Shelli “I think Jeff is the male Audrey” Vanessa “Honestly I want to call his a$$ out!”

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2:35pm – 2:55pm Living room – Meg, James, Jason and Becky are sitting in the living room. Meg says she’s (Liz) been in there (Diary room) for a while. It’s probably happening (Twin switch). Meg says man I’m so curious to see what comes out of there. Meg tells James she (Liz) doesn’t know that those are her underwear. Everyone else knows those are her sisters. James says those are thickems underwear. I don’t think cruella (Julia) fits them. Day joins them. Meg says Becky, Me and Liz all did laundry together. James says all I know is they have turkey tracks on them. Gobble Gobble! Day tells them to get her (Audrey) out. Send her a$$ home. She is going to slide all the way through. Clay joins them. Day says that we’re all anticipating it too much .. cruella is going to come back out. Day brings up the drama she had with Audrey. Day asks Clay why not put up Audrey instead of Meg. Clay says that Shelli didn’t know if you would come after her. Day says I don’t have any bad blood. My focus was never Shelli. We weren’t talking because of her a$$. Clay says everyone know she (Audrey) is full of sh*t. She was up there spinning the story to look like the victim. Jason says I know where she (Audrey) is taking a shower next week. Everyone can put there hands up to be havenots .. If I get to choose she is getting it. That bitch is not coming up even to say hello. Liz comes out. Jason says its Cruella.

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3pm In the kitchen – Day tells Liz thank you for voting for me. Did you tell Audrey that you were going to vote for me? Liz says no. Day says that Audrey says you walked up to her and said I’m going to vote for her. Liz and Day head to the bathroom to talk. Liz says that really pisses me off because I was half asleep and she called my name. Audrey asks if the show was weird .. the podcast. She asked what do think about your vote. Liz says I don’t know. DaVonne gave me the fast forward and I said I’m not sure what I’ll do.

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43 thoughts to “Shelli “I think Jeff is the male Audrey” Vanessa “Honestly I want to call his a$$ out!””

  1. Game is getting good now!
    Once they get rid of Day who is going to go next.
    I say Jeff ,Liz or Audrey.

    1. JohnnyMac, Steve, and Meg will most likely go up every week until they are gone. That’s the unfortunate thing about the Battle of the Block: it heavily encourages the HOH’s to put up “pawns”.

      Once you’re considered a pawn you will be in the BoB challenge every week until you eventually get evicted. I don’t even think this phone twist is going to keep that from continuing to happen.

      1. I agree. The same non-threatening HGs (Steve,Johnny,Meg) will be used throughout this season until they are sacrificed. I think Meg will be the first victim. Both Steve and Johnny have demonstrated an ability to win comps. Meg,unless she’s really pretending, seems to think laughing at everyone’s joke will keep her safe.

    2. Jeff/Liz/Audrey seem to be the obvious answers, include Clay/Shelli since it seems that people would love to take a hit at one of them.

    3. Their plan is to take Audrey out, if they stick to it. Clay is a bitch, and he’s controlling the house. Why don’t they see that?

  2. JIMMY64, I agree with you about game starting to get good now. I certainly hope it is Jeff or Audrey though. I would like to see that little weasel Jason’s head start to spin right around if Liz and twin managed to weasel their way into the game. He and his little friend James would be in a flat spin for sure!!! Vanessa is going to have Shelli and Clay feeding her grapes very shortly………she is good!!!

  3. Day Da’Vonne is doomed…. and she was screwed by her own alliance and Herself. I really would prefer that Da’Vonne stayed it would be so much better for all heir games. There is something about Meg that as a Big Brother Fan I just have this gut feeling that she is going to be the player that wrecks this Season for me, just a feeling… something makes me not like her that much…. same with Becky, Shelli and one of the twins… they have kind of merged into the same woman for me, they all remind me of “The Straight Shooter”.

    This year is going better than most and I am loving it so far. I think there are very few True Alliances, Austin/ Liz and Jason/ Da’Vonne… the rest are soon not loyal, not loyal at all. This week Jason/ Da’Vonne are going to be separated and next week probably Austin/ Liz… then there will be NO real Alliances in the house at all.
    That could be fun to watch… NO Real Alliances… YAY

    1. My deal with Meg is she seems to drift. Not completely a floater but she quickly aligns with whoever is in power. She seems like now that she’s here, she’s more interested in hanging out and having fun then positioning for the prize. Steve is similar for me in that he seems so timid and terrified he’s not connected to the power alliance and too often wants someone to tell him what to do. He needs some confidence.

      This season there seems to be a legitimate scramble for votes unlike last season when the target basically walked out as soon as they were nominated, except for Donny and Nicole.

      1. They formed a Super Alliance and there was a crap load of gullible morons… mixed with a crap load of disposables… this Season does not have a lot of disposables like last Season. Last Season they had a sufficient enough of disposables to carry 2 to jury and one to the top three.
        This year is different most of them think they are the boss or that they are more valuable than they are.

        Vanessa: She is playing them all and kicking back at the same time.

        Steve: He is this seasons disposable and I think he knows it.

