Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Quinn
Nominees: Kimo, Rubina and Angela Joe
POV Players: Quinn, Rubina, Angela, Kimo, Joe, Leah
POV Winner: Leah
Veto Ceremony: Leah Used the veto on Angela. Quinn nominated Joe.
Havenots: Kimo, Makensy
10:28 am Leah, cam, Makensy, Quinn, Rubina
Talking in Kinder Elf voices Or Baby voices.. I don’t know
Leah – welcome to BIG Baby I will be your host..
(F**ing weird)
11:11 am Makensy and T’kor
T’kor – MMmmhmmmmm.. Yeah…. X 10 000
Makensy says she understands why she used the Veto on Angela, “She wants the vote in Jur it just sucks it’s at someone’s expense”
T’Kor – Mmmhmmmmmm Yeah…
T – I made is so much further than I thought I would I never thought I would make it through week one.
T’kor – the person that comes off then Me, Angela, Chelsie and Leah so for example if one of them comes off we make sure we have four.
Makensy – we got to plan that so that way it doesn’t.. not everyone knows.. WE’re trying to not show our cards.
T – In the case where it’s Kimo and Rubina on the block then we still need four so I guess we can keep whatever numbers the same… We could just talk to Joe. In that Scenario I think Joe will vote to keep Kimo
Makensy- I think he will as well.
They go on about how hard this season is because of the AI Arena “Why now why us?”
MJ says it’ll be scary if Cam wins the HOH.
T – Quinn’s not playing
MJ – I have a really good chance (to win)
MJ – I keep praying for it over and over.. I feel good going into next week. I feel like the majority of the house has my back. So anybody winning is good with me. Funny question and I don’t know if YOu know. I love you to death. If Kimo was here would he put me up?
T – He wouldn’t I think you should talk to him.
MJ – ok I want to .
T – He won’t put you up
MJ – ok good.. That does scare me.
MJ – I love him to death.. (Kimo)
Mj wonders if Kimo will target the girls. “I think he will target Quinn… as he should”
They agree that the guys will likely vote out Kimo if he’s up with Joe.
Noon Joking around…. Chit chat…

12:36 am Joe and Rubina
JOe says T’kor does not respect what Quinn did.
Rubina – It’s like the people that REALLY had his backs. .
Joe – yeah.. I think he was in a tough spot.. he tried to make amends and get good with everybody but Maybe at the expense of like you said the people who had his back.
Joe – And that doesn’t mean I’m not going to continue to have his back, because at the end of the day, I’m logical and I don’t. think he wanted her to use it to put him in this position.
R – he looked blindsided.
J – after talking to him I would be SHOCKED if he’s lying to me.
T’kor runs into the bathroom.
Joe says it’s not advantageous for him to go after her. “I wanted you to know that through my campaigning I never threw you under the bus”
Rubina – Me either… I don’t need to do all that
1:11 pm T’kor and Angela
They talk about the possibility of a girls alliance.
T’kor going on about there being nothing to be “truly” sad about because she’s accomplished so much already.
Angela – I feel the same but I still am not done I want to keep going.
T’kor – exactly
1:20 pm Chelsie, T’kor and Rubina
They tell Rubina that Angela will keep her over Kimo if Joe wins the AI Arena.
Rubina – We just need 4 votes.
T’kor says it’s best they only have 4 for Rubina. She doesn’t want to reveal “the girls thing”
Rubina – if it’s too many it’ll be obvious
Rubina – I haven’t talked to Cam.
Rubina brings up Leah and Cam giving foot massages
Chelsie – It’s like oil and Water they don’t match.
Rubina – I think in his beautiful 25 year old man brain he thinks it’s the same thing This point he’s switching over to them being ‘just friends’
Rubina – if you get to oub your head and rub your feet why can’t they rub his head and feet..
Chelsie – they are not even somewhat equal
Rubina – that man doesn’t wear socks..
