He was backed into a corner! Freaking amanda and mccrae lie the same way howard does, just without anyone putting a bible under their hand to swear on. These dips**ts are looking for any reason to throw howards name under the bus
The only reason I don’t like Amanda is because she is so bent on getting Howard out. Spencer threw her name out there too. And McCrea was also a part of the MC and also lied until they were ready to vore Jeremy out. Why does he get a pass and why is it ok they he was part of the MC alliance and no one is talking about him lying? Howard swore that he was voting with the house, which he did. And should they count him swaring on the bible to McCrea when he was lying to him to get that. Why should he honor that when they were lying to him to get his promise.
If Amanda’s reason for getting Howard out is because he wanted her to go up, then she should be equally wanting Spencer out. Neither has shown yet theat they can win HOH so why is she targeting Howard so much?
Amanda (& McRae) view as being more ‘savvy’ (their word) than many of the others and that he is aware of their strategy. Also, Howard is not swayed by the superfriends tactics (further evidenced by his refusal to admit to the existence or his involvement with the MC), while others acquiesced under Helen’s reign. He is proving Amanda correct in her mistrust of him as Howard is the one presenting the possibility of building a stronger alternative side.
It will be interesting to see where JUDD’s loyalty falls this week.
It’s very simple Howard is a comp threat and has Candice, Spencer is not a comp threat and only has Howard.
i figure america voted aaryn for mvp nom, but since she’s up already, bb will have to go with the next choice that’s not up. since there are bound to be a lot of people who voted without knowing the twist, if i’m right, amanda and elissa will follow aaryn, just because voters didn’t pay attention.
pov ceremony will be interesting to say the least, and everyone will scramble to figure out who put up the mvp nom. today could be fun in the house!
Aaryn is going home this week. Next week, with the NEW alliances of Howard, Spencer, Candace and Jessie plus Judd, Kaitlin, and GM. If they win HOH and put up Amanda and MCrae…Amanda will go home.
this could be a long excited week if amanda is nominated because maybe they will send her home.. amanda talking bout america loves her because she is funny,,, she forgot controlling ,, dictator and sitting pretty ….. I cant wait to see who wins veto and who production nominates
Let the games begin! Team Judd/Spencer/Candace/Jessie/Howard/Gina/Kaitlyn. They are doing something about dictator Amanda and her Boy toy’s shenanigans. Now they just need to wise up to Andy’s loud mouth and keep him out of the loop and they will be fine to the end.
Unfortunately Kaitlin trusts Andy and that will be the groups downfall. If she talks to him, he will tell Amanda.
I like this new alliance!!! Hopefully they can break up Queen massa Lord emperor Amanda and her peasant pizza boy.
Bye Aaryn……I can’t wait to see your face with Julie Chen.
WHOA!!!!!! Now will this alliance last? We have Howard the Coward, Disgusting women hater Spencer, Boomhauer, Can’t keep her mouth shut Kaitlin, Unbalanced racist Gina, With a side of I will do anything to get someone to love me Jessie. How long will this last? Can they change their spots long enough to make this work? I doubt it, but we will see. Howard, not taking Candace with you huh? She has had your back, she asked Elissa & Helen to keep you off the block last week. And Elissa who you hate so much, kept you from going home last week. Hmmmm Howard, Siding with the women who said racist things about you and Candace. I don’t know what game you are playing but, IT’S ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!
Things are really getting interesting now. We have the following alliances:
Aaryn/kaitlyn/Gina by default
I’m not really sure about Andy but I think he is with Helen.
Judd need to breakup one of the threesomes this week since there is power in numbers.
The whole house is going to turn on which of these alliances combine.
Actually, it should be I am so desperate for a mans attention Jessie.
man..judd is right in middle of everybody’s alliance!! GO JUDD!! mr ninja
Judd may not be in the middle of everyone’s alliance for long if say he had to choose who else plays in veto competition. So far he promised to call MC earlier on then he promised to pick Howard. If that happened, he can only be on one side…
Judd, wtf are you doing??
WOW !! If this alliance is real it is not the one I really like but I like what they want to do.
Spencer is a crude asshole.
GM — is GM
Andy is by far the biggest snake in the house.
Howard — Nothing is wrong with him but the religion aspect annoys me, but he is ok.
Candace — she really plays up to the victim role but she is weak.
Jessie — I am not even gonna say anything.
Judd — flip flopping way too much
Kaitlyn — not the best strategist but she is a competitor so if this group has any chance to survive they are relying on her!!
I actually like McCray but his game is ruined because he is with the weakest/hated (outside of Aryan) in the house in Elissa, Helen, Amanda,
So I like the game play just wish the cast was more likeable!!
Im loving this new crew minus Gm And kait ! I want amanda gone . First thing first is Aaryn. The mean Girls will get mean as soon as the power come back there way. But Amanda is mean every week. Shes too cocky now.
Production F’d up by hinting to Elissa that America is possibly voting….but then again, people might think she is lying.