        Jeff: He honestly believes that he runs the House. He has tons of ego and his game will blow up just before jury. My guess is he will go on double elimination Night.

        Jackie: Do Not be fooled… I watched amazing race and she is not passive, Not Sweet/ sympathetic or Truthful. She can play just as dirty and hard as Jeff…. she is just kicking back and letting Jeff blow himself up… but when the time is right the She Devil is going to come out.

        Johnny Mac: Watch out for this guy… He is waiting to get to the jury stage… then he will strike and strike hard. Mark my words he will be this Seasons Smiling Ninja. I just have a feeling.

        Audrey: She reminds me of Loki God of Mischief, I know Male God but he was also a Transgender God He became a woman and gave birth to a 9 legged horse.. log story. I do not think she is a production plant to cause chaos… I do think that shit talk, gossip and lying are her second nature. Watching her in the House I am 100% sure that is Audreys true nature…. of course the hormones do not help, that is why she looks bi-polar at some times. I think she may actually make it to Jury. I think for a group that does not trust her, is skeptical about her and say they don’t talk game with her… she seems to know a lot about their business and spreads it all around the house making new targets and strengthening others.

        Austin: I like Austin, he has horrible judgement and a huge ego like Jeff. He thinks he is the boss but lets be honest Vanessa owns his ass. He is Vanessa’s Victoria except he has the possibility to win something.

        Liz/Julia: It depends if the twin gets in the house… twins have an Alpha and a Beta they work as a team but they could totally flip when the twin comes in the house. So everything you thought you knew about Liz maybe about change and we were all wrong about her… God I hope she does not come in, because I hate the twin twist.

        Meg: Gut feeling she is bad news. I think the thing that I have noticed about her is she can sit in a room with Jeff and James as they talk nasty and crude and she does not show even a hint that it grosses her out, she can even lie in bed with them and pseudo cuddle up to them…. then when talking to the girls talk about how gross it is…. I don’t know that says something. I just have the feeling that is the person I am going to dislike in about 2-3 weeks… she is shady.

        Becky: She is the red pen that has to correct everyone… she is going to get old fast and if she ever gets the power all week she have the audited that she is the boss and they have to do what she wants, Shelli: much like Shelli is doing now. If this was not the Season of Shady Shelli would be having a colossal hissy fit right about now and boy toy would be paying for it.

        Clay: He thinks he s boss and that he is charming… yet he is a pawn/ disposable much like Caleb last Season.He thinks he controls Shelli but really dude??? he is run by Vanessa or Jeff.

        James: I want to like him… but he is just a disposable until he gets power… then they like him… after that just a houseguest to control and dispose of.

        Jason: I like him he knows what is going on… but he suffers from one huge negative trait… he loves the sound of his own voice… the best thing for him is to get out Jeff and Austin… he could rule the House with Vanessa. He is the opposite as most of the on the outside he looks like a pawn disposable but come jury stage he is going to own those houseguests.

        I do not think this will happen… but if they ever evict Vanessa that house is going to have an EGO EXPLOSION big time time… My father used to say “They are fighting to show who is the Bull Moose.”, That is what will happen.

        1. haha … love it… Becky is the red pen … great comparison! I think you are right about everyone!!

  4. I was starting to like Jason but after he opened his big mouth about the twin twist, I hope he’s next to go. The only reason I want Day to stay is, she will be the only to put sheli and Clay on the block. I don’t see anyone else targeting theme which is stupid.

  5. The problem u have with Meg is that she is in with Jeff. The stupid girl has a crush on this pathetic loser. Jeff will end her game along with his own very soon. Jeff keeps fucking with Vanessa. Trust me u do not wana be in Nessa’s cross hairs Jeff u bloated blow fish. Tell me he doesn’t look like a blow fish? Ha.

    1. Tht isn’t my problem with Meg. I have seen her in the room with Jeff and James and they get crude and she doesn’t even blink… but late you find out it disgusts her. She flirts with James because she thinks he will keep her safe… I just have a gut feeling about her later on.. she is shady.

  6. I seriously cannot even stomach watching Shelli anymore she makes me want to throw up! I know Da is going home this week but it would be the BEST twist ever would be for Kathy to say the last laugh twist wasnt the 7th phone call and announce that the evicted houseguest could then choose one houseguest to accompany her out the door!! I would LOVE to see Shelli’s smirk fade then as she realizes that she HAS to leave as well as Da and she could no longer lay in bed and play with her Boy Toy Clay!

    1. First of all this is just a GAME !
      and I disagree with you as I don’t see how changing the twist is a good idea for BBUS in general. Changing twists last minute undermines the integrity of the game itself. It shows how good game play and social manipulation are not rewarded. Just accept the fact that although Day is entertaining she has not been a very good game player. Her emotions have disbarred her from gaining any ground on being a good game player. She has blown up too many times in order to save her.

      1. Da’s screeching thing gets really, old really fast. I thought I would like her and when she is normal voiced, I do. But the screaming and blow ups – I am glad they are leaving.

    2. If Day got to choose, you think she wouldn’t pick Audrey? Part of her rage is that she’s going before Audrey- she would definitely pick her to go with her.