They laugh
Rubina – remember how he packed.. Let that be an example the preparation…
Rubina – he was getting his feet rubbed
Chelsie – by Leah
R – yeah
C – Yeah that’s fine it’s too friends…
R – But he thinks it’s the same.. (WTF)
Rubina goes on about how it bothers her that they Rub feet and heads.
C – this is what I calculated.. so .. I think you are aware.. I’m just looking at a pattern of behaviour when you first came into this house it was very obvious Leah… Very still way more obvious than anybody would ever suspect. Then Leah backs off.. he’s feeling a way. He jumps to me.
R – now you are feeling a way..
C – he jumps to Makensy (LOL don’t hate the player hate the game YO)
C – when he jumped to me he and I had conversations about seeing each other different what life would life would look like after this. Then considering… IN that period we had those conversations but as I see a pattern I feel like I am strategy to him part of that strategy was let me (Cam) flirt with Leagh.. He’s going to have Leah in his back pocket.. let me whisper these sweet nothings to Chelsie I got her and now we move onto Makensy.
C – I feel like don’t bring our personal lives into this.
C – his behaviour is proofing I am right and I am bothered by it.. He’s just murmuring under his breath at me all day just say it to me.
R – he’s so hurt..
C – BY WHAT! Cause I’m not giving him the attention he wants.. I’m not going to do that.
R – I know..
C – He goes to her.. just watch..
T – just watch what?
C – watch me and how I treat him or don’t treat him. I wanted to say how about you watch yourself getting pet by women all day and let’s see what movie you want to watch.. I didn’t come here for a man I came here to play a game and represent something BIGGER..
C – There’s no benefit from you hopping from one Women to one women.. That’s what it Feels like. you know what triggers me a little pit.. You and Tucker were involved in this not in a bad way. Makensy and him were talking about each other Makesny was like CAM IS LIKE MY BROTHER
C – I thought Hmmm… last time I heard that..
Chelsie explains it was Tucker saying that about Rubina the day Chelsie was nominated.
C – that is why when I hear little brother and sister language with these heffer I immediately think you guys are making out in the bed..
C – Brother and Sister means something very different in this house You know what I’m saying
They laugh…

Chelsie says Rubina and Tucker had more a “S$xual Energy” and Makensy with Cam have a “Vanilla energy”
T’kor says everyone thought Rubina and Tucker would hit it off because of how compatible they seemed.
Chelsie sahs Leah and Cam are giving off the “we came here this summer to mess round energy” Where as the energy Tucker and Rubina give off is more serious.
Chelsie continues to hammer out the point that “CAm and Makensy don’t give off DEEP romantic like it gives just I don’t know what it is”
Quinn joins them.
2:00 pm Angela and Makensy
MJ – I don’t know how everybody is voting this week. i haven’t talked to anybody. Like what the f***. Nobody talks to me… Like you know we’re votes too right.
Angela – Joe talked to me twice.. Kimo really doesn’t have to I do care about him. Rubina has talked to me twice and wants to talk to me tomorrow.
Angela thinks joe had a part with putting her up this week. “When I asked him to help me talking to Quinn he’s like ‘I’m not doing that'”
A – he totally dismissed me ever receiving that Veto.
A – the weird thing is he’s playing a SPOTLESS game..
MJ – not really, I think he’s honestly the worst player here.
A – ohh good I would love to hear your perspective
MJ – he’s been riding the coattails of everybody and he’s going to try and use anybody that’s a bigger target to hide behind.
A – well that’s what I mean.. I’ve seen player after player do that and win this game.
MJ – he tells people he’s doing that. He’s told me countless times he’ll beat me in the end.
MJ – he always says Congrats kid.. umm are you kidding me you almost sent me home TWICE.. you’ve done nothing but hide behind a wall.. You are nothing to me in this game.
Angela says Joe is eating his words now “His own ally put him on the block”
Angela is really surprised Quinn put Joe up.
MJ isn’t says that Quinn has to play “A totally different game”
Angela – I know as long as that kid is here he’s coming for you
MJ – who?
Angela – Quinn
MJ – ohh we can’t do anything about that I’m talking about the vote.