Production did the right thing. If they stop to think about it they are getting a glimpse of who America doesn’t like. Knowledge is power if you really want MVP……
well the MVP is america……we choose who is on the block……i think this twist everyone will rethink their game plan – if they keep this….the house guest will want to rethink about voting out aaryn – they might want to keep her so america keeps choosing her to be on the block….
Let me remind you of the lesson we learned when we were young, watching G.I. Joe:
‘Knowing is half the battle’
Production is telling the players if you want the MVP vote, target this person. If you are smart you target that person and their allies. The first person to start doing that will get named MVP instead of Elissa.
If anyone can help me out with this I’d really appreciate it – where I can find the entire 3 hours of after dark that aired last night. I can only seem to find uploaded copies of 2 hours but they actually aired 3 on Slice in Canada. Anyone got any good helpful tips? Much appreciated 🙂
Gina and Kait are good pit bulls for this new alliance. They are fueled by anger of lost love and being associated with Aaryn.
Let Gina run her mouth and do their dirty work.
Playing catch-up. I’m apparently asleep when all the interesting stuff goes down. Thank goodness for this site!!!
Amanda keeps complaining how other people are hanging out in the HOH room all the time. I guess she doesn’t realize she and McCrae are up there all the time, probably more than anyone. I guess everyone still thinks it’s a peoples HOH.
I’m wondering where Judd’s head is really at. Would he really want GM up as MVP? Is Aaryn really the target? I love how he isn’t really telling everything. Something that has been lacking in this game so far. Withholding info. I know he trusts Spencer, but does he really trust Howard?
Amanda better watch her a$$ and so should McCrae because this new alliance look like they are out to target them. I’m guessing A,and a would be the first to go. If Amanda ends up MVP choice by default thus week, I think she would get voted out because the new alliance would have the perfect chance to do it, but that still leaves Aaryn in the game and it seem everyone wants her out.
Looks like things might start getting interesting in the house!!! I’m so excited. I really have no favorite because every time I start to like someone they end up being an a$$. I just want things to be shaken up. I don’t like a lot of the people in the new alliance (Kaitlyn, GM, Spencer), but if they can get this game started, I’d be very happy!
I’m with you EST – sleeping through the after show – can anyone add some insight – is E really talking with production through the storage room door – or is that just some house guests causing issues?
I hope I’m wrong, but I’m not going to get too excited about Judd’s new alliance just yet. It feels like a secondary backside covering deal. The key for me is that Jessie wasn’t in the room when it was formed and given her distaste for Kaitlin, I struggle to see her wanting to be partners, but it will be a test of whether Jessie wants to play the game or if she just wants to be on TV and take out girls she feels inferior to,
I do think Judd is smart to have options, especially with the unpredictability of the twist. I think Judd is very interested in keeping Spencer and Howard around and on his side (which I think is very smart), but I think he sees the mean girls as expendable, but worth having on his side for safety. For me the key will be the 3rd nominee. If it turns out the 3 mean girls are on the block, then he will lean more towards the Amanda/McCrea side, with Howard/Spencer under cover. However, if Amanda or Helen (and potentially Elissa) end up in that 3rd chair, I could see him shifting the votes against them, while still trying to straddle the line between each side, with the hope that he can sit by and watch each side decimate each other, as he gets to the end with the least amount of enemies.
I tend to thing Judd’s ideal final 6 is him, Jessie, McCrea, Spencer, Andy, and Howard in that order.
If either Amanda or Howard gets nominated, she/he will go home.
I don’t know why but I think Judd’s plan is to backdoor Howard or Amanda, but I’m thinking Howard.
Plans change constantly. I don’t think anything is set in stone until the veto ceremony.
BTW, what was up with Howard’s comment about Gina’s leg looking like that because of what she eats? See, you would expect that to come out of someone like Howard. Beautiful people admire beautiful people. Yeah, some beautiful people admire beautiful people, some average-looking people admire beautiful people, some black people admire black people (gay, Asian, Hispanics).
Yeah Howard saying gorgeous people like gorgeous people was weird.
I think he really has a huge influence over Candace – he seems to have hypnotized her with something? since last week and she has been saying ‘OK, I’ll do that’ a lot to him – in fact every time they talk. Him telling her she’s gorgeous only furthers his game and it says that he thinks Elissa is gorgeous and I’m suspecting he’s got a huge **ahem for Kaitlin too. He said a lot by saying that but Candace doesn’t seem to be the brightest about men she likes otherwise that would be not really a compliment and putting down people who might not be pretty on the outside (pretty judgmental about outward appearances, if you ask me).
If Amanda goes home I will not watch it anymore, have u all forgotten what katlin and GM said at the beginning and the talk. How is easy it is for America to forget at the race and gay comments that were made. actually I’m getting pretty tired of all the drama last season was such a better season and do u all remember how u payed into Dan is not Howard doing the same thing
I guess you’re forgetting that Amanda was right there with the racist comments until production tipped her off with the questions that the racism had become an issue, then took it upon herself to tell Aaryn that of course she wasn’t a racist, but all the minorities were taking it wrong and missing the joke.