  7. If Johnie Mac stirs the pot and votes out Meg, I’ll have some faith in him. He is low man on Shelly and Clay’s totem pole, and he should see that.

    1. I love how everyone in the house keeps saying that Steve is playing like Ian when Johnny is literally playing Ian’s exact game. He wins when he needs and he’s someones lapdog but that’s only for now. Or he could always lose the same way Judd did a few seasons ago

  8. If these people were smart at all they would get out Jeff or Clay next week. These 2 are trying to run the show and decide everyone’s fate. There is no reason to get rid of either Liz or Audrey yet they have huge targets on their backs and can be used as huge decoys. Jeff is in everyones ear trying to turn everyone against each other so he is not put on the block and Clay is using Shelli to do his dirty work.

  9. “who knows about the twin twist” someone asks, like seriously.

    who doesn’t know about it would be easier to answer: austin.

    even Liz knows about the twin twist.

    I can’t believe that Day took what could have been a super easy flip for her to use on liz, and completely blew it up. for that reason plus flipping off at what used to be her alliance or friendlies (clay, jeff and shelli) really she needs to go. she went all Devin on them, it is ridiculous when she could have sat pretty not winning any comps like she was

    instead people’s heads go right to her, instead of Jeff and jackie where they should be. Non BB players already been on TV should have been the first to go, instead we pick off others like what a waste of time

  10. Whats sad is that in the first twelve seasons or so, this power would have been huge.. Recent seasons make it almost useless. If Davonne finds the right combo and this power saves Her, I’m good with that. But of all the votes She thinks She has, I would bet almost none actually follow through.

    But I gotta tell You, This group is way better than 15 and 16..It was painful as hell to watch them. I was definitely grateful Simon and Dawg created this site to commiserate on how bad those casts sucked….lol

    1. This season is definitely way more entertaining than last season. It’s been awhile since we’ve had HGs who snoop/eavesdrop/backstab and flip alliances so soon. Last year everybody was just waiting around to be famous while the blob alliance picked off the outsiders.

      This year we have players mostly determined to play. One of my only complaints is I’m tired of ‘super fans’ being brought into the game. They come in knowing the ebb/flow of the game and taint, what would otherwise be a natural flow (outside of Production interference) of strangers trying to blaze a path to a $500K pay day.

  11. These people cannot shut up! Literally no one knows how to keep info that they could use later on. As for Day, she will never have a chance because no matter what Audrey does she gets the blame for it or suffers the consequences. It’s insane! Also why is everyone an Austin fan? He’s such a disappointment, constantly complaining about the other house guests, wanting to just making it to jury and hating Day for no reason. If it wasn’t for Vanessa, he’d be sitting outside all day knowing about the game.

  12. I hope anyone who are always put up as pawns wins H.O.H. Love to see what they will do once they have the power in their own hands. I have a feeling that Meg would be a follower. Steve, Becky and John are also most likely to follow the house, but hoping they will have a backbone and put up a power player instead of going for Audrey or Liz.

  13. Simon and Dawg….

    Just want you to know you have my utmost respect. If I had to listen to and report on everything these vipers and morons say and do, my head would explode.

  14. If you any of you actually watched cast interviews you would know this is Meg’s stratedgy. She’s laying low and going with the first weeks in order to be able to make big moves later on.

  15. Producers, let’s make the Last Laugh an actual Last Laugh that would affect the game: instead of being… More
    56 minutes ago

  16. I think the next comp is like the bb11 comp when jessie won. Mostly like Austin or Jeff will win maybe clay or james/jason will win the comp and maybe steve. I think there plans is to get out liz or audrey. Shelli and Clay are dumb they have dumb people everywhere and choose to stay loyal to vanessa and austin which they know are pro poker player and wrestler. Wrestler and poker player always lie in their game or match why trust them. If was I there I would not trust them. If there america hoh or mvp my targets are shelli first, clay, and vanessa. Shelli is annoying me for some reason on the feeds and on the episodes. So when is jeff probst or neil patrick harris or even drew carey or the whole talk cast will be the bbtakeover. I don’t think anyone from past houseguest be the bbtakeover which sucks. Jeff probst will be an idol or two votes or something crazy. Players I hate shelli, vanessa, clay, meg, and james. First on my hit list will be shelli.

  17. My prefect alliance would definitely Austin Vannasa shelli Steve Liz and Jonny..Mabry Audrey.
    The worst alliance would be James Jeff Meg Jackie Clay and Mabry Audrey.

  18. Can someone let me know what’s up with Johny Mac though? I really don’t understand his following? Seeing as I don’t have the live feeds, just these posts and TV. Is he super funny on the feeds?
    What I do know is he threw that comp?!!… and put himself on the block for 12 not well known people to decide his fate. I also know, his voice is unbearable to me, and I scramble to turn the volume down when hes on!

  19. What in the sweet potatoes is Day talking about? I like the girl, but she (and Jason too) talk almost completely in random metaphors. Come to think of it, most of ’em talk in random metaphors, like they’re stream of conscience rapping.

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