Makensy says Joe and Quinn’s allegiances to each other may be “Dwindling”
MJ – he could have put anybody up. I know they had a Final 2.. Obviously not.. I think Quinn is in a very vulnerable spot to work with people.
Makensy stresses They can beat Joe in competition.
Angela would like to game more “maybe tonight when you get more intel from others and if not definitely by tomorrow morning please.”
MJ – if I hear anything I’ll tell you which way to go.
2:51 pm Rubina and Kimo
Rubina and Kimo are feeling good about their chances to win the AI arena.
Kimo – we have two shots which is good.. (They assume Joe is the target which I believe is true)
Kimo goes over his campaigning strategy.
4:30 pm Quinn and Joe
Q – people seem pretty receptive
J – sick.. sick
Q – I talked to Leah and she told me .. Angela will vote with ehr.. so that’s a block and you have Makensy.
J – On lock you think?
Q – I don’t know why Angela will do that..
J – me and her had a good talk earlier She told me she wasn’t going to tell anybody how we voted.
J – she told me the vote was going to be close, Four Four and I started panicking.. No I know she is lost
Q – no she has no idea what is going on .. what the F*** is she talking about
J – how can the vote even be four four?
Q – I know we tried to explain it.. well last week was four four.. This week it’ll be three four..
J – I don’t think Chelsie will vote against what Cam and Makensy wanted
Q – she said she wants to vote with the house. She’s just being smart with who knows.
Joe counts Leah, Angela, Makensy, cam as votes.
Q – who else is left?
J – T’kor and Chelsie
Q – T’kor will vote with the house and the house is keeping you umm.. you made the deal with Rubina..
J – should be good.. I’m just paranoid as f*** bro
J – I don’t see Kimo and Rubina doing much..
Q – they were talking to each other and were like can we have some one on ones with you.. I was like this is only going to be a uncomfortable conversation for me. I can’t vote..
J – they want to talk to me too
Q – I think Rubina snitched on me to Kimo
J – Kimo know what’s up I can tell by the way he was talking to me.. he said if it’s my time just know blah blah blah…
J – you feel good with Chelsie right?
Q – yeah
J – cool.. cool .. cool cool
J – when do you think I should have one on ones
Q – people are staying up till midnight so if you do one per hour just like casually hang out.
Q – be like is there anything I can do to further solidify.. I don’t know.
J – people like cam and makensy I don’t have to do too much.. I’m literally not coming after them and I’m going to let them know. I want to work with them. I feel like they are both trustworthy.
Q – if they knew who you are going after next week. I know that’s a large commitment..
J – no I can’t do that..
Q – Especially since you are on the block
J – Honestly I don’t know who I would go after. I put myself in the same hole you did like ohh sh1t I over promised ..
Q – what a F***ed up situation
J – I know dude.. it’s f***ed But honestly I feel pretty good there’s no reason for Leah to vote me out there’s no reason for Angela to vote me out.
Quinn lets him know how Bad Leah feels for him being on the block.
5:00 pm Kimo, Leah and Rubina More acting silly .. (They’ve been doing this all day)
Kimo – that was a good one.. and scene
5:20 pm Dinner prep
5:40 pm Chelsie and Leah
Talking about how next week all they need is 3 votes and Rubina is a strong player.
Chelsie brings up the vote that took out cedric. “I was Tuckers doing but they were aware of the play
Leah – and they’re the same people that offered up my name as replacement.
They agree they have T’kors back and Tkor has their back
Leah – that is why I don’t feel bad about taking something away from her because she has support if she needs.
C – she does
L – there’s nobody here that is against her
C – nobody at all
L – it doesn’t take away from her but adds to us
C – I agree, but If it’s Rubina We keep her cause Joe can very well win
L – I haven’t thought about that
C – Rubina is talking about a girls thing..
L – how do you feel about that?
C – Then Quinn wants to do the five
C -if a guy goes home this week. If Kimo goes home this week. If the girls could protect each other. I love Cam and I want to see him go far I won’t put him up personally but if it benefits. The girls thing is something I would consider what is best for my game.