Seriously, just go to Youtube. Amanda is right there in all the compilation videos.
Now I am REALLY crossing my fingers Amanda goes home.
This was beautiful..Reading this brought a tear to my eye. We have to put up with Helen, McCrae, and Amanda’s bullshit for so long..The only flaw in this group is including Andy!!! He is such a weasel!!
I bet Judd will turn his back on GM & Kaitlin.
This could work but i just dont see Judd staying loyal to the group…… He doesnt have the backbone i think to stand up to Amanda and McCrae!!! Amanda is so damn pushy its annoying.
I get the impression that Howard is thinking in terms of flipping the house next week, not this week.
Lmao Amanda is delusional if she thinks America would vote for Howard as the third nominee. That means she actually believes heroines she made up about him!!
Amanda should have kept her mouth shut and let these people play their game. She put the target on her back.
Has anyone thought that with America’s vote that the twist Julie eluded to could be that whom ever America choice was will be evicted immediately once they are told?
Okay NOW Amanda should be scared of Howard hahaha but seriously people are starting to wake up in this game and see how Amanda/Mcc and Helen/Elissa have too much power in this game. Even though I am not a big fan of the mean girls and Spencer it would be interesting if they play a big part in this flip (the only thing worring me is kaitlyn because she does go to Amanda sometimes but maybe she realize this is the best for her game).I knew one of these days Howard would come through and start to realize the things going on in the house. Now I can sit back, relax and let (mainly see) Amanda/Mcc fall.
Production told Elissa the twist.
Spencer is great at planning, bad at execution.
I think the MVP is a great addition to BB , and should be in all future seasons, however , whoever has the MVP has to keep it secret and can never divulge to anyone, ever that they have it, that way no one will know who to suck up to, also the HOH can only nominate one person for eviction and the other nominee put up by the secret MVP……hmmm? Comments?
At first I liked Helen but after her reign of terror I reslly think she has put a target on her back by telling everyone what they can and cannot do. Nobody likes to be bossed around and just like in Survivor once you put yourself out there as a leader you had better watch your back.
And this is why Howard is dangerous, so Amanda was right gunning after him 😉
Helen’s move should have been to keep Jeremy — he wouldn’t have been able to completely be the “new Jeremy”, but would have given them a near perfect alliance. For a perfect alliance you needs:
Brains (Helen)
Social Game (Andy)
Brawn (Jeremy)
Intangibles (Elissa – MVP)
The variables that could have undid this alliance are Jeremy’s immaturity, Helen’s overplaying, the other guests’ fear/realization of Andy’s superior/smart social game and the likelihood that Elissa would lose the MVP at some point.
Helen’s move should have been to keep Jeremy — he wouldn’t have been able to completely be the “new Jeremy”, but would have given them a near perfect alliance. For a perfect alliance you needs:
Brains (Helen)
Social Game (Andy)
Brawn (Jeremy)
Intangibles (Elissa – MVP)
The variables that could have undid this alliance are Jeremy’s immaturity, Helen’s overplaying, the other guests’ fear/realization of Andy’s superior/smart social game and the likelihood that Elissa would lose the MVP at some point.
Is Elissa on drugs or something??
I cant stand howard and spencer!
If Amanda goes home, what’s the point in watching? Nobody who actually plays the game would be left.
When do we know who America voted for MVP?
Judd will easily turn his back on Kaitlin & GinaMarie!!!! Sorry ladies, Judd is not align either two or spencer howard
Wow, Judd just screwed up his game really bad- he was in a way better spot before he won HoH. Too bad. And I thought their wasn’t a houseguest choice anymore? it would be unfair because the HoH picks both so they would get to pick their choice. Don’t they realize that?
I don’t even know what to think of this new group. I like it, in the fact that it’s stirring up the game. But their biggest mistake will be including Andy. He will immediately run back to Helen, McCrae & Amanda & spill the beans. I’m also not so sure about Judd & what he’s thinking, hell he might spill the beans too. However, it is smart on Howard’s part to try to get something going. I’m just glad they’re catching on to McManda’s bull$hit! FINALLY, someone sees it:). I love that Amanda doesn’t think she’d be chosen as the 3rd nominee by America. LOL. That’ll make it even better now if she is indeed chosen:)
Sounds like things could be heating up in the BB house this week;) Amanda better be careful if she is up, bc that new group could send her packing.
Amanda and mccrea sucking face and flopping around on beds…is annoying me. Elissa is acting weirder than hell, annoying me…I think Judd’s picks should be pretty damned easy. Amanda, Elissa, mccrea. He needs a wake up call…Amanda will dump his ass faster than she can mow through a bag of skittles. Wake up…everybody…wake up.
Spencer has just created his own meme with the crown: King Henry the 8th – it’s a perfect fit.