L – me too, nothing against him I really do like him
C – yeah he’s a good guy but I’m not bending over backwards to play his game.
L – exactly
C – I don’t think anybody should.
L – he would not do that for us
C – I process that so much Leah..
Chelsie talks about all the all boy alliances Cam has been in.
Chelsie says when she won the AI arena and she knew Brooklyn was going she ran over to Brooklyn and looked over at cam and he said “if it wasn’t you it would have been me”
C – not even congratulations not even thank you..
they have a little bonding session about how Cam was sweet with them then gave them the cold shoulder.
L – he was being all flirty and stuff.. do me a f**ing favour you’re making me sick.
C – but then when he needs a potential vote.
They agree Cam won’t do anything to protect them.
6:22 pm Makensy and Rubina
Makensy tells her she has her back.
Makensy -I’m going to have your back against Kimo and Joe too.
Rubina – I appreciate that
MJ – and he’s walking around telling people I have his back
MJ – Jow won’t be a good jury vote for me.
6:48 pm Feeds on fire Angela tripping out on Valium
She’s whispering wanting Kimo to win AI Arena.
The event is approaching, ah-oh, ayy (new star)
It’s growing stronger, ah-oh, ayy
The questions keep coming (nova), ah-oh, ayy (ah-ah)
Where did we come from, oh, ayy
The event is approaching, ah-oh, ayy (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
It’s growing stronger, ah-oh, ayy (nova)
The questions keep coming, ah-oh, ayy (bring the light of a dying star)
While CHENBOT DID in Thursday Episode, the anouncer guy USUALLY has the who will be evicted line. NOT THIS WEEK.
NO IDEA WHAT THAT MEANS. Just giving info to non episode people to take note just in case.
A battle back is a brewing. I smell it in the air like a fart in a car! Live feeds keep getting cutting off and when it returns it is some videos BBHOUSE26Ansley pizza delivery shtick. Funny seeing Joseph being his own pressure cooker antiperspirant in any room he stands in.
All the evicted houseguests are at home and on Instagram. No battleback.
I’m not poking my eyes out at watching Angela for another week. I’ve decided Joseph and Angela should win. If the other players are such dumb butts that they can’t see what awful people they are, then the other players deserve to lose. Subject change: I think T’kor is very pretty without her sunglasses. She’s attractive anyway, but really pretty without those big glasses.
The fact that there is even a debate about keeping a TRIO in the house further proves why the BB26 cast is the worst cast of gamers in BB history.
Until tonight at least. There’s a good chance 1 of the 3 of them will go home tonight because I think Chelsie will rally the troops to vote out either Kimo or Rubina.
It’s not like any of the 3 of them are likely to win anything in the near future, as the only win any of them have is Kimo’s AI win way back in week 1, against Matt and Kenney.
D/R inclusion.
The small chart shows where we stand.
Leah took a huge jump from last Thursday to Wednesday. An unnaturally Huge jump. Screen time for Veto use?
Cam and Joseph are now bringing up the rear in the counts meaning episode onlies feel the least connected to them.
THE EVICTED HOUSEGUESTS Pattern is up to the purple range (50-69). Brooklyn was in that range. Tucker and Cedric were aberrations to pattern that are to be expected given Men generally end up being more typically season voices than women in most bb episode d/r tallies.
If pattern hold… Kimo looks to be in more trouble than Rubina… but not by much.
Makensy is a have not, so, is she cooking have not food for herself or real food for the rest of the “guests”?
Did I miss something? Has Cam ever shown any real interest in any of these women? Innocent flirting should be expected just out of boredom. Hell, if I were in that house I’d be flirting with Angela, and then become very afraid. DON’T JUDGE ME!
Flirting… with… Angela??? No.. no judgement (whispers call the asylum)… no judgement at allll (whispers tell them to bring the butterfly net)…. no… judgement… whatsoever (whispers… and a tranquilizer gun).
I’m …. not….afraid…